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Posts posted by StanleyandGus

  1. 15 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

    Earlier, I looked all over the kitchen for my can opener, couldn't find it.  Not in the dishwasher, the sink, the cutlery drawer.  It was finally found in my utensil holder where I keep tall spatulas, stuff like that.  At first glance it couldn't be seen. I took everything out to check and there it was.  NOT where it belongs

    That generally happens when Chris empties the dishwasher!

    • Haha 3
  2. I’ve been reading along without contributing, so best wishes to Greg for his recovery, Graham is on holiday again (and Pauline is lovely, as always), Dani is on vacation, thankfully,  and Andrew is at home, like all good Canadians 😁. The pictures of Australia are very tempting- I might be able to overcome my aversion to things that want to kill you to make the trip!

    Anyhow, I am now addicted to Wordle. Thanks, Lenny! 

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  3. 1 hour ago, helen haywood said:

    So far no one seems interested in fighting for the top spot!



    I think we need this- we have at least 4 sofas and chairs with blankets on them, because the cats object to the feel of leather on their delicate fur. Our cat post is more vertical, and one big boned cat has trouble with the jump.

  4. 4 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:

    The Sydney Opera House is interesting to me, not just because of its iconic architecture, but because it has come to represent a city.  Ask people from all over the world about Sydney and I bet the Opera House is the first thing that comes to mind.  I think the Eiffel Tower is the same for Paris, although some might say the Louvre.  London may have too many competing structures to have just one represent London...maybe the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben)?  Same for Rome...maybe the Colosseum would represent them?  NYC probably would have been the Twin Towers, and will probably be the new 1 World Trade Center in a few years, but it feels a little too new for worldwide association as THE structure to define NYC.  Maybe the Empire State Building?


    I can't think of too many other major cities that have one structure that is associated with the city worldwide.  Am I missing anything?  Is the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona at that same level of international recognition?

    The Statue of Liberty for New York, I would think. That’s interesting, I am going to spend my day thinking about iconic buildings!

    • Like 7
  5. We are going to be painting the living room rather than cruising. I was just reminded of that because AirCanada just pinged me with a reminder to check in. (We did cancel)


    The living room doesn’t desperately need painting, but it will keep Chris occupied. And he wants to do it. Besides, he has leave already booked!

    • Like 6
  6. 20 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    From next Thursday no need to wear masks anywhere and most restrictions removed.

    90,000 new cases yesterday.

    My husband was feeling is bit snuffley, so he went upstairs to test. I assume it was negative, because I can hear him getting dressed. 

    It’s -29 C, but it’s going to be warming up substantially next week. Still cold, but not breathtaking cold! 

    • Like 5
  7. 48 minutes ago, zook50 said:

    We are very happy with our holiday here.  Even the cold days here are entertaining - they refer to Saskatchewan and Canada a lot, and blame their cold fronts on "Saskatchewan Screamers" and the "Siberian air" coming from Canada - LOL!! 

    I certainly would appreciate Canada changing the border rule, especially for land travel.  In every other way, I feel Canada is making better decisions and has a smarter, more proactive attitude toward Covid and the preventative measures needed to protect itself.  At home, we have free, easy access to RAT's and are encouraged to use them regularly and have the necessary restrictions in place, depending on cases and hospitalizations.   We were given timely vaccines, etc.  Most people mask properly and social distance.  Here?  People are friendly and warm, but most are making choices re:  Covid that are definitely not smart.

    We cancelled our cruises- we would have left on Friday, but felt it was wiser not to go. The high in Regina today is -24, so I am a bit ambivalent about that!

    Enjoy your sun, and stay safe!

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

    Interestingly, prior to her cruise on a thread that I think was delete, she would become livid with anyone who suggested that everyone on the ship should be vaccinated or anyone who would bring an non vaxxed kid on a cruise at this time should have second thoughts about it.

    My eyes just rolled down to the kitchen!

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:

    @jagsfan   if you see this let us know


    This actually happened to us. Stanley was a kitten with incredible jumping capacity. He got up to an unfinished basement ceiling, and slipped behind an i-beam, and couldn’t get out. I attracted him to the finished area of the basement, Chris got a drywall saw out, we cut a hole, and voila- the cat’s head appeared!

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  10. My husband is on the phone cancelling our cruises at the end of January and February. We do have a transatlantic in November that we can transfer the cruise credits to. Hopefully.


    We not worried about getting sick- or a least, not very sick- but testing positive and not being able to get on an airplane decides it for us.


    There is a Canadian board that’s pretty much devoid of nastiness.

    • Thanks 1
  11. @Sea Dog, I am so glad that you have found a puppy to love! Or puppies when her brother arrives.

    I spent Christmas with my son’s 7 month old German Shepherd. It was interesting seeing a 65 lb puppy being carried down into the basement where my son was sleeping- apparently stairs weren’t something he has done! He got better at them, but it was still a barely controlled descent.

    We are about to cancel our b2b from Galveston next month. We’re not worried about getting sick, but after the holiday is over, we would like to fly home. Canadian carriers require a negative COVID test to fly across the border.


    Oh well. A staycation in Saskatchewan at the end of January will be just as good as the Gulf of Mexico! 

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Russ Lomas said:

    Well, the email we received today saying we now have to pay for PCR testing at a cost of at least $210 US per person after disembarking the ship to re-enter Canada, just plain sucks.  Easy to understand their decision...the less people testing positive ON the ship, the less cases are reported in the media and to the CDC.  A nice way to work around the CDC paramaters.


    We do not cruise until March, so we hope that the requirement of a PCR test to reenter Canada for fully vaccinated Canadians is no longer around by then, but after 21 months of this, I would be surprised to see the requirement gone.  We have close to 70 Canadians going on that particular cruise in a group and everyone of them is now considering cancelling.  Too much stress not having the results when disembarking and not knowing if we will have the test results in time (not to mention an additional $1000 CAD cost for a family of 4).

    Please fire off an email to  MBayley@rccl.com if you get a chance in the next couple of weeks.  His office is good at answering back.  If enough people complain, they may reconsider or make a compromise.
    Mention the December 1st Return to Services 38-page document stated they would provide these free until the end of April.  Also mention that the price they are mentioning at the port is exorbitant and people who have already booked early flights under the assumption that RCCL Return to Services document may now have a difficult time getting results back in time for their flights.
    As Canadians, I am sure everyone who decides to email will be polite.  Enjoy the rest of your holidays and let's hope that after Omricon burns itself out in a month or so, things will start to get back to what we all used to love about cruising.

    Email sent. We are cancelling our b2b after much debate, including whether to drive to Galveston. It’s really not worth it.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


    I remember you've mentioned that you'll celebrate on the 21st. I thought may be it's a Canadian "thing", like Thanksgiving. Still intrigued I've googled "Canada Christmas 21st December" ... nothing. Only 25th.


    So I've asked a cruise friend in Montreal. Still 25th.


    Any reason you've celebrated "early" ?😕

    The reason was that my daughter and one of my sons wanted to also celebrate with their partners’ families. We had no reason to stick to the 25th, so we had Christmas early. It worked out well.


    I’m sorry to confuse you! Chris and I never had to juggle celebrations because we are both the children of immigrants, so there wasn’t any conflict. Our kids’ partners want to share Christmas with their families.  Unfortunately, Regina- Ontario- New York aren’t terribly close geographically, so we’re making it work!

    Actual Christmas can’t change, but the family traditions can- whether we have the turkey on one day or another doesn’t matter, so long as we’re together. 

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