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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. I’m saying if you’re not using your chair the courteous thing to do to your fellow cruisers is make the chair available. I do understand that common courtesy is no longer common and it’s all about me me me.
  2. Oh I'd love to be able to go on one of the Freedom's TAs. I love that ship!
  3. Enjoy! Freeport is actually a port I've been reminiscing about lately. It was the very first stop on my very first cruise.
  4. Maybe they were increasing their automatic grats? Plenty of reasons to go to guest services, especially the last night of the cruise.
  5. I heard "likely soon turn a profit" from $CCL 6 months ago...wake me up when it happens.
  6. It was a tongue-in-cheek comment and I realize that does not come across in text. My point was "cash flow positive" is irrelevant. "Profitable" is a relevant term but has largely alluded the cruise industry for nearly three years now.
  7. I agree with what some are saying - longer cruises during the school year are a different experience than the short cruises over holidays or during Summer. But a lot of it is still the same. The cabin, the food, and the crew are all mostly the same. The main difference is just the passengers you're sharing the cruise with.
  8. Wow, when I went to Bermuda on Ecstasy we docked at King's Wharf. Using the ship's small tenders would be a pain to say the least.
  9. 3 million guests and still not profitable... I have no idea what "but they're cash flow positive" means if they're still reporting quarterly losses. And judging by the stock's performance, nobody else does either.
  10. I don’t think any cruise company that’s publicly traded has been profitable for going on three years (since March 2020)
  11. Currently there is only one place for cruise ships in Freeport, here: https://goo.gl/maps/E8in43VfKAruCn5k9
  12. I mean it is possible that the ship arrives late. It is very rare but it does happen - just happened to the Glory in NOLA today or yesterday, was reported on here. Not sure why in that case. You can't prepare for every eventuality or you'd never even crawl out of bed in the morning. I'd feel comfortable with your plan if it were my trip.
  13. Let guest services know you have an early flight, they should let you get off the ship right after platinum/diamond cruisers, especially if you self-assist (carry your own luggage off). You will easily be off the ship and at the airport by 8AM if you hustle.
  14. What if you just use the chair for as long as you'd like to use it. And when you're done using it, even if you're just going to eat at the buffet and cool off in the A/C for 30 minutes, you remove your belongings from the chair so others can use it. Just a thought...
  15. I only cruise when school is in session - not necessarily for the kids. Because the adults that can't cruise when their kids are in school! I haven't had a really good Guy's burger since the restart either, sadly. I'm not ready to write them off but I don't look forward to them like I used to.
  16. When they made the tests they didn't know how long they would be effective and so were conservative. As the tests have been out longer and they have a better idea as to their longevity they can adjust expiration dates.
  17. I know one is Latin Nights. I can't recall the others, sorry - hopefully someone will chime in with the others they're playing.
  18. Carnival does allow each guest to bring on one 12-pack per person...
  19. Someone else reported a few weeks ago that the $5/6 games were gone on their sailing too but I forget which ship they were on.
  20. My most recent Sunshine cruises (feb and may 2022) they had Sprite at least in the comedy club bar. Considering carnival switched to Pepsi well before COVID I really doubt they had that much sprite on the ship for that long to still have it left over.
  21. A couple threads of the Pride at least this season make me think NCL would be worth the extra... This year Carnival seems to have cut to the bone to try to be profitable, well they're still not profitable and people are having horrible experiences in Europe on Pride. Standing for hours in a hot shed waiting for embarkation, no hot water to take a shower, hours-long waits for a tender boat at tender ports, rusty holes in the deck by the pool, crew grabbing children, more and more. Maybe next year will be better.
  22. https://help.carnival.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1173/~/guest-recognition---milestone-rewards-program
  23. That has been my experience, yes, if you both have the same offer on your VIFP offers for the same cruise, then you both will receive DOU.
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