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Posts posted by StanleyandGus

  1. 1 minute ago, Keksie said:

    It could be an interesting season this year with Samantha.  The other 4 leave the trees alone.  Stanley looks so cute though in the tree.

    He really does. It’s an artificial tree- we have been saying for years that we need a new one, then a cat climbs it, and we say- “Maybe next year!”

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Keksie said:

    Each cat is beautiful in it's own way.  I love your cat's name.  Our other 4 cats are rescue cats who came to us in various ways.  I love tabby cats - Sheba was the cat we had when I was growing up was a tabby and is still my favorite cat.

    This is the best cat ever. This is Stanley, doing a not best cat ever thing!


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  3. 1 hour ago, ollienbertsmum said:

    Aww she is lovely, but saying that makes me feel bad.  We have had our most recent adoption cat for just about a year.  I wanted a tortoiseshell or ginger kitten.  It was the before the regions locked down  in Spain.  In the next week no one was moving anywhere, certainly not from Spain to Gibraltar to deliver cats. The cat we hAve was brought to us by a volunteer.  She was a tabby and they said ‘oh do you mind we think she is at least one year’.    I could not send her back.  


    When i look at more attractive cats i feel disloyal to my little Ninky (named after  Ninkasi - a Sumerian goddess).   I dont think Ninky realises that I occasionally reckon there are more attractive cats than her.  

    We need a photo of Ninky!

    What was your dissertation topic?

  4. We have a b2b in January out of Galveston. Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about it! 


    The American numbers are declining, but I gather that masking is a thing of the past (except the ship). Even though we’re in Saskatchewan, I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated, and masks are very much de rigeur here! Obviously, we will be sensible and avoid problematic situations.

    I am waiting (hopefully) for the Level 4 “Don’t Go On a Cruise Ship, You Moron” to be dropped so that we can get insurance. If it’s not, then will probably cancel.

  5. 3 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

    Congratulations on new baby!  🥰   Happy to hear Mom and baby doing well.

    What is his name?

    Gus looks very content in bed of catnip.

    The baby’s name is Rhys. I am cooking and cleaning and sometimes providing advice where it’s probably not wanted…My daughter and son-in-law are pretty good about it!

    • Like 7
  6. 6 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


    And the cats eat this plant? 

    This is a photo of a young Gus with cat mint, which is also a Nepeta variant. I always have it in my yard- the cats really like it. That’s 2 houses ago.


     I am now a grandmother!  My daughter doesn’t want photos of the baby posted, but after an emergency c-section, she and the baby are both doing well. His lungs seem to be very healthy! The new parents are a bit frazzled, but totally in love with their little boy. 


    • Like 14
  7. 10 hours ago, aussielozzie18 said:

    I really should be asleep but since @lionessasked.  Here is a Huntsman.  Having one in your house isn’t so bad.  It’s when you are driving down the freeway and one of these appears at the edge of your windscreen on the inside of the car that life becomes stressful….(not my photo not my house but photo taken here in Sydney)


    😮 Well, I DID want to visit Australia.

    That looks like a Hallowe’en trick spider!

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  8. 51 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    I'm so sorry to hear you had a stroke.

    I hope you are fully recovered now.

    Take care.


    Thank you, Graham. I’m as fully recovered as I’m going to be, which is almost completely. I had to give up my profession as a hospital pharmacist since numbers are important for that occupation. Simple math is fine, but higher order stuff isn’t. 
    Still, life is pretty good. And I am free to travel to do anything that needs done- like caring for my daughter after the baby! 

    • Like 8
  9. 30 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

    TSOTD for the grandkids = Cousins make the best friends.



    Their cousins haven’t made it down to the Lake yet but when the saw this pic, they ran to get ready!


    Corrie "the driver" had a great day yesterday but I don’t think she realized that with her dad here now, she is not going to be driving on the way home.



    What a lovely family! You are so blessed! 

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  10. 3 hours ago, dani negreanu said:

    I know the word, or the phrase, but it refuses to come out...


    So I try another one, "nearer"", a synonym, and by way of "elimination" ... bingo or Eureka

    That describes what I went through after my stroke. Very frustrating; I was aphasic, but my mind was working! As my speech came back, I knew what I wanted to say, but there was a disconnect in my brain. I became very good at synonyms.
    Even now, I have trouble with numbers and spelling. Fortunately, when you’re reading out a series of numbers, the person you’re reading it to thinks that you’re being very kind and careful by enunciating slowly and clearly!


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