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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. I can just imagine you at karaoke. No, second thoughts, like me, you’ll be hoping to watch the funeral. We’ll be on Oceania’s Sirena, and Oceania’s wifi and real time tv is usually really great. That evening, I’ve arranged our CC thread’s M&M in Horizons Bar. A moment in history to share over a toast to our Queen Elizabeth II.
  2. Can’t see without standing on the roof, but can hear, and we certainly hear all the Stage 88 concerts if we open the window. Guess…
  3. We’re driving to Sydney tomorrow too, Les. Airport hotel pre-flight. Hope driver can behave on your old beat😜
  4. A remarkable woman, whose deep devotion to duty and service saw her working to within forty-eight hours of her death. Elizabeth II has been our Queen for as long as my memory stretches. I admired her grace, her dignity, her sense of humour, and her serene embrace of the occasional "put down" when necessary. I have willingly accepted the monarchy because Elizabeth embodied all that a monarch should be, and more. Now is not the time for debating the politics of moving to an Australian republic, and I applaud Nick Coatsworth's rebuke of Adam Bandt's attention-seeking and insensitive comments when the Queen had barely drawn her last breath. I'm not sure I would support a republic, but, although Charles is carrying himself with gentle dignity in his grief, and appears to genuinely relate to members of the public as he walks among those gathered at the palace gates, I fear that will not last. His sense of entitlement has always been enormous, and he has form in meddling in matters of state when he should be restraining the urge. William, I truly believe, will be a monarch of the people, and will be as inspiring as his beloved grandmother. Time will tell... Vale Elizabeth, gentle lady.
  5. That's terrible, Les. Poor boy, and what a mess. I'm almost convinced our luggage won't travel with us to London next Tuesday. Qantas has changed our domestic leg (Syd-Melb) three (yep, three) times in the last two weeks. At least the baggage handlers strike scheduled for twenty-four hours from next Monday has been called off, so that's one obstacle to smooth transport removed. We have airtags, and have printed forwarding instructions inside our suitcases, but I'm still worried we'll be boarding "Sirena" in Portsmouth on 17 September sans luggage. Anyway, best wishes for a wonderful cruise next week. You have great company, and you know Princess well, so you should feel very much at home. See you in Batehaven sometime after mid-November. Linda
  6. That sounds so much more refined. Devon needs all the help it can get😱
  7. I need to explain that booking conditions in Australia differ from those in USA, just as UK conditions differ from other countries. We are governed by the government guidelines and legislation covering tourism with all its categories. For instance, the automatic refunds I read about for cancelled US booked cruises are not automatically granted here. We are offered cruise credits, and Oceania is very strict as to how those credits can be used (booking and sailing within certain time frames). They were lenient during Covid, but not over-generous. Quite often, the incentives offered here will not be offered in other countries, and sometimes the reverse of that applies. Our TA is efficient, knowledgeable, and like a terrier with a bone when she needs to be, but if Oceania has decided the packages can only be purchased aboard when applied to Australian bookings, then that's how it is. We don't mind, actually, making the decision within the first day or two aboard, because it gives us the opportunity of comparing the wines offered in the premium package with those on the wine lists in the restaurants.
  8. Ouch! So it's an adventure holiday? Makes cycling down Mont Blanc seem tame. Seriously, so sorry to hear of your injuries. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  9. You'd be home by now, hopefully safe and well and resting after your trip. Keep safe and well, both of you.
  10. I had the same “unable to purchase” message as OP two weeks ago. Our TA checked with O for us, and guess what? O advised that drinks packages can now only be purchased on board. No more pre-embarkation purchasing for drinks packages.
  11. It must be. Experienced Cunard fellow CCers on the Barcelona-Fremantle thread (we're staying on to Sydney) are fervently hoping it won't be the offering.
  12. We actually enjoyed a glass with dinner tonight
  13. Sounds sublime: farm environment and fresh produce. You must be a great cook to be nominated chef😋
  14. Immersing yourselves in the locale as you are is the loveliest way of experiencing the culture. Thanks for the evocative description of your wonderful holiday, and for posting the great photos. Continue enjoying your stay.
  15. A few years ago we cruised with Seabourn. Aboard with us was Mrs Whiskey (or very similar name). She had lived aboard Seabourn for ten years, moving at whim from vessel to vessel. Every evening, two officers would escort her to her window table and remain with her for dinner. She would greet everyone nearby as she moved to her table, and again when she left. She visited the hair salon every morning, and always looked gorgeous. She really was very sweet. We were told her family owned most of the funeral homes in the US, and she thought Seabourn preferable to any God’s waiting room in the States. She’d clocked up close to 4,000 days then, but would have moved to the big cruise ship by now, I think. Are you sailing at the moment, Mike? Happy voyage to you both if you are🥂
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