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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. I follow Jordan on YouTube also and while I’d never book a cruise solely for a crew member I understand a teenagers allure to internet stardom. Jordan posts good content. My sympathies are with Jordan and I hope we see her back in a ship soon.
  2. This was my thoughts too but calling someone the T word can get you suspended. So I’ll just follow the thread along to see where it goes.
  3. I told DW if she kicks off I’m not remarrying for money. I’m going to remarry for stays. Pinnacle status 🤪
  4. Very different vibe this week. The solarium is deserted but the pool area is chaos. I went down to the casino and it was nearly deserted as well. Deck 15 has a little more of a crowd, but there’s still tons of seating down there. As for entertainment, last week, we did all the shows. But I don’t have any intention of going back to Grease or Fine line. I thought the performance of Greece was very poor. A couple of the Support actors were quite good, but the actors portraying Danny Zuko, and Sandra Dee were terrible. They had no chemistry and they lacked energy. as for fine line, I don’t know I can sit through the weird Sufi spinner again. If they actually did some high dive stuff instead of just stomping around sort of dancing. I might enjoy it a little bit more, but there was too much of that and not enough of the actual diving to maintain my interest. We loved Columbus. It was fantastic and we plan on going back for an encore performance of that. we go back for the skating show as well. I actually like the Iskate program better than 1887, but the figure skating is always a highlight for me.
  5. A couple more picture from the room. the balcony and the view from the balcony.
  6. A note of interest. Last week us diamonds were kicked out of the Crown Lounge during HH. Not that I cared as it never occurred to me to go at that time we have early traditional dining. However, this week we have access. I say it’s of interest since there are 400 more passengers this week than last. I interpret that to mean lots of kids and lots of newbies. We’ll see what the number look like at the top tier event tomorrow.
  7. Quick room tour. Last week we were a 4D balcony. This week we are in cp balcony. They look exactly the same, only the view is different.
  8. Good morning from the Gulf of Mexico. Last night was actually really lame… After a good dinner in MDR we just roamed the promenade for a while and then crashed early. Last week was not a restful week Day 2 began fairly late for everyone since we were all up waiting for news on DD. She felt better the pain was manageable and she got around rather gingerly. The groups split up me with the GS, DW with GD’s and DD and SIL did there own thing. Unfortunately later in the day things turned sour. Fever developed, pain returned, so severely in caused vomiting. I can’t describe the fear in the pit of my stomach. It was formal night and we dressed for it but it wasn’t a very festive affair. DD was in the room praying the pain away. SIL was by her side and she wan’t no one else in the room. Things were getting worse. Back to Medical she went. More tests showed she is fighting an infection antibiotics were given more IV. IT is likely a combination of things. A kidney stone and another more private thing she had had a problem with in the past hitting simultaneously. The doctor is concerned about her being septic. There is a conversation about diverting the ship into Cozumel. We are panicking because… A. She has no insurance and… B. She only has that green card so getting home once she can travel will be a nightmare. I’m searching for flights from Cancun to Tijuana where I can arrange a friend to drive down and pick her up. Simultaneously checking to see how payment can made for what will be astronomical costs. Before the final decision is made they want the head physician to assess her. He finally gets there very late in the evening. The antibiotics have started to take effect. Pain is subsiding. He says no to diverting and expects her to be able to enjoy the cruise. I’m hoping day 2 this week is a little more relaxing than last week. I’m sitting on a lounger in the solarium and relaxing. Breakfast was in the Solarium Bistro. The ship is full. Our waiter last night told us 6600 people. Thankfully a lot must be newbies since SB was deserted when I got there. No chair hogs either. I took this picture at 8:30 this morning. The signage seems to be working. We’ll I’m off I’ll check back in a little later…
  9. She forgot the permanent resident card. She doesn't have a passport. This is only her third cruise and she didn't bother getting one since she had been able to cruise without issue with just the permanent resident cared. I know, I know that is not a good idea. However, I told her and she intended to get it but just never got around to it. I can tell you with great assuredness that she will be applying for her passport immediately upon getting home. There is more to this story...
  10. Yes I did... but I messed up and ordered the chicken... It was good. There were only about 20 B2Br's
  11. It was great seeing you last week. I was disappointed I only saw you that one time. I don't think we crossed paths again throughout the course of the entire week. We'll see each other again soon enough. Take care.
  12. Ok so first we'll update today then we'll do the previous weeks retrospective. For turn around day we didn't have to leave the ship. Once they got a zero count. The CBP guy walked around the room checking all of our passports and we were free to go. I took a while to get to zero since there were a few that decided they wanted to stay on as long as possible. Eventually they were found and we loosed for our waiting. I decided that I was running low on my usual cruise meds/vitamins/supplements so I hopped an Uber to the Galveston Walmart while DW found a deck chair and enjoyed the empty ship. I didn't know you could do multi stops with Uber. What a great convenience. I hopped out and went into the store, got my stuff and hopped back into the same uber and went back to the ship in plenty of time for the B2B lunch. We both had the chicken. I don't know why I didn't order the short ribs. That was what I was planning on ordering but somehow I had a brain malfunction and order the chicken. Anyways, it was good. All the meals in the MDR have been good so far. We ate 6 of 7 in the MDR last cruise and service was fabulous, the pace of the meals was always fine and the food was good. It was served hot and exactly as order no matter what we order. Mostly just hung around the solarium this afternoon while DW got a massage. After that we unpacked and relaxed in the room. Last week I had the pleasure of meeting up with @firefly333 Jane, @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen and @bmblob Marty before dinner in the Solarium. It was great to catch up. We love these folks. Tonight for dinner it was MDR I had the Strip steak and DW had the fish. Hers was excellent and mine was good. I had the Boston cream pie for dessert. It wasn't what I thought it would be but it was really really good. It was more like a small cake. Last week on embarkation night. We had the Izumi Hibachi. All seven of us. I can quite honestly say that this was the best meal I can remember on a cruise ship in a long time. I got the tenderloin and the chicken combination and the Tenderloin was exceptional. I don't know if they have changed suppliers or just got a lucky supply of upgraded beef but it was amazing. We all talked about for several days. Later that night we roamed the Promenade and the boardwalk with the family. DD was feeling a little unwell so her and our SIL turned in early but DW and I were up for a while with the kids. We played ping pong until I was ready to collapse. We listened to the band some in the promenade some, watch the tree lighting and just had a general good time with the kids. Our tale takes a sad turn here... About midnight my son in law knocks on our door and says he's taking DD down to the infirmary. She is is excruciating pain. They are there until 3:30 am. I won't go into all the details but it was bad. They hooked her up to an IV gave her meds and eventually released her. The next morning she seemed a little better but not really good at all. Still lots of pain but it was at least manageable. It was obviously a very slow day for all of us... More to the story later... I'm heading down to the promenade now... Sorry for the lack of pictures. I was a little off my game last week.
  13. Greetings all, I've been off. the board for a week. I've been on a family cruise on Harmony of the Seas. We are just starting the second week of our B2B. It was a hectic week and that kept off the board. Hope all is well with everyone. I'm still praying for you daily @dani negreanu I just started a live thread on the second half of my cruise.
  14. I'm a huge Dickens fan from Pickwick Papers through Nicholas Nickleby, A Christmas Carol and Little Dorrit to A Tale of Two Cities and and everything in between. I've titled this live thread "A tale of two cruises" in honor of my favorite classic author. This will be the story of two cruises. This is our first B2B and we are now embarking on our second half of our journey. I'm truly hoping that this cruise will be very different than our first week aboard Harmony of the Seas. As a way of introduction to those who are unfamiliar with us, we are a couple near 60, Diamond status and cruise almost exclusively with Royal Caribbean. I say that not as some kind of weird flex but just so you know the perspective we bring to story. We usually cruise alone but on the first half of the B2B things are a little different as we are cruising with DD, her husband, and their three kids. This week it is just DW and I. I had no interest in a live when I had the family on board since I was sure my time was going to well and truly consumed. I was right... I'm exhausted and need at least two more weeks to recover. Sadly, I've only got one. I'll try to bring you all up to speed as quick as possible. Our journey began at the house with me confirming everyone had their appropriate documents and then onwards to a flight from Fresno to Denver and then Denver onwards to Houston Hobby. Absolutely nothing exciting happened. Flights were on time, I scored an exit row seat and aside for some turbulence in and out of Denver life was good. In Houston we were picked up by Highrollers by Shugg. I highly recommend them. They were very accommodating with my many changes in the run up as American Airlines made two different inconvenient time changes before I canceled with them and booked with Southwest. They dropped us off at the Home2 suites in Galveston. It was very clean and a convenient location on the seawall. We went to Rain Forest Cafe for a late dinner. RF Cafe was not my choice but the kids wanted and what they want Papa provides 😀 While eating dinner my daughter goes into her purse and suddenly realizes a horrible mistake has been made. She has forgotten her boarding document. She is Canadian living as a permanent resident in the US. She travels without a passport. Her permanent resident card (green card) works just like a passport for land and sea based travel in and out of the US. As she has only cruised 3 times, once every four years, she never felt the need to get a passport. I say all this since it is an important detail later in the week. Panic grips us. Our daughter is sick to her stomach. She is the organized one. She had everyone's document but her own. Text's to our brilliant TA who many of you know yielded an almost instant response in spite of it being almost midnight. He gave some ideas about what we might be able to do. Sadly it was just too late to get to a notary get notarized copy sent or a Fedex location that would get the original document to us in time. Heartbreak abounded. I had been planning this trip for almost two years... pretty much from when itineraries were released. One last ditch idea... Maybe Cam, granddaughter #1's fiancé, could hop on a plane first thing in the morning and fly it out. Would he do it? Was it even possible at this late hour to work it out? Cam agreed to do it. A quick look on the Southwest app showed a direct flight from Oakland to Houston Hobby at 520 am. Booked! At 1:30 am, this wonderful future family member drove 2 1/2 hours to Oakland, got on a plane flew all the way to Houston. DD and GD#1 Uber'd back up to Houston, met him at the airport where he handed off the precious document. They hugged and kissed for 5 minutes and DD and GD1 got back in an Uber and Cam hopped on the next flight back to Oakland so that he could make the 2 1/2 hour drive back to his town so he could be at work Monday morning. DD and GD1 made it back to Galveston and boarded the ship at about 12:30. Disaster averted. My Daughter's future son in law earned some significant credit with his future mother-in-law. Stress finally started melt away just a little. Solarium lunch was triumphant when DD and GD1 joined an hour and half after we had board the ship. Our family cruise was spared and everyone was expecting to have the time of our life. More to follow...
  15. I’m dreading turning 65. I barely understand my medical now. Through Medicare into the mix and I’m in trouble.
  16. What would you expect them to do, let folks book without deposits? People complain about the delay I’m being able to book and when they allow a little more time other’s question financial we’ll being of the company. There’s no winning with some of you. 🤣
  17. I usually receive these too. Nothing so far on this one.
  18. They’ll put your name down for one earlier in the week if you check with them. At least they did for me on Navigator. I went to them on Day 1 and asked if I could pick one out for day 3. They accommodated me without question.
  19. Packed and heading to the airport. I’m confused by this weird unexplainable white film on front and rear windshield. next stop is Fresno air terminal and then onwards to Houston.
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