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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. So sorry to hear you’ve also caught the dreaded bug. I’m feeling really well only a few days after diagnosis, but I suspect I had it for a few days before that. Yes, cough was worst symptom; it’s still lingering, but abating. Good luck, Lyle. Get good medical advice and treatment. We’ll be thinking of you.
  2. He’s so very talented, and his concert we attended a few years back was brilliant. He has it all: the moves, the quips, the optimal audience interaction, very pleasant on the eyes, lol, and most of all, that golden, silky, smooth voice.
  3. Love Robbie Williams, and love Michael Buble’s crooning even more. Both naturals🥰
  4. Only for the crew, Les. We wore masks everywhere for the first few days, but eventually fell victim to Stockholm Syndrome (which is where I think I actually caught it🫣😂).
  5. Guessed that, Lyle. Kind of you to share. Leigh has mine: lindabin at big pond dot com, for any regular on here😊
  6. We’ll enjoy this trip for now, then we always end up looking for new options after a while. We’ll see😊
  7. We’ve been several times, and Agree Lyle’s Vancouver Island is truly beautiful, as is all of BC. We were last there in 2019. People on our cruise asked how we could possibly live with the world’s most dangerous snakes snd spiders. We always replied that the bandicoots take care of them.
  8. It really did, and it also left almost an entire generation of young women denied the chance of marriage and family because so many young men either never returned to their beloved great southern land, or were seriously injured or incapacitated for life.
  9. I was really only joking, meaning we’ll be over to try your excellent batter😂. I didn’t mean to ask for your details, so sorry.
  10. I’ll ask tomorrow morning at breakfast. We loved our Baltic cruise, Marion, and it was our second. The history is fascinating, and the communities so diverse. Have you found any possibilities?
  11. Stopped for lunch at a friendly English pub on the way from Portsmouth to Bournemouth. Very tasty steak and ale pie portion with vegs cooked just right. Couldn’t manage to finish it all, though
  12. Canberra public hols should be big trading days, wouldn’t you think?
  13. Sorry, Marion: senior moment…thought I was replying to Julie for a moment. Another symptom?🤣
  14. Sorry to hear that, Lyle. That storm has been big news here in the UK
  15. Thanks for your concern. I really only had one afternoon that I would call uncomfortable, but with excellent care from the medical staff, and the magic lollies (antivirals) I bounced back quickly. We really only had to isolate the last two days, so no inconvenience at all, really. A lingering cough the only symptom now, but I suspect this is at least Day 6-7, so probably only just made the optimum antiviral window. Hoping Mario remains negative, but he’s clear so far I think. We counted about another 10 disembarking with white escorts 😂. One couple had been in isolation for eight days, because one followed the other in returning positive PCRs. What about on Princess?
  16. Disembarked Sirena this morning in Portsmouth: Mario, me and my current companion (Covid😔)
  17. What’s your address, Lyle? The batter looks superb, and I love coleslaw with any good batter😋
  18. Our so just sent a photo of the deluge. He’s at The Bay this weekend.
  19. I completely understand your sentiments, Les. Some souls are quite content sailing solo; we have quite a few on this cruise. Others are used to sharing experiences with their life partners, and like you, would find it challenging to make the switch. I would probably fit into that category, so I do understand. Maybe after a little more time goes by, you might feel like trying cruising again. Thanks for asking how we’re enjoying our sailing. This cruise has been a wondrous experience, probably because my expectations weren’t high after Covid’s destructive rampage through the industry. The cuisine is as enticing as ever, the entertainment is first class, and our accommodation is very comfortable. Julie, the Cruise Director, is Tasmanian, and quite a dynamo. She runs the show with an iron fist, but possesses a dry Aussie wit. Very funny girl, and good company on the couple of occasions she’s asked us to share a drink with her. We disembark on Saturday in Portsmouth, and we’ll be sorry to leave. Looking forward to catching up again at The Bay after our return in November. Take care… Linda and Mario
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