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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Serene image, Les. I’m not sure if they still do takeaway fish and chips on the pier. I’m so looking forward to sailing into Sydney Harbour in November; something I’ve always wanted to do.
  2. Leigh, when I “liked” your post about Olivia above, I didn’t mean I liked your headache. All the golden voices we’ve lost. We may all have to practise karaoke and, at least in my case, pretend we can sing. Hope you’re having a lovely time in Cairns.
  3. Inspiring words, Lyle. Thank you for sharing. We also lost Archie Roach, an incredibly talented indigenous man with a haunting, rich voice.
  4. The restaurant is indeed exceptional; although menu prices, unfortunately, are reflective of its evolution as an iconic seafood experience. I was thinking more of the hotel itself, with its rich watering-spot history. If those walls could only talk…
  5. Thank you, Don. I have an advantage: a BA in Professional Writing. I have a legion of exceptional uni lecturers and tutors who deserve the credit. Writing is my passion.
  6. Doyle’s is not just a location. Just the mention transports me to the wonders of a youth spent in Sydney before it evolved to the tourist hub of today. Doyle’s Watsons Bay, Coogee Bay Hotel, Bronte Charles, and all the surf clubs along that stretch of ethereal magic. The Gap, that haunting space of tragedy and beauty, with the intuitive dogs alert to desperate lives, and the terrible tales of shipwrecks of another era. Watsons Bay can fill a lifetime of visits, and Doyle’s has been history’s sentinel.
  7. Wow, thanks Les. That will be next on our list. "Our House" is similarly gripping, right up there with "Line of Duty". I assume you've seen "Vigil", the suspense drama about the British submarine of the same name operating out of Scotland. Fantastic plot line and acting. The only problem with all these superb dramas is the let down you feel when they finish. Next meet-up, I'll tell you why I asked which years you were at Darlinghurst.
  8. Thank you for those years, and all the others you served.
  9. Toughest posting in the land, especially in the 60s, I think, Les
  10. Thank heavens they all survived, but hospital stays of that duration would seem to indicate grave injuries, I fear. Thanks for keeping us posted, Lyle🙏🏻
  11. What’s the male equivalent of tart?
  12. Right on all counts, Les. Endless variety of content on YT. Fox Binge is great for Brit crime shows; presently enthralled by the gripping “Our House”, and the Sam Neil production “Twelve”, in which he also stars is really good.
  13. It really depends on your viewing tastes. We particularly love the British detective shows and mysteries, travel and cooking programmes. Fox caters for those, and Netflix has some great movies.
  14. The coverage here is free to air, which explains the local interest. We don’t watch much f2a these days; more Foxtel and Netflix.
  15. Here in Canberra too, Les. I hardly slept last night with the rolling thunder on and off. I thought of switching on the tv to watch Birmingham live, but then remembered we'd disconnected the set because of the storms. Very heavy rain falling as I write.
  16. Usually, for us, the Commonwealth Games are a mild attraction, nowhere near that of the Olympics. This time, however, the coverage and commentary are great (Ian Thorpe particularly) and we're really following it. The only negative, and it's a biggie, is that the time difference means most of the finals are held during our sleeping hours.
  17. I should’ve thought of that. Much easier🤣 Birmingham’s a really lovely city; amazing how it’s been transformed from an industrial powerhouse to an elegant centre of culture. The canals are serene. My maternal grandfather was born in the Jewellery Quarter, into a family of many generations of jewellers. He came to Australia as a child in the late 1800s. Their shop with their home above is still a jewellery shop, and we were lucky to visit in 2018.
  18. Really enjoying watching the Commonwealth Games from Birmingham. Are you watching Canada’s prowess, Lyle?
  19. Always do. It was a tasty chowder; missed some crispy pastry. Should have done a pastry crumb
  20. Good suggestion, Les. Seafood powder, or seafood chie
  21. Seafood chowder ready for dinner tonight. Now, if I could get that flavour in a pie......
  22. Gosh, I really regret mentioning Flo’s pumpkin scones now, just as I regret mentioning frogs legs on the “Now for Something Completely Different” thread, although that only caused terrible dad jokes. Actually, Joh’s mixed metaphors were always worth a chuckle.
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