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Posts posted by StanleyandGus

  1. 57 minutes ago, island lady said:


    It's a nice thought, and I don't want to, and am not trying to be the wet blanket here...but actually all of us turn the next level during the middle of a cruise.  I can't imagine the hassle that would be for the LA on board to make exceptions for everyone...IMHO.  😮  


    I was simply patient and told myself that my next cruise...at the next level...was going to be something to really look forward to!  Made the anticipation that much better!  🙂 










    I guess I can try, and if I am unsuccessful, be gracious!

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, singinalot said:

    interesting week around here….we were in a car show on Sunday and came back to find the one road in and out of our neighborhood to be completely collapsed…they had to open an emergency vehicle route that we’ve been using and will continue to use for the foreseeable future.





    On Monday we got a call from my stepson…remember when he packed up and moved to California back in March?



    well, he wants to come back. 

    We fly to Florida on Friday for a week and when we get back he will just be driving in. He’s going to rent a room in the basement from us for a while.


    Anyway, off to the gym and then home to finish packing. We drop Sam off at the pet sitter’s tomorrow night.

    I hope you get along ok. 

    Umm… how do you snip a little bit for the quote without the pictures? I gather that’s a bad thing, and I want my new family to like me!

    • Like 2
  3. So- a total change of topics. 

    I am mulling over a solo cruise. It would be Vision of the Seas, leaving Barcelona for an 8 days at the end of October next year. Chris and I are already booked on the TA going back to Fort Lauderdale, so I have to fly to Barcelona anyhow. He wouldn’t want to be away from the office for that much time, but I could!

    We would have 76 Crown and Anchor point before the TA, so I am thinking that it would be nice to be Diamond for the TA. Or is that silly? I would ask on the regular boards, but I am slightly afraid of the rabid wolves out there. I don’t know if it’s even practical think about it, since changes in status, aren’t, as far as I know, immediate. 


    Anyway, I thought I would ask my more experienced cruising friends! 

  4. 6 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

    This is not so impressive in a picture but that thing in the sky is not the moon, it is this morning's rising sun. We have so much smoke in the air from the Canadian fires that you can actually look right at the sun. Normally it blinds me as I drive into the hospital parking lot. A front coming through tonight is supposed to clear the sky.


    It’s been smoky here for the last 3 days. We don’t have any fires very near here (as far as I know), but it’s a little dark. The original forecast was for much hotter weather- the high today will be 27 C. (about 80 F)

  5. 1 hour ago, Momof3gurlz said:

    DH and SIL’s weekend project is pulling up all these bricks, re-tamping the ground, then re-laying all the bricks and adding new sand.  They have a couple of helpers, the 8 & 10 yr old. 


    That is a miserable job. We did it on the Mother’s Day weekend. We actually thought about re-laying the brick, but it was so ugly, we decided not to.


    The general concept is compacted gravel, some nice drought tolerant plants, hot tub and enough (pretty) patio stones to make a path to the hot tub. We shall see! 

  6. 1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:


    The red sole helps a lot ....😉

    That must be what I’m doing wrong! 

    Confession time: several years ago, I watched a video of a woman demonstrating how to do walk in stilettos. I got my highest heels (um, about 3 inches) and copied her. I fell down half a flight of stairs and have never talked about it! 

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:

    Thanks everyone for your kind words.  While still disappointed, we now realize that the only thing that can't easily be repaired or replaced was the walnut table (it IS amazing what tacos can do).  We can probably find someone who can turn a new pedestal leg for the walnut table and stain everything to match, but that will almost certainly cost more than the table is worth.  It was the sentimental value.  Nothing else had any sentimental value or was worth a significant amount of money.  If we're compensated, we can make most of this go away.  Micheline can buy something special to at least partially replace the walnut table.


    The ball is now in Allied Van Lines court to make this right.  We'll see how they respond.  I've already let them know that there was significant damage and that we have pictures of everything (hint, hint).

    That is an appalling amount of damage.


    Our last move (in September) was with Allied. My husband actually saw them drop the barbecue on its face, making it completely unusable. They also broke our bed-  we were able get a matching side rail from the furniture company, but for months we slept on the the floor. Ok, on a mattress and box spring, but we felt like college students! 

    Allied did pay for the damage.  

    Sentiment matters. Even if the walnut table wouldn’t be “worth” fixing, it might be to Micheline.  

    My heart goes out to you. It’s awful reaching into a box and hoping nothing else is damaged. 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:

    Our moving truck just got here...sort of.  The driver is trying to figure out if he can back a full sized 18 wheel truck down our dead end cul-de-sac street.



    There's an overhead branch that may force him to stop 3 houses away, and then they'd move everything from there by hand/dolly.  Ouch.

    It’s a lovely street; it looks very quiet!
    We have moved more often than I care to think about (military). Get your bedroom put away first- because eventually you want to sleep- and tomorrow the kitchen, because glasses and other breakables take an enormous amount of space in moving boxes. Then unpack everything.


    Good luck!

    • Like 3
  9. 19 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:

    @Ourusualbeach, @A&L_Ont, @StanleyandGus@#55worktoplay


                                                            Happy Canada Day 


    and other Canadians whom I didn't "detect" ....😉


    Thank you, Dani!

    We are spending Canada Day renovating our shed. New 2 x 4’s, new plywood, repainted roof- the concrete slab is still original, but not much else is!

    • Like 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, island lady said:


    Moving day is actually tomorrow morning, but indeed starting our pack up and finishing up with laundry.  Had a nice fresh Haddock sandwich (to clean out leftovers) paired of course with an SB and an ice cold Stella.  🤗


    Yup, my Mom (who was one of the world's worst cooks) would feed us a lot of rice.  Her deal was plain soggy overboiled rice with butter and brown sugar heaped on a plate and served as the full dinner.  To this day I absolutely cannot stand the thought of brown sugar and rice.  Her other thing was boiled rice with green peppers and canned stewed tomatoes.  OMG...the worst!! 🤢  I was a skinny kid, thank goodness for boxed cereal and "TV" dinners or I would have starved to death!  😉 

    There needs to be a 🤢for reactions to posts. I would have used it here! No wonder you’re a good cook, you probably had to be!

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, island lady said:


    But I WAS poor people.  😉  And my Dad fried Spam with eggs on Sundays.  😄 

    My parents weren’t  precisely poor, but I was born on the north coast of British Columbia. We had no road into the town. Staples in the pantry included Kraft Dinner, powdered milk, Prem (the equivalent of Spam), canned bacon and canned ham. Butter, cheese and milk freeze well. 

    I still like fried Spam!

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, mo&fran said:

    Leaving the Hilton, another bus took us to the pier. There was a cart there that provided us a ride to the  gangway. 

      There our set sail passes were scanned.  This is the first time we used our phones for this functioned.  Turns out both of our phones have both set sail passes.

     Then we were told that we needed to do the muster drill within 30 minutes.  What happened to emuster?

     So, we went to our muster station. Nothing going there. Finally, found somebody to ask, At this point, DW is getting pretty  frustrated.  This is an evolving process, bound to be bugs, just be patient.  

     Turns out, we went to B7, found the people. Got the standard muster instructions, and got scanned.

    Have a wonderful cruise!

    if you wouldn’t mind, update us occasionally on how things are. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, island lady said:


    Indeed....all the crawly things...snakes/spiders/ants/scorpions/rats/raccoons/skunks/mice/chipmunks/squirrels....and bears!!  😮 


    We get the biggest kicks out of those little "tear drop" trailers that are just enough to crawl into to sleep, and has a "hatch back" in the rear which is the camp kitchen.  Once again better than sleeping on the ground.  😉 

    My husband wants a teardrop trailer. Fortunately, the company that he has in mind  is booking into 2022; I’m hoping that he may have forgotten this desire by then.


    It’s probably my daughter’s fault. She is pregnant- Chris wants to see his grandson, but is quite allergic to dogs. Amanda and Noel have a beautiful German Shepherd who has just had 8 puppies (it was a planned pregnancy!). Chris would like to pull up, park in the driveway, and be able to retreat to a dog free space.

    Oh dear. Having written that, it makes sense. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  14. And I hit submit before I was finished. 

    I think the stingray place might be interesting!  My daughter has gone there, and says it’s quite the experience.  For Cozumel perhaps Nachi Cocum. I’m holding off booking anything for perhaps the same reason you are- we don’t know if we will be restricted to Royal Caribbean excursions. 

    Hopefully all the cruise ports will be doing as well as the Americans are- and we are starting to be- in terms of vaccinations.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, sprdave63 said:

    Thank you for your reply and no I have not been a "sapper" if that is referring to a military person?


    I have travel insurance also but not certain that my standard out of country travel Sun Life insurance policy will suffice.. I will call them to see if it covers a Covid trip interruption type occurrence which could prove costly if a person was forced to quarantine for 14 days in a foreign country. I just thought I would ask on here if anyone had experience with such an item as a Covid travel insurance policy.


    Thank you again for your reply!!





    Please post on your results, because a Covid specific policy will be new to everyone.

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