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Everything posted by broadwaybaby123

  1. I do, having recently been through the same thing. It's quite simple: they won't be let on because they're a close contact.
  2. Sort of same boat here, just replace Diamond with Emerald and 2 points with 4 points and you'll get my situation.
  3. How did this happen at my home port this weekend? https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/cruise-ship-strikes-fishing-boat-near-nantucket/2794495/
  4. 77! I'm getting our YouTube Channel up and running for reviews!
  5. You can check in 45 days prior to your cruise.
  6. Yes we are allowed. Anyone that's a repeat cruiser who's at or above Platinum level can attend.
  7. I just went through this in June. It was going to be me, my niece, my Dad, and my Mom. Mom was feeling a bit off a few days leading up to the cruise. She took 2 home tests and immediately isolated. Both came back positive. Since the recommended test day for the CDC and the cruise test day fell on the same day, we decided to keep our appointments. Knowing what could happen, my Dad contacted our TA, told them what was happening, and placed a hold on Oasis in October as a contingency plan. Good thing he did: everyone in the party tested negative on the testing day...except Mom. We had our TA contact Royal, told them what was happening, and canceled our July cruise. Royal gave us no issues, and we were refunded our money and given OBC. Also, our hold on Oasis became a booking. Mom felt terrible, like she let everyone down, but honestly, I think Oasis is a much better match for my niece (she'll be 10 next month). None of us were mad at Mom, she didn't ask to get Covid. Plus, as disappointed as we were, we knew that the priority at that time had to be taking care of Mom. Mom is doing much better now. She's back at work, and the only lingering symptom is fatigue. She's even starting to pack for our October cruise already!
  8. Mine was when I was 5 on the SS Meridian (now a sunken Celebrity ship). I remember having to step OVER the threshold to get in the cabin!
  9. Find a hospital that has an on-site testing lab, call your doctor and pediatrician and tell them you need a test for travel. Tell them the date and where you want the orders sent. Then show up at any point that day to get the test. They do the rapid NAAT testing, which is accepted by Royal and you'll have the results in an hour. They can do your entire family in the same visit.
  10. Counting a Habor Cruise, less than one day Not counting a Harbor Cruise, about 81 days
  11. If you like Royal, you'll like Celebrity. Since they're owned by the same company, Celebrity tends to be more upscale than Royal. Our TA has advised AGAINST booking with MSC, as they tend to cancel reservations without explanation. I was booked on Davina, followed all their rules, and about 3 months before I was due to sail and they canceled without telling us why.
  12. Everything for the Check In Process can be printed from your Cruise Planner on the RCI website. You can also complete the forms online either on the computer or app.
  13. Well. I found out yesterday that I'm getting some company on both my cruises next year! Sophie doesn't know this yet, but she's coming on my February cruise (this is her Christmas present) and another friend of mine is joining me next October on Celebrity Summit to the ABC Islands!
  14. Not much today, I had to work this weekend so I brought in some breakfast for my residents before their Bingo game. It's been almost 100 degrees here all week so we're all kind of tired.
  15. In NJ in April, they were STRICT! Now if you arrive a few min. early (say 11:15 for an 11:30 check in), fine. I heard porters sending people to the back of the line for trying to jump the line.
  16. Why bother bringing it when there's an arcade on the ship?
  17. It also may depend on the performer's schedule abd when they change ships. I've been on cruises where an act was only offered one night and then saw them changing ships the next day in port.
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