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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Yes, that time has passed. Aspen Medical the only winner, I think. Clever senior management though, a Canberra firm. Grass roots local to huge international profile.
  2. Yes, noted, and Qld should be scrambling to fill that white elephant
  3. Cunard has altered its pre-embarkation testing requirements. Up until a few days ago, a negative PCR test was required to be taken within 48 hours of boarding. Now they only require a "self" RAT or similar, with no evidence other than passengers' assertion that they have taken the test and it was negative. Why bother even stipulating this easily-flouted requirement? Hopefully, the majority of passengers will be honest, but humanity being how it is .......
  4. My father used to say someone had "a long crack in the scone" if he didn't like them. I asked him when I was little why that was, and he said their brain had escaped. He had some corkers of sayings.
  5. That's a fantastic recipe, Julie: quick and easy. I've seen gf sr flour, but never bought it. I have a lemonade scone recipe which uses very cold butter. This one is much easier. Thanks for the link. Would you try it, Les?
  6. National Scone Day today, according to the ABC
  7. Cycles of our beautiful blue planet, Lyle; ebbing and flowing to nature’s rhythm. To bring you up to speed, the “serenity”, “pool room” and “he’s dreaming” are treasured quotes from an iconic Aussie film, “The Castle”. Lost in translation, but if you can download it somehow, you’ll get a hint of dry, laconic Aussie cultural larrikinism. Not refined by any means, but decades after the movie’s release, we still quote the quips. Another film like that us “Muriel’s Wedding”. I can recommend them both.
  8. Looks delicious…I’m drooling. I’ve just been speaking to my brother, who’s lived in Cairns for decades. He says they’ve gone from very hot to very cold (probably temperate for us Southerners). You’re obviously enjoying your tropical break.
  9. Our Canberra forecast is -6 tonight, possibly lower🥶. Stay in Cairns, Leigh. The upside is great snow in the mountains. Our family members are all skiers, so very happy.
  10. Kids are not really catered for on Oceania, so it would be up to their families to provide meaningful activities. We have sailed with kids in the past on Oceania though, and can't recall a single problem. We love kids, so it certainly wouldn't bother us to sail with young passengers again. Yes, Viking has a policy of no kids under 18. Our last cruise was a b2b Viking cruise on Orion. Magnificent vessel, beautiful public spaces, great entertainment, comfortable bars, BUT food is nowhere near Oceania's standard of cuisine, and the MDR is more like a vast cafeteria. Specialty restaurants were much better, particularly Manfredi's, but overall, the food was way below par. We like seasoning, but the food was delivered overly pre-salted to such a degree that many passengers were complaining of swollen ankles. Staff were all lovely, but lacked that gliding presence of Oceania's restaurant staff. Others may totally disagree with my observations, of course.
  11. Correct, Mike. We are sailing on Oceania Sirena London-London in mid-September, and were looking to arrange the required PCR tests in Portsmouth within 48hrs of boarding. Two weeks ago, Oceania announced testing of any sort is no longer required. We’re also sailing home this time, from Barcelona to Sydney on Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth. Cunard is still requiring negative PCRs within 48hrs of boarding, but I suspect that is constantly under review. By our embarkation time in October, Cunard may also drop testing requirements.
  12. That's a little gem of advice, almost rocket science😉
  13. And not an aluminium tray in sight. I’m impressed, Les.
  14. I recall one of my Uni Lecturers theorising that the vampire terror was a projection of the fear of disease and its spread through blood contact; driving a stake through the heart destroyed the contagion and its carrier. A bit like a pocket full of posies to breathe through and eliminate the “malodour” of the plague. Gosh, try eating pizza after my ramble…
  15. Yes, I think it’s used more liberally in the south, but pizzas, etc. here are more likely to have garlic than those in Italy
  16. You know, it’s funny, but garlic is used very little in Italy these days. All our cousins in the north won’t have it in the kitchen, amazingly. They also drink little coffee, and never with milk after the morning breakfast coffee. Yes, Les, he does like it, but never raw. Anyone who’s eaten raw garlic wouldn’t be entering my house, anyway.
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