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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Glad you’re having fun! The captain cook off sounds like a hoot! Need more details on the invisible wine, it that it’s name? Safe travels!
  2. Good morning and thanks all! Have enjoyed Cork years ago, before digital, lol! Sending gentle hugs and care to @HAL Sailer@smitty34877 @Quartzsite Cruiser@MISTER 67 our neighbour who had the stoke is back in hospital with a brain bleed, so needing prayers as well. We’re so fortunate to see some lovely creatures, although for the first time we were stopped by conservation officers as there had been some poachers. We only hunt with a camera and saw this lovely short eared owl and it’s mate.
  3. Sending a few more! I’m so sorry, you must feel so helpless, let’s hope today is better.,
  4. Good morning, today is Remembrance Day in Canada. We give thanks and remember those who served. We have many to remember in our family from both world wars. It is truly moving to see names of family engraved on the memorial of Vimy ridge. @*Miss G* grateful for your first husband service! @smitty34877 happy birthday to your grandchildren! @NextOne so glad they caught your AFib, my mother had it and lived into her late 90s as does my aunt.
  5. Just wanted to say thanks, so nice to read a civil discussion!
  6. Good morning and thanks all! Hoping everyone stays safe in Florida. Prayers and good wishes for everyone on the care and celebration lists, Lots of great photos from Cartagena, I’ll add a few more as we climbed up to the fortress!
  7. What a lovely and moving tribute to Jose! You did well as did HAL in Organizing this touching moment! Shedding a few tears myself. I am so glad you had the lovely night in Cadiz and the song was very special I’m sure. I am beyond disgusted with how difficult your disembarkation was, inexcusable in this day and age. They need to up their game, as it shouldn’t be an afterthought how to deal with those who are disabled.
  8. Good morning and thanks all! The drink and soup look great. Appreciate all the info on pumpkin @dfish Glad you’re getting settled. Prayers for everyone on the list. @marshhawk add me to the too early camp! We enjoy art museums, some of the small ones are particularly nice, the Musee Cluny and Marmottan in Paris, The Frick in NYC, the Wit de Witt in Rotterdam. Venice has many excellent lesser known ones, and going during the Biennale is wonderful. Our first trip ever to England in the 70’s we visited near Ifracombe, Lynton and Lynmouth and Lee abbey. This is beautiful Lorna Doone country. No photos from then, but our last trip to England we visited Devon and Cornwall again. The coast is spectacular! We stayed in a lovely farmhouse BnB near Bodmin moor. We visited Port Isaac where Doc Martin is filmed. There is a particularly high end restaurant if you have deep pockets in Port Isaac where it is filmed, The only issue is whether to eat your scones with jam on top or bottom of the cream, depending on if you’re in Cornwall or Devon, lol
  9. Good morning and thanks all! We’ve enjoyed snorkelling in Bonaire, but much prefer Kona, Hawaii. @MISTER 67 hope your poor finger will heal now! Yikes! @Quartzsite Cruiser oh no! But so glad Steve is getting the care he needs. Prayers for a speedy discovery. @luvteachinghoping your DH continues to improve We’re up to 13 inches of snow in one week, boy are we glad we hired snow removal!
  10. Having stayed once near Termini, never again. While our hotel was nice, the area is not and I did not feel safe, walking by open drug use. YMMV. That plus the distance to the sights have made us choose other areas that are safe to walk around in the evenings nearer to the Centro storico,
  11. The gala dinner menus sound great, but no lobster? I can’t believe they are going to upcharge on the upcharged Pinnacle. Wow! Haven’t seen Helen since Aruba years ago.
  12. Good morning and thanks all! The cornbread chili is interesting! And I’d love a blue Hawaii! Not sure about retinol day? I’m far too aware of cancer, my dear aunt just diagnosed with another major one, sadly too elderly for surgery. Glad for good treatment personally, although I lost my DB at 30 to brain cancer. So thankful early detection helps in most cases, particularly skin cancers. I think bears are magnificent, but wouldn’t hug one!
  13. Orvieto is also a short train ride of about an hour, a very interesting town with a stunning cathedral.
  14. I’ve been able to call and get the information, but needed to go through the TA to book it.
  15. @StLouisCruisers and @kazu Yes our grand dog is a he, Our DSIL needed another male with three daughters, lol! That’s cool that he looks like Kazu! He has lovely amber eyes as he had chocolate siblings.
  16. My experience is that an Upsell must be done through the TA unless you booked directly. I have also been told that Upsell’s don’t go to everyone, not sure if that’s true or not.
  17. Good morning and thanks all! Such lovely photos from so many! Sending caring thoughts to the many struggling, named or unnamed! @HAL Sailerhoping things settle for you soon! @kazu hope you can enjoy your cruise! @rafinmd enjoy! @Vict0riann nice news about the Sheltie rescue, my aunt had a lovely blue Merle We are currently dog sitting our lovely grand dog
  18. I’m just so sorry you keep getting handed more lemons! Praying you have a lovely relaxing cruise in that Neptune, sounds like the best place to recuperate. I had a knee issue onboard and the ships doctor advised the stewards place a life preserver under the mattress at the foot of the bed. The elevation really helped me, not sure if that would be helpful to you , but they were so accommodating for me.
  19. Ooh those tapas! The asparagus looks so yummy, and I think I recognize those teabags😂
  20. You have brought tears to your eyes! What wonderful people! Sending hugs and hope you heal quickly!
  21. Enjoyed your photos, I was thinking of Parc Guell, so this is new for me! Hope you heal well and soon, never fun when one’s way. Time for your luck to change!
  22. rabbit rabbit RABBIT! ANd GRRRRR, I couldn’t login here and two other places. Le sigh! good news from @smitty34877 let the healing begin! thank you for the photos Lenda and Sandi! It’s on my list! And the interesting info @kochleffel
  23. Yikes! Sending healing thoughts @kazu @ger_77hoping for good news for you soon!
  24. @ger_77oh no! If you had confirmed flights with KLM they are on the hook for replacements. This is just so wrong, and so is HALs response! WestJet may have some flights. I hope you can straighten it out. @smitty34877 and @AncientWanderer my dad had RA and it was so difficult to watch the level of suffering. I’m glad there are more treatments now. People confuse it with arthritis, and it is so not the same.
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