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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. Actually there is a fairly long thread about the $1 "sale" and it is on Hal website (Canadian) when you first open it up. Thanks for the update.
  2. Me too. I thought you were trying to eat in the MDR that night. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. I suspect there will be 2 dressy nights. Agree that it will probably be Georgetown. I don’t think the gala nights menus are anything to be excited about but whatever floats your boat.
  4. It took a while last time for me. Seemed like 10 days or 2 weeks. Funny thing though, my credit card seemed to be charged 5 minutes after I walked off the ship for the onboard balance. It’s funny how efficient Hal’s systems are when it comes to that 😂😛.
  5. I’ve just had my pcc for maybe 6 so far she seems fine. I didn’t get the promo either but I wouldn’t call it fabulous either. It could be a case that if you have a cruise booked that you don’t receive it. I don’t know but I bet those emails are sent from the company not from individual pcc’s. I get phone calls all the time from Princess which I suspect is recorded because I asked her a question about 3 times before she got back to me but those calls keep coming no problem.
  6. OMG, thanks for the laugh. That is hilarious.
  7. Too many cruises. Is there such a thing 😛😉?
  8. Mine has always been visible. Can't recall if it was on the bed or elsewhere.
  9. I've called them fcc before and I'm sure I've been corrected. The fcd is a future cruise deposit. The fcc aka future cruise credit was what they were using during the height of covid when people paid then cruises were canceled. They may have other meanings or uses.
  10. I was getting in that position too after covid but I've shored up the supplies 😉.
  11. It always seems to be stupid hot in the lido. I’ve noticed it always seems overly warm in the gym too. I think they want peeps in the revenue generating areas of the ship.
  12. I'm pretty much the same. Now that said last year I did go on a tour of Sonoma. We visited 2 wineries iirc. One was decidedly better than the other. If I did them 2 days apart I'm not sure that I could tell.
  13. I'm good using a fcd instead if these $1 deals. I believe a lot of people use it as a placeholder. When I book a cruise I'm pretty sure to take it unless something unforseeen cones up.
  14. Good one on the butter. It's not fit to type the word that came out of my mouth when I read that. I wonder if they sit around and try to come up with the most comical nonsense answers possible.
  15. Exactly. The light is maybe on for 60 seconds. It's not like it on for an hour and a half. Doing this with the air conditioning is equally annoying. If you do it than undo it when you leave.
  16. I have to agree with you wife. The other lobster that I’ve had on the ship has been mealy. The lobster I’ve had in sel de mer has definitely been firmer and sweeter. Is it like that right now? Who knows. My last lobster in sel de mer was November 2022.
  17. I couldn't tell you where it's from but it certainly doesn't taste like anything I've had in other hal restaurants.
  18. I've found the lobster amazing when it's the 12 Oz tail.
  19. I actually like sole quite a bit but when I can make it at home better than a chef that's a no for me. The halibut was very good in club orange but it's not good in the pinnacle. It's easy to not cook fish well I feel.
  20. You are sweetening the pot for me to make a second appearance 😛. Now if they would hold it outside I’d be sold.
  21. Now cooking port is a real talent 😛🤪. When I find veal in the supermarket where I live it’s not crazy expensive. Probably no more than boneless chicken breasts. Maybe less.
  22. Yes how dare someone not like two buck chuck 🙄.
  23. To me this is one of the less impressive benefits of the 4 star level. I’ve gone once in about the 20 times I’ve had an invite. The guy went on and on and on about the wine. I just want t taste it already.
  24. I’ve found sel de mer fish to be much better than the Dover sole with the exception of the mahi mahi. The Dover sole wasn’t seasoned properly and it was very bland. I guess if people go for that they hit the mark. I do prefer fish and chicken over beef.
  25. I think you’ll really enjoy club orange. I know I do. What I should be saying is that it’s the worst thing ever 😛😉 because it’s getting harder to obtain.
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