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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Good afternoon. It is sunny and 18°C here. I have been working today and Pauline was with me. We then went to Wynyard Hall gardens for lunch then we popped along to the beach.
  2. Great photos Lenda. We visited Athens on a cruise.
  3. Good afternoon. It is sunny and 65°F. I have been working today. Pauline came with me then we had lunch at Wynyard Hall gardens then called at the beach.
  4. Good afternoon. It is 64°F and partly sunny. Thank you for today's daily reports. I hope everyone is safe and well
  5. Good morning. It is 11°C and cloudy here at the moment. I hope everyone is well and we all have a good day.
  6. Hi Maryann. There are still Austin Riley 1.5L 1959 classic cars available. The Riley name came from Riley Kestrel. Riley stopped production in 1969 and the trademark is owned now by BMW.
  7. Sorry to hear there were complications during the surgery. Sending prayers 🙏 you will recover quickly.
  8. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your Auntie. I spent a lot of time phoning customers and sorting through paperwork.
  9. @summer slope Dixie and George. Happy 58th wedding anniversary today.
  10. Good afternoon. It is raining and 55°F here. 3 interesting days and good quote. Today's food and wine sound lovely. We have been to Hamburg a couple of times and enjoyed the Christmas market. We were there on 1st April 2024 but it was raining heavily so we stopped on our ship P&O Iona. Prayers for good health to those who are unwell. I wish everyone a happy day.
  11. Good morning. It is a nice sunny morning and 13°C. Rain is forecast later this morning. I hope everyone is feeling well and looking forward to a nice day.
  12. Thank you for your kind words Terri and I hope you are well. I never know what the days are going to be until Rich post's the days daily but fortunately I am several hours ahead of most posters so I am usually one of the first posters to post and have time to study any unusual days first that I don't know before I post them here. Graham.
  13. Thank you Rich for today's daily reports. It is sunny and 62°F here at 11.45am. I am not particularly fond of croutons which are sometimes put in soup. Never tried Hummus. Some people believe in reincarnation which dispels today's quote. I will pass on the food and drink. I hope everyone had a nice mothering Sunday in Canada and the US and y'all are looking forward to this new week.
  14. I'm sorry to hear this was your mam's first memory. So sad she was in so much pain at the end.
  15. Nice photo. Great message on the board behind your dear mam. I'm sorry this is your first Mother's day without your mam.
  16. Good morning. It is 60°F here at 09.00am with a high of 72°F expected this afternoon. I have just had my porridge breakfast and watching TV. I hope everyone is safe and well and y'all had a lovely Mother's day.
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