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Everything posted by leck57

  1. I have read that these items not showing in your booking is quite common. Like you I have some OBC and the HIA package and can't find it anywhere. We also received 2 speciality restaurant dinners and $400 towards shore excursions and these both show up on the App and I have been able to book both with no cost to the account. I usually cruise Princess and if you have the drink package their system alerts you if you attempt to add any drinks package. As far as I can see the HAL system seems to let you go in and add a drink package even though you already have it included. I gather these things will appear on the App when we have boarded. I do have an email confirming we have OBC and HIA.
  2. Another vote for Blue Horizon. Easy walk to most places. Also recommend Earl's Kitchen and Bar which was within a minute's walk.
  3. We always go to the Crown Grill at least once per cruise. In the last 6 months we have been on the Emerald and Majestic. On the Emerald 6 months ago the meal was 10/10 however on the Majestic in November it was far below the usual standard and not cooked as ordered. I always have the rib eye. I think it comes down to the chef and where they get their meat. Aussie steak is top class but what I had on the more recent Aussie cruise was not that great.
  4. From my point of view I am happy that Port Blair was removed as I saw little attractive about the port plus, as you say, the cost to get a visa. Sorry that you have had this expense. Langkawi and Malacca were also cut but Langkawi is now back as well as different ports in Malaysia and a stop in Indonesia. We are also now overnighting in Penang. This is the new itinerary: 2/3 Singapore 2/4 At sea 2/5 Phuket 2/6 Phuket 2/7 Langkawi 2/8 Penang 2/9 Penang 2/10 Kuala Lumpur 2/11 Tanjungpinang, Indonesia 2/12Kuantan, Malaysia 2/13 At sea 2/14 Singapore
  5. We have received emails that excursions at Malacca and Langkawi are cancelled as we are not going there now and that one port in Malaysia (Kuantan) has been added. The date we are stopping in KL has also changed. No one on the Roll Call for this cruise has seen the revised itinerary as yet.
  6. We are on the same cruise and I've read that if a ship stays overnight they dock at the port and not in the bay off Patong. We've been to Phuket a few times but never by cruise ship and it seems the port is a fair way from Patong which is where you'd normally head. I've seen one site that states a taxi costs about $22-27 but I was wondering whether HAL arrange shuttle buses (at a cost I would assume). Patong is a good area to wander around, heaps of shops both cheap and normal and most involve bartering a price. Plenty of restaurants etc. It is where most of the main tourist hotels are located.
  7. Exactly why we attend them. Occasionally I might get some tips about upcoming ports but it's easy to leave if they aren't much fun. About an hour out of a sea day is no big deal to me on the chance I might get some useful info, as well as meet others on our private tours.
  8. Before we get off on to a discussion about the need for a desktop and monitors, I have a question please. We are about (in early Feb) to take our first HAL cruise after about 10 cruises with Princess. No issues with Princess but looking forward to a change. My question is, with Princess, after you have booked you get deluged with emails about excursions, specialty restaurants etc etc. There are also some useful ones about medical requirements, visas etc. Since booking with HAL (via a TA) I have received nothing from them. My TA sent me a link to the HAL site to input all our details and I have booked excursions and some restaurants, and have completed check-in. So, I think I have done everything but I am surprised I haven't received any emails whatsoever about the upcoming cruise. Is this normal? Thanks for any advice.
  9. Yes I agree, It seems to me that most cruise lines are very deceptive when it comes to sales. We get different Princess sales here but often get the up to 35% off launch fares. Most times it is 5% off and there is one cruise with the 35% off. Plus the free upgrade, but with the fine print that the upgrade is within the same cabin category, not an inside to a balcony etc. Celebrity are just as bad. Recently I received an email from them stating 75% off the second guest in a room. When I looked into one cruise the fares for a balcony for about 10 days was about $9,000 per person and with discount the fares were still way higher than what you would normally pay. I stay away from sales and just book a cruise I like if the price is right.
  10. All I can say is that after many Princess cruises, we have recently booked a HAL cruise for February next year. I have been checking in and making bookings, shore excursions on their system and it is an absolute breeze and pleasure after using the Princess IT crap for recent cruises.
  11. On Majestic about 3 weeks ago we had one hanging in the closet with the laundry charges sheet next to it.
  12. That is also what we did. I often found that the upcharge difference didn't make it on to my account. For $3 or $4 I got the impression the waiters often didn't bother as I had Plus anyway. My last cruise account had 4 wine upcharges but I upgraded many more times that that.
  13. We are on Westerdam from 3 Feb and only booked about 2 weeks ago. Before we booked the cruise was showing as sold out then it had a few cabins. I've checked a few times since and half the time it is sold out , next day heaps of cabins available. I doubt it is sold out so I'd keep checking.
  14. We are also on that cruise and I have received a written confirmation from HAL (via my TA) that a visa is not required to embark. The confirmation was written by the same bloke that responded to alaskasweetie. We have decided not to reward India for their inflexibility, nor wish to pay over $400 for a one day stop, so we will stay on board. HAL are not even offering any tours here so why bothher going there. I'd much rather another port or longer in one of the others.
  15. I think that's the best advice. On a very recent cruise around Southern Australia (Majestic), a couple of times my watch showed a crazy time and had Alaska as the location on screen. I assume that had something to do with the ships system but I have no real idea. My watched always synced but it seemed when we were way out at sea I saw these hugely inaccurate locations appear. When we were near the coast or in port all was fine. Fortunately the ships wake up call system works well, because with my watch changing time and zones in the night, I might have missed a few things if I relied on my watch alarm.
  16. Usually if someone is in quarantine there is a small table placed outside the cabin door and delivered meals are left on that. Due to Covid I found that more people were eating in their cabins in order to lessen risk of catching it.
  17. I'm similar to you. Tested positive the day we finished a Majestic cruise 2 weeks ago. Haven't felt too bad but can't shake the chesty cough and if I sit down it's snooze time. Lasting longer than the usual cold.
  18. Strange about people not wearing the masks. I was on Majestic two weeks ago and there was almost 100% compliance with the mask wearing requirement. Didn't stop me catching the dreaded though.
  19. We tried it recently on Majestic so there may be slight differences due to different chefs etc, however it was the best of the three specialty restaurants we dined at. The lobster bisque was outstanding as was the meringue desert.
  20. No you don't use coins. You get tokens from a dispenser by placing your Medallion on a reader and the costs are charged to your room. From memory a wash is $3 a dry is $3 and a small packet of washing powder is less. There are also irons in the laundries, no cost to use.
  21. Despite me telling my wife that there are other sweet wines besides Moscato, nothing other than Moscato is right for her. On our recent Majestic cruise the only Moscato on the wine lists was at Vines, however we soon learned it was available at all bars. We only had the Plus package but the generic Moscato provided was Brown Brothers which is not a cheap paint thinners wine, so the wife was happy.
  22. I think the ship was pretty full, probably about 80-90%. We went to dinner from around 6.30pm to 7.15pm. I am aware that this is the busy time but what my concern is, is that the staff on the whole had no idea how to manage the system. I have no issue with being given a pager (like previous times), however on this latest trip we just stood around the entrance while 3-4 staff worked out whether there was a table. As I mentioned, once inside there were tables everywhere and not used during our time in the room. Personally, I think one or two DR's should be walk up at all times and you just take your luck. At least this way all tables would be occupied. I thought one of the reasons that the Traditional Dining time system was removed was because there were be plenty of no shows and the tables sat empty. This current booking system doesn't seem to have changed that in any way.
  23. My comments about dining room procedures for two cruises we have completed since May: May UK cruise Emerald Princess - friends we travelled with had booked the same time and number of guests for every night. No issues in being seated and service good....but not the way we prefer to dine as we prefer flexibility with times. Majestic Princess - We were on Majestic last week and we prefer dining when we want and not book. We turned up to any of the three DR's and the staff take ages to find a table if you haven't booked. There were often 4 staff looking like stunned mullets pouring over a floor plan trying to work something out. Then when you go inside the DR there are empty tables everywhere and many were not occupied the entire time we were there and we take our time. I would prefer the old system where Anytime was an easy option and if nothing was available, then just take a pager and wait - not be made stand at the doorway while the staff fumble their way through this system that has been thrown at them. I recall reading many comments about this newer system that it would reduce the number of tables sitting empty as in the past people that had Traditional Dining times would not show up. Well, I'm seeing far more vacant tables with this new system.
  24. Impossible to say and it depends on many factors. Recently I boarded in about 30 minutes in Sydney, other times it has been over an hour. Depends on staff competence, Government regulations etc etc which are different at every port. I always take the first boarding group as I always arrive at the departure port the day before (as I have to fly in) and don't want to hang around waiting to board.
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