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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Thank you for today's FR&D. 3 interesting days and quote. We have docked in Zeebrugge many times the last time being in April when we took the shuttle to the coastal town of Blankenburg. I hope everyone is safe and well and y'all are having a fabulous day.
  2. Good morning. I hope everyone is safe and well and you all have a wonderful day.
  3. Good morning. Thank you for today's daily reports. I hope everyone is safe and well and y'all have a wonderful day.
  4. Good afternoon. Thank you for today's FR&D. It is 50°F and partly sunny here. 3 good days and quote Good history days too. Prayers 🙏 for everyone who believes they will help them. I hope everyone is well and y'all have a fantastic day.
  5. Good morning Jane. Lovely to hear from you. 9°C and clear in Sunderland. I hope everyone is well and looking forward to a new day.
  6. Good morning. Thank you for today's daily reports. 3 interesting days. Valetta is a lovely port with an impressive sail in. Prayers 🙏 for all on the care list. I hope everyone has a happy day.
  7. Dani @dani negreanu. Good evening Dani. Pauline is currently reading this true story book and is crying. She said it is heartbreaking how the Jews were treated during the second world war. We have been to Auschwitz and Berkenau and seen ourselves and told a lot from an excellent guide.
  8. Good morning. Thank you for today's daily reports. 3 interesting days and quote. Today's food sounds nice. Prayers for everyone who is unwell. I am having an issue with internet so will post when I can. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  9. Some thoughts on kingdoms, and what they need to do to stick together. Have a lovely Sunday. God bless, David 😀 https://youtu.be/Ym_77dOjI-o?si=zE0Sdpt773fCmVz2
  10. Some thoughts on kingdoms, and what they need to do to stick together. Have a lovely Sunday. God bless, David 😀 https://youtu.be/Ym_77dOjI-o?si=zE0Sdpt773fCmVz2
  11. Good morning. It is 50°F and sunny here at 06.26am. We had a nice lunch yesterday. I hope everyone is safe and well and y'all have a wonderful day.
  12. Good morning. It is 50°F clear skies and sunny at 06.04 am here. I hope everyone is healthy and y'all have a wonderful day.
  13. Good morning. It is sunny and 10°C here. I hope everyone is well and looking forward to today.
  14. Good evening. Yesterday was my late dad's parents 100th wedding anniversary. His mam was Italian and his dad was English.
  15. I have posted every day for a few years on HAL Fleet reports and daily but never sailed on HAL because they don't sail from Southampton. I never post or comment on their ships,food etc because I haven't any personal experience. Always nice to hear from you. Kindest regards. Graham.
  16. Oh no Joy. Prayers 🙏 for your dear friend. A Friend on Royal Caribbean daily posted today his dear wife passed away this morning.
  17. Good evening. It was 100 years yesterday when my late dad's parents were married. His mam was Italian and his dad English.
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