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Posts posted by StanleyandGus

  1. 1 hour ago, island lady said:


    Sooo..it looks like next year for us...but that's OK...has been an interesting hunt and have narrowed in on local areas we prefer, type of home, and set up.  Know more of what we want now.  Research is good.  😉 

    Do you think you might build? It sounds like you have specific preferences, like a large and clean kitchen!

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, dani negreanu said:

    I keep thinking of you flying all the way to Ottawa to see your daughter, and no doubt, when the time comes, to see your grandson.... Almost 3.5 hours net flight time ....

    That was one of the conditions of the move. I like Regina, but I want to see the kids at least a couple of times per year. Now that lockdown (cross fingers) is over, it can start!

    We’re driving out next month- it takes 3 days. Canada is a very large country! Luckily, because as we have received mixed doses of the vaccine, we may be stuck in Canada for the time being.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


    Awesome. As a mom of twoboyz, and nana of twograndzoons, I'm "partial" to .... sons 😁


    Sorry I didn't notice the "tell tale" blue wrapping paper -- and I'll explain.


    The concept of "baby shower" is known to me only from books, magazines, TV.


    It doesn't "exist" here, people being very superstitious about anything done before birth. It is thought to bring bad luck.... As I've previously mentioned, different cultures and mentalities.


    "What about all the necessities for the [new] baby?" you ask.


    Ohh, glad you've asked.... In line with the "mentality", the expecting couple goes to a baby shop (or more), makes the command, and everything will be delivered after the birth.


    NOTHING will be in their house before.


    After the 1st baby, of course there will be in the house clothes, furniture, accessories, etc., but nothing new will be added before the birth of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on.


    Same goes with wishing someone "happy b'day" ahead of time....

    That is very interesting! Really, any baby just needs fed and diapers and something warm around it. I slept in a drawer until my parents had a crib!

    Sorry, I think I was a bit snarky with the blue wrapping paper. I didn’t mean to be. Sometimes talking is better than writing.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:


    Congratulations, and on the Bachelor Degree too ... 💐


    Will it be your first granddaughter/son ?

    Yes, as you can tell from all the blue wrapping paper, it’s a grandson. Amanda and Noel want at least one of each. I wasn’t sure about not telling her I was coming, because she’s a planner, but she didn’t have to prepare for a mom inspection- not that I would do that!

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  5. I just came back from Ottawa. My daughter had a baby shower, hosted by her mother-in-law. I was a surprise addition- my daughter wanted me there, but felt that it was an unreasonable request. My husband disagreed, so about 10 days before the shower I booked tickets! My son in law and his mom knew I was coming, but we didn’t tell Amanda. Here I am with the presents!C6C0690F-3A80-4333-BBF2-38C7E2F529C7.thumb.jpeg.5b6e82c3659d3e1783161171522f44f3.jpegT

    I did a lot of laundry, washed dishes and did what I could to make it easier for her for a few days. I’ll be back next month for the birth.
    There also puppies- so many puppies. Amanda’s German Shepherd had 8 puppies. They are adorable, but so much work! If anyone in the Ottawa area wants a puppy…3E4D6B6C-A0D3-4702-B232-D396B0F1260F.thumb.jpeg.4d2e9054208974d5aebfbe64dc865dd7.jpega


    • Like 19
  6. 2 hours ago, MaddyandMax said:

    That's exactly it.  Final payment was last month.  We made it hoping for the best but the back and forth constant changes has made it so my entire family doesn't even want to go on the cruise.  There is so much tension that all the pre-planning we did and excitement is now just anger.  Not only have we spent money on the fares but I also have over $2,500USD spent on tours and drink packages for my family of 4.


    I understand that this isn't just Royal's fault.  There is blame to go all around.  I'm also mad at myself for listening to the science table and getting the first available second dose I could get and not waiting 4 weeks so I could get two of the same.  But we did what we needed to to protect others.  I feel like I'm being penalized for doing the right thing.  Whether my feelings are valid in others eyes isn't something I can control...  But it's horribly demoralizing.  Never did I dream that I would be penalized for actually being vaccinated and doing the right thing.  I'm sorry if others disagree with those feelings but that's what I'm currently working through right now.  My feelings on this are not because I don't think mixed doses is wrong.  I know I am protected, I know the science is there to support it (before anyone else jumps down my neck).


    My only hope is that when the border opens to Canadians going to the US Biden can do something with the CDC and get them to accept mixed doses. But I don't know how much control, if any, Biden has over the CDC.  I expect not much.  Hopefully more science on mixed doses comes to light in the coming weeks.

    You have expressed exactly what I am feeling. 

    I am also mixed doses. In Saskatchewan, AZ was all we had for quite a while. Our cruise isn’t until the end of January from Galveston, so things could change again.

    I am quite certain that I am immunized. I don’t want a third shot unless it’s actually necessary, for reasons other than travel.


    I did what was asked of me, and I’m glad that I did, but I really hope that someone is doing a peer reviewed study to demonstrate that the Canadian approach wasn’t terrible.

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