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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. Yes, there are no open container laws on a Carnival ship.
  2. They don't want the entire promenade deck smelling like a pool hall so even on ships where the casino bar still exists, it's entirely non-smoking now. The Casino is now only supposed to be smoking when actively playing at designated tables or machines, although enforcement of that rule is about as scant as most others.
  3. The pizza place is now the only place to eat after 10:00 PM fleetwide. Or at least, after the deli closes. The "late night snacks" buffet is nixed, instead the pizza place will serve Stouffer's lasagna in addition to pizza.
  4. How long ago was that? I don't think the Deli has any frozen sandwiches anymore. Everything that I've ordered anyway is fresh made to order.
  5. I wish I could get the Carnival app to run on my Android Fire tablet. They're only like $50 brand new too. It's perfect I use it for reading on the cruise etc. But the Carnival app won't install. I'm not really interested in buying another device but that might be a good option for some.
  6. Fully agree. I enjoyed being able to unplug. People on here say you can ask for paper menus and check in at the door etc. But after the second day it gets tiring having to explain to the crew that you just don't want to use your phone on vacation. So I gave in. I don't like it but it is what it is.
  7. Thanks, I figured when I saw all the ads it was just blogspam.
  8. Gratuity is automatically added when you purchase. Tipping onboard is optional and not expected because you pay gratuity when you purchase Cheers. Tax will be charged when in US waters (maybe 50 cents to 75 cents per drink) until the ship gets out to sea, even with Cheers. If the party can drink at least $120 per day in drinks then Cheers is worth it. If not, then it's not.
  9. warm water lobsters aren't really lobsters.
  10. No Carnival has never been luxury but it used to be nicer than it is now. I don't know if culture or Carnival has shifted - my guess is a little of both. As others have said though, you can still get that type of experience on a cruise ship - just not on a Carnival ship.
  11. Correct, as of May the 3:2 tables were $25 minimum. I am not sure if things have changed since.
  12. I agree, but at least the mass market lines it seems the days of feeling pampered are over.
  13. I guess my main question is why would a vegetarian even consider eating at a steakhouse. Although I certainly agree a spaghetti and tomato sauce meal isn't commensurate with the upcharge, it is vegetarian and this venue typically does not have vegetarian menus available. I do believe that Guy's can prepare you a vegetarian burger by request. They do not keep them prepared so there will be a wait for them however. What did guest services say when you mentioned the unacceptable state of your cabin with left behind clothing and food? Outside of that it really sounds like the typical overcrowded summer Carnival cruise - frankly exactly why my wife and I do not cruise in the summer time.
  14. My theory is they're not adding it to the app because the phone adds friction, reducing orders. And because they're going to start charging for everything soon anyway so they'd have to redo it when that happens.
  15. Some travel agent sites allow searching by destination (maybe not a specific island but can be more granular than just Bahamas or Caribbean) but we cannot mention specific TAs here so best to ask Uncle Google.
  16. I don't think the smallest public cruise line has the power to affect the market at large.
  17. You can't order any included food from the HUB app at all can you?
  18. I agree - I've done guarantee rates a few times and only once has it not worked out in my favor. But that one time was a last minute cruise where the cruise was leaving in like 4 days so they gave me basically what was left. Other than that, all the rooms have been on good decks in good locations and I paid less than if I had picked those rooms myself. So I am a fan of GTY bookings, at least for Carnival with casino rates.
  19. It has definitely helped check-in times I would say. The concern of theft just doesn't happen. The room is empty because the cards are still outside of it, so what does the thief have to gain if they steal your card? Try the new system before you get all up in arms. You will agree it works better.
  20. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule but yes I've always had elegant night on the 2nd night of a cruise. The prime rib is good but it's not anything I'd lose sleep over if I did miss it. The steakhouse is a much better meal. You can always wait to book the steakhouse for when you get onboard, unless you have to have a specific day or time or really want to pay for it before the cruise for some reason.
  21. I don't think there are any bunk bed oceanview cabins. The bunk bed cabins are usually all interiors, or portholes. Guarantee cabins can be assigned any time up to and including during check-in at the pier. Typically they're assigned around the time you complete online check-in however. So I'd say it should be assigned in about a month.
  22. The last estimates I read was that only about 65% of Americans opted for the vaccines. And less than half of the vaccinated chose to boost. So it's really poor business to continue to restrict their product to a little more than half of the country. It's one thing when government is forcing you to do that, but that's not the case anymore.
  23. I don't even chew mine! Just slide it down my throat like a snake! That way I can appreciate the entire strand of pasta.
  24. I will! Thank you! So simple and I did not even think! 🙂 I don't want a baked potato every night but I do like them.
  25. I don't notice many changes on this menu. I got the fried chicken once and it was about 50/50 bones to meat ratio and way overcooked. The beef tenderloin is quite good, I don't know if it's new or not though. I wish the dining room served baked potatoes more. They used to be served a lot more often than they are now. Not sure why they moved away from them - maybe too much waste. The half potatoes they serve with the prime rib are always overcooked for me.
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