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Everything posted by Chiliburn

  1. I have been trolling everything about Lelepa but there nothing about Royal Caribbean and the new resort. There’s a couple of things about charities upgrading the solar electricity and water supplies for the island. But nothing about the new resort. Do you think they are waiting for Uncle Sam to open his wallet?? Lots of talk about money in the South Pacific?
  2. What you are saying the ship fills up with town water and land maintenance in noumea. I didn’t know that,maybe you can tell us . We like to give is a bit of a reference to what we are saying.
  3. Michel , the princess fraternity seems a bit more neurotic than usual tonight.
  4. No that was Rod and I think he elaborated by saying a floating disease infested garbage can.
  5. Pier 2C . https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/37-hawaii/
  6. I haven’t been really following it but apparently like a lot of things in the world at the moment ,they can’t get parts . They have 3 months, they should be able to fix it by the trans-pacific ? Quantum isn’t selling very well compared to Ovation. RC is even offering a subsidy for airfares to Brisbane.
  7. A airport hotel is a good choice in your situation. The holiday inn express doesn’t have much around it though. There’s a airport shuttle but I think it has a charge ,$13 pp from memory ? The Holiday inn at the airport would be better as there’s a train station,a couple of places to eat as a supermarket one block away. Have you looked into if HAL has a shuttle to white bay? Sometimes the cruise line have a shuttle from central station or the airport.
  8. I would go . You probably have as much chance of catching it at the supermarket. Royal Caribbean is the best line to back you up if you catch it . If you test positive before the cruise ,full refund. If you test positive onboard,free medical and a refund plus they will put you up in a hotel for the time required ,all expenses paid and fly you home to your front door.Free of charge. This virus is going to be around for a long time and you can’t hide forever.
  9. Your probably right, we are thinking they have a cruise ship specific ban but it’s a general ban. There’s nothing on their government websites that says there’s a cruise ban ,so there mustn’t be.
  10. Only use a government website Have a look at this one . https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder/visit
  11. This article in the local news says vanuatu is open to cruise ships. It’s about a week old https://www.dailypost.vu/news/international-border-closure-ends-this-week/article_fd865883-5787-540d-b514-a933d829c819.html
  12. Vanuatu is open to flights but it doesn’t say anything about cruise ships anymore. There’s a couple of news articles that says it is open to cruise ships but the official government website doesn’t say yes or no. But most important vanuatu boarder control doesn’t have a cruise ban anymore but they are working on a plan ? What ever that is ? Noumea is still closed.
  13. There’s a good day just around constitution dock and don’t forget some seafood or a scallop pie.
  14. Just south of the main museum. http://www.maritimetas.org
  15. The maritime museum is another but it’s fairly expensive for the size. There’s the some remains of a ship wreck in there that was found nearby . They worked out it was British and was wrecked about 100 years before Cook discovered Australia.
  16. Yeh ,that’s about as credible as both Utopia AND Icon both being the biggest ships. Just the other day in Hong Kong he said it’s the only true democracy in the world. It was on T.V. So it must be true.
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