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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Thank you for sharing! Wishing you a speedy and complete healing. Not easy but worth it for permanent recovery!
  2. Just happened to me boarding a plane at the bottom of an escalator, the couple ahead stopped suddenly . Arggh and with carry on and people behind me!
  3. I always assumed this as well, but in England I am totally confounded because sometimes they do, but often they don’t🤷‍♀️😂
  4. Good morning and thanks all! @puppycanducruise special heavenly birthday to your brother, gone way too soon! I am truly sorry your family had to suffer such a loss! @Haljo1935special heavenly birthday to your grandmother. @cat shepard I am glad your sister is recovering, hope the AFib can be easily dealt with. Pace yourself, sending hugs! @JazzyV so glad you are progressing! @rafinmdyou're in my thoughts,hope the referral is helpful. Good to see @marshhawkand @Seasick Sailor posting! Thanks for the kind wishes for DGD’s Labrador, he had the emergency surgery yesterday and it went well. He has to stay at the animal hospital for a day or two as it was pretty major. I am so thankful as the loss of her first two year old Lab, was very traumatic. Also thankful, they had pet insurance! Unfortunately, we had a midnight visit of the Koningsdam last night due to a medical evacuation. Hoping the patients recover quickly! We had a fabulous day visiting Hilo, and later the summit of Mauna Kea for sunset was sublime. You are above the clouds.
  5. Safe travels! You must be out always yet. Edited, looks like you’re by captain cook, so not that far now. Hope all goes well.
  6. @cat shepard I’m so glad she was looked after so promptly, Praying she has a smooth and quick recovery! Not in the same league, but we are very worried as our DGD’s companion lab is having emergency surgery tonight. She lost her first lab to lymphoma when he was only two so we’re really praying all shall be well! And they are away to compound things.
  7. Good morning and thanks all! A little bleary eyed after a bit too much good food last night for DS birthday celebration, and being awake for a couple of hours in the night. I am enjoying all the penguin photos and the polar bear, don’t want to miss anyone but thank you! @JazzyV glad you are seeing some positive outcomes! May they continue! @cat shepard sending my caring wishes that you get quick answers and good treatment for your sister! Thanks for the Canadian Wine description. @summer slope that is like the drink I had at the Guinness gravity bar in Dublin, yum! I don’t like beer but the black current really enhances it. @AncientWandererhoping your migraine treatment works Maxine, and that you get lucky with Japan. I think it took three times for us, I’m happy to answer any questions I can if you wish. We both really enjoyed that trip immensely, it’s exotic yet safe. We found it very easy to get around and language wasn’t the barrier we were worried about. @Sharon in AZhope Craig soon recovers. It’s difficult with elderly parents when things start to go sideways. Sending hugs! more of the locals😍
  8. Thanks all! Very late to the party as we were celebrating DS birthday! 🥳 Another of my favourite Pisces
  9. We have stayed in Orvieto and it is an easy train ride from Rome, Termini. But we would not recommend staying near Termini. We agree with Hank, stay near FCO the last night. You don’t need a car for Orvieto, but it’s easy to leave it in the large parking lot by the train station, then you can explore both the town and the area. Highly recommend the non touristy Citta del Pieve for beautiful church and art as well local beef and cacio de Pepe. In October it is truffle season, do try them! We have also enjoyed Viterbo, lots to see and do in the area. A easy drive from Civatavecchia and FCO. Particularly recommend, Villa Farnese and the interesting monster gardens near Villa Lante. Viterbo itself hosts some international music, and is an interesting place as well but not on most tourists radar. If you go try the local speciality. of olive and potato stuffed chicken.
  10. It’s only on the .com not .ca. site. If it won’t ship to Canada, let me know and I can bring some extra back.
  11. Good morning and thanks all! @smitty34877 it’s not always easy to talk about what lies so heavy on our hearts, sending hugs! I agree with Graham that a visit to the ocean can help. When my brother died, I thought the crashing of the waves reflected my anger, but it also soothed me. @Haljo1935 sending hugs, such a hard loss! @StLouisCruisers sorry to hear of the loss of Bob! We too love British shows, and alternate between Acorn and Britbox. We currently are enjoying Silk! We have gotten PBS also through Prime at times. @ger_77 I bought Bonine aka meclizine from Amazon.com
  12. @kazu thanks so much for your kind words. I lost my brother young and it shaped my life. It’s not a club anyone wants to join as you so well know. And it is important that people get the help they need. Sadly I think we don’t talk about grief But do about politics and religion way more. I sure hope your elbow is cooperating a bit more.
  13. Good morning and thanks to all for your kind condolences. I know my friend is very worried about her granddaughters, so hard to lose a parent so young. I worked a lot with teens who lost their parents and it is a very difficult time. On a happier note, Kona has been our winter home for many years so I have literally thousands of photos. But I will share just a few
  14. @grapau27no mistake lol. Thought you were trying to be funny. I think I know your dashboard better than mine. my ocean view today.
  15. @BermudaBound2014 I am wondering if you need to update your screen name, lol! but seriously how nice of you to share this lovely gesture! Organizing tours is a ton of work, and it often goes unrecognized but sometimes…. @canadianbearhow thoughtful! So nice to recognize that effort! Always proud of my fellow Canadians!
  16. Good morning and thanks all! I think Green is very wise, I really enjoyed his novel the Fault in Our stars. Helsinki is a beautiful city, especially the cathedral and the church that Sandi, Lenda and Tony already showed. But it is special for me as on our second visit, I checked our email in the city hall and immediately burst into happy tears as I saw the ultrasound photo of our first grandchild. @sailingdutchy we also loved the old Rotterdam! I have been reading but not posting as recently my good friend of many years lost her son. All loss is difficult, but loss of a child seems particularly tragic. wishing @JazzyVgood results today! @richwmn so sorry to hear you had to miss Kangaroo island! Our friends told us about the penguins.
  17. Good morning and thanks all! Welcome back cruisers! Happy family day! And presidents day! So sad to hear the news in Minnesota, unfortunate that these people take others with them. I’ve attended one line of duty funeral and that was more than enough! I know how it affects the families and other officers. @kochleffel wait a week or two before making those decisions. Utah is absolutely gorgeous and you can see a lot without intense hiking. Agree about how flying is no fun anymore, as I anticipate a red eye home in a few weeks, but it has been so worth it!
  18. I am unsure of exactly what you are referring to, but would be very cautious as I am familiar with several people getting cancelled close to their dates due to “plumbing issues”. YMMV That being said I would look in Venice in Cannaregio or Castello. We stayed in a two bed apartment that we rented through a hotel. They also provided breakfast. It had laundry. We also had a three bedroom VRBO on the north side but it was many flights of stairs. Be aware that second floor is equivalent to North American 3 rd floor. IMO the sooner the better.
  19. Good morning and thanks all! Bon voyage @cat shepard @Nickelpenny Welcome home to the Koningsdam sailors! RIP Navalny! Otaru is famous for sushi, where the chefs go to learn, beautiful enamelled jewelry boxes and glassware as well as a steam clock. Suggest you don’t miss the shuttle, as it’s a very long walk into town and after clearing customs that took ages. IMG_1720.mov
  20. I’m another Hawaii lover, so happy to follow along! Agree about the special energy in Hawaii, very healing. Last nights waves were amazing!
  21. Yikes on the coyote attacks! We had part of our provincial park closed last year because of attacks. Mostly during denning season, and some dog owners let their dogs run off leash where they shouldn’t. But they are losing their fear and have been walking in groups of six right across from where we live. Scary for sure! We really enjoyed the Fado show we went to as well. Such a different style of music.
  22. Love seeing these more off the beaten path scenes! I remember reading your live thread when you were there. I would love to return, DH for the tarts alone!
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