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Everything posted by Chiliburn

  1. I was thinking of grabbing a bargain on quantum trans pacific but no cheap airfares . And as you say it could be a long cruise with no stops .
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if something happens with Quantum. Maybe not this season but next. Its not selling very well. The trans pacific is only half full.
  3. I have no problem with being on camera for security reasons but the way it is with Disney is you agree to it . Otherwise you can’t enter their property. They own all the information that they collect. It’s probably the same with a cruise ship but at the moment they ask if you want a photo and you can buy it. With Disney the wristbands trigger cameras and they take a picture. I was shocked that they tracked me and the kids and photographed us. Im probably paranoid but I would like the choice not to be photographed, especially the kids.
  4. Don’t you feel uncomfortable with being tracked ? Disney had that 20 years ago and when you got back to your hotel or home . They start trying to sell the details of your holiday to you. Where you where with photos. I have nothing to hide but my privacy but It won’t be long before the cruise lines pick up on it.
  5. RC has had a similar thing for years and it just crashes . Back to the pen and paper,that’s if anyone can still write.
  6. Full moon is on the 12th ,give it another week and the medallion threads will be HOT.
  7. It doesn’t look like it . There seem like a couple of solid sections.
  8. I’m looking uncle Les,I’m looking. The P&O out of Cairns to PNG interests me.
  9. I don’t believe enchantment will come to the pacific . The Australia and the Alaska run is one of the bid cash cows . They won’t deploy a old wreck like enchantment or even vision to a big ticket like Alaska.
  10. I thought that about the attendant but they have the upper hand at the moment. I think it was Sydney Airport needs 5,000 workers but can’t get them.
  11. I haven’t seen anything but I wouldn’t be surprised. I did see it has cancelled cruises next year.
  12. We did a domestic flight the other week to Cairns and that was bad enough. There was one flight we saw in Cairns that was delayed for 7 hours. Food on qantas was a stale meat pie ,just couldn’t eat it ,they run out of coffee. The toilet was disgusting,even the flight attendant said enter at your own risk. Its a different world. If things aren’t to bad next year,I’m hoping to do Icon of the seas out of Miami.
  13. I knew someone here would have a good idea. Also what about insurance companies like Lloyd’s? And I thought we where here just to chat about Princess medallion.
  14. Who bought out Sitmar ?was it P&O ? Would Carnival have anything?
  15. I don’t know where you would get a passages list for a cruise that far back. There must be some special memories for you.
  16. 4 people ,I would consider a Uber Maxi. Prime time and super shuttle did go bust during the pandemic. I believe they are operating but have some bad reviews. Some of the cruise lines have a bus but is expensive. Also LAX has changed a lot ,you have to go off site to get some rides. I just did a quote for Uber Black.$US 130 .
  17. August 12th , full moon , Princess cruisers. Lets discuss that medallion
  18. Usually the junior guarantee just comes under suite guarantee to my knowledge. You could get any suite but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  19. Another view. Thats the new carnival ship behind it ,I believe a excel class.
  20. I have a open mind but I do have a few of the milk runs on Royal this season. I was thinking about going overseas next year to the U.S. or Europe but I’m thinking about staying closer to home . ‘They say a change of cruise lines are as good as a holiday.
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