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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. Yes, you can. They are yours to do as you please. However, you will need to get your wife at least the refreshment package in order to get the DBP for yourself.
  2. I checked all my booked cruises and no discounts for me. Most of my cruises are booked with my TA's group space and rarely do I ever see a discount beyond that price.
  3. You can get specialty coffees at Cafe Promenade and in the Windjammer.
  4. The card is $31 for the OP. Where are you coming up with $200?
  5. When I was on Navigator all but a couple were functioning. There was no indication the one not functioning was a covid thing just the machines out of order.
  6. The tab is along top with the other categories. This is what it looks like inside the tab.
  7. Posts like this are instructive but I suspect not in the way the OP intended. My suspicion is that the OP came to CC because they are bitter with the outcome of their one and only experience with Royal and they hope to dissuade anyone from cruising on Royal. They want a little bit of vengeance. They were wronged and they want to extract a pound of flesh. Unfortunately, coming to a forum primarily populated by people who are experienced cruiser and who are mostly loyal to the brand is unlikely receive the response they intended or desired. Hence the one and done post. Had there been a lot of responses that began "Oh my word, this is awful. I'm cancelling my booking..." We would have seen a second post. As it stands now this poster will never be heard from again. However, It is instructive because for the rest of us it is reminder #4379 that where you are unclear or answers are changing or there is some degree of ambiguity make sure you get in writing all you need specific to your circumstances.
  8. I would defer to whatever the Doc @Ocean Boy says but the county public health who followed up with her after she tested positive told my wife she was good to leave quarantine 5 days after symptom onset. I think they said something about masking for another 5 days.
  9. I want to do the Norwegian fjords cruise but I can't convince DW to fly across the Atlantic anymore.
  10. I wasn't sure either... I went back to my points dashboard to check. Add the 100 offers to your card and then come back in a couple of days and you will have a new 100 offers available. That's what I had to do for the last offer.
  11. This was what I was thinking. I have no doubt about the veracity of the OP's story. I'm sure they called but what is important is what was asked of the Rep.
  12. That was exactly our situation with Basil. We went to the shelter and saw one that my wife really liked but we weren't ready to make a decision. We filled out the forms to get approved for adoption and waited for them to call us. When we went back in a couple of days the one that my wife really liked, while still there, was spoken for. We chose Basil. He was this funny looking gangly little thing that pranced around, almost saying, "look at me, look at me". I was smitten. It's been six months but I miss my little buddy still.
  13. Apparently I must have been doing it wrong. I had a diabetic cat about 20 years ago and would have to give him twice daily shots. It was a production every single day.
  14. Ours was family friendly but not politically correct.
  15. Good assessment. We have done Alaska twice in the last two years. Once on Serenade in 2021 (sister to Brilliance) and once on Ovation in 2022. We loved both trips but they definitely different cruises. We'd gladly do either again. The highlight of an Alaskan cruise is always Alaska. The other stuff is just extra in my opinion. If I was going to the W. Caribbean I'd want Voyager class or bigger.
  16. The ice show was the highlight for me. They had a very funny comedian in the theatre one night also. I loved him but not everyone did. I saw a few folks walk out.
  17. I have had this happen lots! But I'm a good tipper so that might account for it.
  18. I'm not completely sure but they have weight restrictions and don't let anyone ride single. The story I heard was that there were a few injuries when they first rolled it out and had to make some modifications to it. I don't know what those modification were.
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