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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. If folks start missing final payment and ships are sailing under capacity there will be adjustment to prices and shops will sail full again. supply and demand is a wonderful thing.
  2. I’m shocked by the price of deodorant. That being said I’m still purchasing it.
  3. Immediately. The app doesn’t work right until you are logged in to there system.
  4. I realize my pervious report about NCL was a little negative. I want to update that. The bartenders at the pool bar are remarkably efficient. 🤪
  5. Your intrepid reporter Tree_skier, checking in from the site of the great Manua Loa eruption. Sadly the closest I can get to the actual eruption is still a fair distance away. if you look really really close you can see the flames from the lava. If I had a proper camera with a proper zoom. Unfortunately this is the best my IPhone could do. Reporting from the scene for KCCZ news this is Tree_skier signing off. Updates at 11 tonight.
  6. Thanks, I haven’t done any research about where we’re going or where the location of this current eruption is in relation to where we’re going. It be greAt if we could see something actually occurring but I doubt that is likely.
  7. lol 😂 I’ve tried to get into BD after you mentioned it ages ago. I just haven’t been able to. Mind you this game is crap. Maybe I should try again.
  8. We’re empty nesters and are stoked to get on Icon. You are only as old as you feel. We booked as soon as itineraries ere released. I can’t wait to get on board. we booked the first week of December. That’s usually a good time.
  9. I’ve always used Uber. It simplest and requires no pre-booking or scheduling. it was 70 each way if I remember correctly.
  10. We have an excursion scheduled to go there tomorrow when we dock in Hilo. I asked the shorex people and they said that it is on as far as they know. They said any cancellation would be last minute. I’ll let you know what happens. Lord willing, I will be reporting from the volcano.
  11. We’ll miss you too. The funny thing is the reason we booked this cruise to replace Allure turned out to not be necessary as the problem we had is now resolved. That being said Hawaii was always in Sharron bucket list so I’m glad we got to do it. i think we’re lined up to be on Harmony at the same time as you. Say hi so your great husband.
  12. Aloha from Kuhului, Maui, Hawaii. we are enjoying our time visiting Hawaii so far. Yesterday was a fun day. We rented scooters and toured the island. We spent a good part of it at the Maui Ocean center but travel around and saw the sights. I quite enjoyed watching the surfers. The waves were quite good according to the surfers I met and talked to. As for the ship, Pride of America, we have mostly enjoyed our time on board. It is a. beautiful ship and well maintained. I would say the buffet, Aloha Cafe, is smaller than any Royal Windjammer I have ever been in. Due to the nature of the small size that means a more limited selection. That being said, I thought the quality was very good. So far we have had one dinner in the buffet and one in the main dining room. The main dining room experience leaves a little to be desired. Their Freestyle dining, which they pride themselves on, is very chaotic. I prefer a set traditional ding time or the MTD that allows me to book my time in advance, limiting my wait time. That is not an option here. We arrived at the MDR last night and we’re told 30 minutes wait. It ended up being a little less that that but still to long for my tastes. When I want to eat I want to eat not stand in a hallway for half an hour. Service was acceptable but lacking in what we are used to. The one exception to that was our waiters assistant. You could tell he was new but in spite of that, his effort and personality vastly made up for it. Our waiter was efficient at first but then disappeared half through the meal never to be seen again. The head waiter for our section should find a new line of work. We had no problem but the interaction with the couple sitting next to us was horrible. Bar service is both good and bad. Thankfully, I’ve found “my” bar and and bartenders so I can avoid the bad and enjoy the good. Entertainment is similar to what we have experienced on a ship like Serenade. There is no casino. There are chickens everywhere you go all over Maui. More experiences yet to come. Stay tuned to this channel for breaking updates.
  13. Ok so a little shout out to @Sea Dog and @bobmacliberty. Here is the selection at the pool bar. I need recommendations 😇What should I have them make my old fashioned with.
  14. I flew Alaska airlines. I prefer them when flying on the west coast and have a lot of miles with them. We had an on time departure and an eventless flight. I scored an exit row seat so that was a bonus Good times will be had, thanks.
  15. Awesome stuff. Thank you for doing this. While it’s not foolproof, kids involved in high school sports are at substantially lower risk of drug addiction. They also tend to have higher graduation rates than the population at large. What you do helps build the next generation.
  16. It’s the most wonderful day of the year. Embarkation day We got into Honolulu about 315 pm. Sadly our prearranged shuttle was very late and we never left the airport until 430 pm. That’ll teach me to try a save a few bucks. You get what you pay for. We had a great dinner at a restaurant in the Royal Hawaiian resort called Azure. They had a tasting menu that sampled local delicacies. It was right on the beach with a good view. Sorry no food porn. I was a little absent minded yesterday. After that we wondered and shopped until we were too tired. Lots of great shopping in unique indoor outdoor venues. This morning we packed up and are waiting for our ride to the ship. It scheduled for 1015. It’s a different co. than the shuttle I used yesterday. I hope this outfit is more punctual.
  17. Is being the team Doc a part of your official duties or is more of a volunteer thing a little of both. I coached high school rugby for 4 years. You become so attached to the kids. I have few who still text me from time to time to say hi. I miss this kids so much. Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie ever!!! There is no debate. 😇 The original Grinch who stole Christmas and and Vharlie Brown are tied for second.
  18. Smokey’s advise is good advise. I’d get the Chops +1 package and get to know what you like and dislike and for you first anniversary 🙂 cruise you could splurge for the dining package. Maybe get a lunch or two from the specialty restaurants for your your sea days.
  19. DW always gets the Salmon. She’s not a steak eater…. She loves it. IT’s Atlantic salmon so not as flavorful as pacific salmon but she likes it nonetheless.
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