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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Oh, and not to labour the point, sorry: I forgot to add there's plenty of sauteed spinach in there too, as the pic demonstrates. Lasagne really finished now😂
  2. To finish the lasagne topic, I should clarify that the pic is of Mario’s serving. Mine was much smaller. It’s quite filling. Since I had to reluctantly put away the golf clubs, the mirror and my shrinking clothes are shouting “diet”, so I need to get really serious, particularly after an indulgent festive season.
  3. Thanks, gents. We’re usually carnivores too, but I didn’t want to waste the vegs I had overstocked, so this is made with sliced and roasted pumpkin, zucchini and red capsicum (maybe bell pepper for you Lyle). Roasting first is essential, to raise the flavour level without meat. There is bechemel with an added egg during cooking, and the obligatory roast tomato sugo I make ahead and freeze in batches, and pasta sheets, also containing egg. So lots of protein, but we could adapt this lasagne to a gluten-free recipe for you, Les. Lol, the glasses I ordered online in bulk a while ago; a French design, but quite inexpensive. Glad you’re nearly there with the sorting through and packing up, Les. It’s a mammoth task. Take care and go easy.
  4. Comfort food tonight: roast vegetable lasagne with mixed leaf salad.
  5. We live, at times, in a harsh landscape. Hoping all will be well again soon🙏🏻
  6. What a majestic sight it would be if all three were visiting together. I do think we should change your name to "Blue Leader"🙂
  7. See my post 7670 above for a quick, tasty pickle method.
  8. Julie's suggestion is a good one, to be modified as you see fit. For your comfortable convenience, we have homes with spare bedrooms here in Canberra, and at Batemans Bay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you.
  9. Our first point of difference, Les🙂. I love olives, to the point of your description of "lubbly jubbly". I also like to make my own pickles to be used on the same day (not really into preserving. All you need is the right vegetable (zucchini, beetroot, cauliflower, cucumber all good) and an equal mix of salt and sweetener in a good vinegar. To that I add garden herbs for flavour, let stand for an hour or so, then drain and serve. Deliciously crispy, and packed with tangy flavour.
  10. Coincidence! I have just finished booking our one-way car for Canberra-Sydney before our flight in April. We are returning car later the same day to Sydney Airport. We will stay overnight at an Airport hotel, and repeat the exercise when we return after our trip. It's certainly possible, as we are doing it like we have done many times before. It's much more expensive, though, to return to a different location. It is a reluctant, but preferable expense for us, because when we travel, we go for long periods, and we have a lot of luggage. Bus and train are alternatives, but luggage makes the trip awkward. We have tried it, and have returned to the door-to-door convenience of car rental, as the rental depot is right next to Rydges Hotel, where we stay. Interstate? yes. Canberra is in the Australian Capital Territory, and Sydney is in New South Wales. Melbourne to Sydney, or any other state capital city would be the same, Lisle. We are doing the same in the UK: pick up Edinburgh Airport, and return several weeks later to Southampton. Again, there is a surcharge for returning to a different location. Australians would not consider your planned itinerary ambitious to complete in four weeks. Like Canada, it's a vast and diverse country, and we are used to distances. We reach Sydney from here in 3-1/2 hours, Melbourne is 7-9 hours with comfort and rest stops. We are so looking forward to meeting you and Lynne.
  11. Yes, I agree with the initial bed setting. The attendants always kindly do that for me. After that, I adjust it to sitting up, reclining, or back to flat bed myself with a simple touch. I have osteoarthritis to a degree that I have a knee and a finger joint replacement, and my spinal discs are not great, and because of this, my only ailments, thankfully at my age, I have had to reluctantly give up golf after many enjoyable years. I also have, because of disc compression, occasional bouts of severe sciatica. SA seats and beds are very kind to me (so far😂) after nearly thirty years of travelling on them. It would be physically impossible to return to the days of economy class, even though that would be the financially sensible choice. Last year we chose Cathay because its BC was just over half the fare of SA, but we regretted it all the way to London and back.
  12. Julie, we choose SA because we consider their BC the most comfortable and relaxing service we’ve tried, and there have been many. I’ve never had to stand to adjust the seat, it’s all at the touch of a finger. Yes, the full stretch foot area is slightly offset, but nowhere that of Cathay. Lufthansa, etc. SA’s service is impeccable, and it is consistently rated the best or close to best BC for so many reasons. When I step into that sublime ambience, I feel I’ve come home. We don’t travel and cruise nearly as often as so many CC friends, but when we do, we would rather do it infrequently, and comfortably. We’re at the age now that if it’s not almost as relaxing snd comfortable as home, we’re staying home.
  13. Thank you so much for this information. I will now need to consult with my M&M colleague.
  14. Our Sirena voyage in September 2022 did not include a Captain's reception, which was sensible at that time. I have read somewhere that the cocktail parties have since resumed. Could some kind soul with certain knowledge enlighten me? If the tradition has resumed, I also need to know if the former norm of the second night of the voyage, or alternatively, the first sea day after embarkation, is the designated evening. This will definitely affect the two M&Ms I am assisting to arrange for our Vista Grand Med Voyage in April. Many thanks in advance. Linda
  15. I have one I use in Canberra. It's attached to my keyring.
  16. Jean, I’m also O+, and if there are any tiny flying insects around, they choose me. Every few years (7 on average apparently, but more frequently during any series of wet summers like now) Canberra is visited by Midges, particularly near water. We’re not far from the lake, so they love our garden. Unlike mozzies, they can even enter through screens, which we have on every window and door except our front door. Two years ago, they drove me crazy, while completely ignoring Mario. He’s a B blood type, can’t remember which specifically atm, but when I researched this topic, I found that Os are targeted, while Bs are generally ignored if there’s an O around.
  17. Actually, latest research reveals the dominant attraction factor is blood type.
  18. Thanks, as always, Blue Marble. Queen Anne "British Isles" 24 May, 2024: May 25: Black and White May 30: Masquerade June 4: Roaring Twenties.
  19. We have already done just that (upgraded to Prestige). Our Vista cruise is not till April.
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