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2 cruises a year

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Everything posted by 2 cruises a year

  1. Yes, I've been lucky enough twice. It was fun. I think that if a bartender has enough background, he or she can put it on on their own. So it is hit or miss. It will probably be above and beyond the package, but worth it.
  2. I've always had to sign the receipt in the gift shops.
  3. AND, it is always drinks or wine. Never a specialty restaurant, shore excursion, spa or ship's store etc. overcharge.
  4. Speaking from a bad experience, let me add to be SURE and do this before the last day. DON'T accept any promises about showing up before disembarkation. Mine did not, and I never was able to get any satisfaction after disembarking. Let's just say that they beat me down and I made a pretty good donation toward paying down their debt. Please, no comments needed about what I should have done. While it was a tidy sum, it was not life changing, or worth the aggravation, so I just put it behind me and moved on.
  5. Plus, you may not be able to get the same cabin, if that matters. To me, the risk of losing a cabin I like is not worth it.
  6. Princess, like most companies never "require" anything, telling some people to do something, or not do something is a big red flag. Unfortunately, some people feel like suggesting or recommending is for everyone else, not them.
  7. True, as someone looking forward to a safe cruise, those are the cases that I am interested in. The media doesn't really focus on cases on cruise ships, you are naturally attracted to reports on cruise ships. I'm a long time cruiser, but I accept the fact that in reality, there are more cases of Covid on cruise ships than there are in cities larger than cruise ships.
  8. Just one man's opinion: I agree about the smoke, I've never been a smoker, and dislike smoky surroundings as much as the next person. But somehow, this does not sound fun to me. No noise of machines paying off, the fun of watching other people and their "lucky" charm moves etc., everything about just being in a casino. This seems even worse than drinking alone.
  9. Could you please name the entertainers you have encountered? Thanks
  10. Too complicated. The onboard credit can come from several different places.
  11. Off topic, but a must do on any ship with a SeaWalk. On the first day, go to the SeaWalk, get a beverage of your choice, relax, and watch people encountering the SeaWalk for the first time. Reactions are many and some hysterical. Ooops, I just realized that it looks like this may be your first time an a ship with the SeaWalk. You may be one of the people I'm talking about. 😉
  12. Agreed!! My wife and I laugh every time we hear Elite passengers expecting better treatment. We say that the biggest reason we've cruised enough to become Elite is because of the exceptional treatment we've received since day 1 (Blue).
  13. What is worse is if someone responds to them. You see a response that doesn't make any sense, because you don't know what the response is about. This drove me crazy trying to figure this out after blocking someone once. I ended up having to unblock them. 😝😝
  14. I agree with Thrak. We've never experienced any problems usually associated with being close to elevators.
  15. 80 Francisco is the Princess recommended parking. Scroll down to San Francisco https://www.princess.com/learn/cruise-destinations/cruise-ports-and-hotels/
  16. And for all of you "Winos" out there: Even Port is Red. Even numbers and red running lights on the port side.
  17. Where does it say Harding and Park West have acces to our credit card information? I've never used the auction, but bought at the stores and never received a bill from anybody except Princess. I haven't cruised since April, but never had to authorize anyone except Princess and I agree with the OP that authorizing Radiqal is disconcerting. I wonder if it pertains to Princess Premier? "Win a Prize for Unlocking Your Cabin Door, No Casino Presence Required". Yeaaa! @Flyinby, by any chance did you book Princess Premier? I have not cruised since Princess Premier came in, maybe that is why I've never seen it.
  18. New crew are Quarantined in the same area of the Aloha Deck.
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