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Everything posted by zqvol

  1. So you have decided, based on a few non professional photos, that the food is bad. That is just sad.
  2. Changing to Regent is like going from a Volkswagen or a Cadillac. Not at all the same and not a fair comparison. If you can go on Regent why in heavens name would you be on NCL?
  3. Outing you can say changes the fact that it is inconsiderate, and the fact that you don’t understand that makes the original statement more powerful.
  4. The porters will have luggage tags when you drop your luggage off. Dont forget your passports
  5. Bar Harbor for this year is not frozen to all cruise traffic over 1000 passengers. It all depends on when the cruise line booked their spot. Many cruises are still going to Bar Harbor as scheduled.
  6. Very inconsiderate to do this, you may be preventing someone else from booking. This is a prime example of the “me” mentality.
  7. The odds are that they retake them anyway, and yes it is 10 seconds or less per person.
  8. On my last three cruises they have been on the counter. I guess different stewards do it differently.
  9. They have to be carried on, they cannot be in checked luggage.
  10. The true art is to book a real luxury line and you don’t have these issues.
  11. They don’t put anything in them any longer.
  12. Simple extension cords are NOT forbidden, only power strips with a surge protector.
  13. Never saw it on Epic, if available it will be expensive.
  14. I have never been on any ship that does not have room under the beds for suitcases.
  15. Probably sold out already. My 2 Canada/NE cruises have numerous excursions to the Anne house.
  16. Should not be an issue as long as the category is the same. Just make a call.
  17. Probably because it has nothing relevant in it.
  18. Two booze cruises. I vote for neither.
  19. The obvious choice for OP is one of the following: Seabourn Silver Sea Regent Sea Dream Yacht Club nothing else is going to suffice.
  20. That is for embarking and debarking, not port of call stops.
  21. I have never heard of early bird tendering on any of my over 10 NCL cruises. Pretty sure it doesn’t exist.
  22. Of course they do . . . Getting a refill might take forever.
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