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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Wow., Bon voyage @Horizon chaser 1957enjoy! @Rowsby you go girl! We’re hoping for two months next year! @summer slope I’ll ask my friends, but their internet is sporadic. Hope all our Florida friends stay safe!
  2. It depends on when you asked me, we bought several years ago and have lost several thousand dollars. We did enjoy the benefits, but would have been much further ahead if we hadn’t purchased.
  3. Good morning and thanks all! @Cruising-along happy anniversary! @aliaschief I think it’s a good reminder, as we often let our guard down here as we are among friends, but it is a public forum, so caution is wise. @kazu yay on the holiday cruise, it will be good to be in a different situation and lots of fun! @Sharon in AZyikes on the costs, hope that gets sorted! @ger_77 glad your DH can access his booster. I am not sure whether to take this moderna BA1, or wait for the Pfizer for BA4/5. Or if I should visit the US to get that one if that’s possible? Now without masking on the airplanes I’m more nervous. Hard to know what is best as we all navigate these changing times! My friend is enjoying the Volendam, good food and other than some rain she’s enjoying the cruise, Stay safe all!
  4. @cat shepard sounds like a wonderful end to your trip! Wondering what hotel you stayed at in Vancouver? @aliaschief a good reminder! I think it’s easy to let our guard down as we are amongst friends, but it’s a public forum so always good to be careful.
  5. Good morning and thanks all. Interesting recipes on the hibiscus, I’ve had tea that beautiful colour. Thankful for my High School French class where I met DH😍 @Vict0riann sorry to hear you and Pat caught Covid cruise, I hope you recover quickly! Is this your first bout? @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the photos of Heraklion/Iraklia and Knossos, We love Crete and have spent nearly two months on that lovely island. We’ve enjoyed the great museum in Heraklion but find the city less charming than others. Another interesting nearby place to visit is the ancient Malia Palace. Dailyites would love the amphoras that hold 1000 litres of wine 🤷‍♀️😂🥂
  6. A wise choice, the new shingles vaccine can hit quite hard.
  7. @marshhawk welcome home, I hear you on Shetland! I want to visit there!
  8. Good morning and thanks all. Particularly of the photos of the Volendam, I have a good friend onboard. Hoping all goes well for her and the cruise! @kazu glad you seem to be weathering the storm. Hope it passes all without too much damage.
  9. Good morning and thanks all! Hoping Fiona passes safely and Debbie finds a new home. DH lost an aunt at age 21 to ovarian, my aunt who also had it, is fortunately extremely lucky and is 95. stay safe walking all! A pine cone resulted in a a broken elbow for me. Some lovely sand hill cranes about to migrate,
  10. I tried to post these spinner dolphins earlier, but CC was not having it, They are truly amazing when they jump out of the water and spin like a ballerina.
  11. @0106 yes on both dolphins and elephants! we have been blessed many times in the wild with dolphins
  12. A few more photos of Anchorage, we spent quite a lot of time there, make sure to see the museum and go to Mooses tooth pub for pizza and salad and the F street station for halibut and chips.
  13. Good morning and thanks all! Sorry so many are off to a rocky start this fall! @*Miss G* i am so sorry to hear of the loss of your DFIL. And airline woes on top, but it sounds like you can be rerouted that will be a good thing. As from AMS to FRA MAN is out of the way. Who did you book with? That is usually who can help. @kazu I am exhausted just reading your list, hoping the storm passes safely! @StLouisCruisers how is your knee? I’m hoping you have had some improvement. Milano is lovely, the Italian lakes even more so. @dfish I truly hope something better will come along, you deserve it! @smitty34877 glad Tana’s visit went well, sorry to hear about your insurance coverage, sigh! Enjoying the discussion of standards, the first car I drove was a three on the tree, first car I bought was a 65 Mustang convertible 289 cobra jet, four speed! Such fun! DH had a standard super bee 383 magnum and DB a dodge demon 340 and then a Camaro. Sigh! My two muscle cars, the second was a 1970 Mustang Mach one, 351 Cleveland that I wish I had kept.
  14. Good morning and thanks all! @dfish glad to hear the repair worked! Yum on those tostadas, love Mexican food! @kazu glad you got the SUV back, hope the storm passes safely! Oh Melissa, what wonderful news! Hoping all shall be well! Life truly turns on a dime, glad you felt you could share here. Wishing you strength and peace as you navigate these difficult times.
  15. Not even worth getting off the ship, we were going to walk over after the locks to the shopping area, and part way there in closed in passageway DH said No! His spidy senses which are highly attuned went off. This has only happened one other time in a dock area.
  16. Late today because I have been glued to the tv, with many tears. Truly the end of the era Impressive to see all the planning and how the commonwealth was included. I too was very proud to see the Mounties leasing the procession. The queen loved the horses Canada gave her, her favourite Burmese, she rode for twenty years and is buried at Windsor. The Royal Canadian mounted police rode Canadian horses that had been gifted to the queen and have Been ridden by the royals During her jubilee. Such amazing planning and tribute to Her Majesty.
  17. Yes, I should have said Immigration, the scanning is much quicker.
  18. We had a a wonderful tour with him as well to the ancient cities of Priene, Miletus and Didyma.
  19. Good morning and thanks all! We’ve enjoyed visiting Livorno several times, but as we love Lucca we highly recommend visiting there. Riding the walls on a bicycle is a lot of fun!
  20. Congratulations, we had an aft wrap Neptune once as a paid upgrade and it was absolutely amazing. The only downside truly is you will want it again and again….
  21. Good morning and thanks all! Nice to hear good news @kazu and @smitty34877, let’s hope the streak continues! I had a good oncologist check yesterday, And the smoke has cleared here today! Yum on the drink and dinner! We have also been fortunate to have both red pandas and giant pandas in our zoo in the past. @dfish mole is my fave, thanks! I’m hoping the inspection goes well, I’m sure things will work out. Real estate is tricky cause it’s just not business, it’s personal. We have an outstanding realtor and when our son placed an offer in a very hot seller’s market, the realtor included a personal letter to the owner about why he wanted the house, I think it sealed the deal. It’s an interesting discussion about a constitutional monarchy, polls here are suggesting things may be revisited. The Queen will be an extremely hard act to follow. Interesting times. Our bromeliad is blooming for a third time and the orchids have new buds,
  22. Good morning and thanks all! @summer slope great drinks! The photos are wonderful! @dfishLove the recipes today, congratulations on the offer., always such a relief! @kazuhope the rain holds off, glad you’re going. @smitty34877 sending prayers for peace and strength as you navigate these challenges thought we could use some levity!
  23. Good morning and thanks all, the drink, the wine, the peanuts, the dumplings yum! And the quote, lol! @Cruzin Terri I feel your pain, we came home one winter to an ice dam that causes water leakage inside our home, the living room had to be taken down to studs, and they discovered asbestos so we needed it insulated from the rest of the house and a shower in the entrance for the workers safety and we had to move to a hotel, Sadly the repair took many months, the silver lining is we put in a huge new window, Hope you have a silver lining.
  24. Precovid we found into and out of terminal 5 pretty decent with improved very quick customs. That being said I would never choose less than three hours. Too much margin for error
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