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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Hope someone feeds them while you’re away on your magical mystery tour. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy.
  2. Yes, those cautions are also, of course, noted here in Australia. Certain renal conditions would negate the prescribing of at least one nominated antiviral. The prevailing thought now is that all people over 70 are compromised to some degree, simply by virtue of an immune system no longer as robust as that of much younger members of the population.
  3. And I meant to add that I hope you've recovered well.
  4. That's wonderful news, thank you🙏
  5. Just this week in Australia, the federal government announced that after advice from health officials, antivirals will now be available to all Covid patients aged over seventy years, regardless of health status. Previously, they could only be prescribed if a patient carried an immune-compromising condition, or had a history of heart, liver, etc. problems. I can attest they make a significant difference. Several friends who have taken them sailed through Covid, two totally asymptomatic. All of these people carried compromising conditions. It's my understanding, though, that the antivirals can be prescribed only after a positive Covid test result. That's a shame because we would love to take a sufficient supply (and by that I mean simply the necessary amount for each of us should we test positive, and no more) with us when we leave for two months away in September. The holiday includes two cruises, one for two a two weeks' Baltic cruise on Oceania's Sirena, and the other five weeks sailing home to Sydney from Barcelona on Cunard's Queen Elizabeth where I hope to meet Lis above. It would be truly wonderful to learn that antiviral medications can be supplied aboard.
  6. We also joined the Fatima excursion during our 2018 Med cruise on Nautica. It was truly an emotional, uplifting experience. Many on our tour were not at all religious, but all found the atmosphere peaceful and enlightening. They were simple children, and simplicity is the language of the soul. We love Oceania, and in September will be joining Sirena for yet another cruise. We have sailed numerous times on Nautica, and twice on Marina. We have sailed on many cruise lines, including Seabourn, Silversea, Norwegian and Viking. They all shine in their own way, and perhaps Seabourn is the most wonderful experience of all, but for less outlay, Oceania certainly comes close. We're sailing on Cunard ten days after we disembark our Oceania cruise in October, first time on Cunard. It will be interesting to compare. Happy sailing everyone 🙂
  7. I did post a detailed reply, but it’s disappeared. Gremlins again🤔. The essence was I hope they all recover well, and this awful experience fades in time🙏🏻
  8. That’s why we really love Oceania, Seabourn and Silversea, but The Haven on NCL offers that same tranquil, mellowed ambience. It’s just not evident throughout the vessel, as enjoyed on these lines I’ve mentioned above. We’ll be sailing with Cunard for the first time in October, so it will be interesting to compare.
  9. We have cruised four times with NCL, twice on Jade and same on Jewel. Each time we've splurged on The Haven, and haven't regretted it one bit. We were looked after wonderfully, without being pampered in a cloying way. We loved the space, and the entertainment was superb. Wouldn't hesitate to cruise again with Norwegian, but possibly not always in The Haven😜
  10. I just read on another topic about your injury, Les. Hope you improve rapidly. Such a shame you have to cancel your Eden/Merimbula sojourn. Next time. Please take care.
  11. Exactly. It didn’t occur to me till much later. There must be trigger words, I guess. She would be horrified. She’s such a dignified lady
  12. That’s exactly what happened to me on a different post. I was replying to Les to say I knew the pizza establishment he was referring to, and I mentioned a relative was a therapist at the beauty salon next door. When I hit “Submit” the entire post lit up in scarlet red, then disappeared. It reappeared much later. I think “therapist” and “salon” caused the problem. This post may do the same thing🤔
  13. I once posted a long reply that then completely disappeared 🤷‍♀️
  14. Thanks, Mike. Maybe wise. Every family we know seems to gave at least one case atm. Maybe next time. Good luck tomorrow.
  15. Devastating scenes; so traumatic for all who’ve suffered in every way through this terrible inundation. Cleanups last forever, and it’s almost impossible to eradicate the ensuing mould. The record for the area still remains at 20m(!) in 1870. Now the Warragamba Dam seems to be the main contributing factor, but the sad fact remains it always was, and remains, a floid zone
  16. Oh, good for you, and well done👏 M played well into his 40s but then golf beckoned a few years after that. He trained our son’s team all through to Y12, then served on his old club committee for many years to give back, as he said at the time. Two of our granddaughters played for a few years as well. If we don’t make it to Canberra Cruisers this time, enjoy your gathering. Our family birthday lunches are traditionally long🎉
  17. Webster packs for meds are a good idea, but you beed to vaguely know what day if the week it is
  18. My father used to say he knew it was Sunday because he could smell the roast in the oven.
  19. Great to meet you in person today, Les. We really enjoyed lunch and chewing the fat (pun intended). M remembered he’d used his licence at the Southern Cross Club renewing our fees the other day. The miracle is they have located it and put it aside. Boomer brain cells🤣
  20. Hope you’re on here this morning Les. We’ll be there about 12.45. Sorry for delay. Tradies finishing at our Canberra house this morning. On way now! If you don’t reply, I’ll ring Catalina and leave a message at front desk. Definuteky be there though🙃
  21. Absolutely! Looking forward to it, Les. See you in the foyer at high noon
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