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Posts posted by TeaBag

  1. Thank you so much Barwick and DHP1.  Yes, it's the arrival in Honolulu I am worrying about as well.  We want to stay there for 2 days and then fly to Kauai for a week and so hoping we can do that.

    Yes, I was pretty sure we would need a PCR to return home as you need one here if you go across the land border to empty your PO box and you're gone only 15 mins!!  Such a stupid rule.  So, of course, we don't go.

  2. 3 hours ago, sunseeker551 said:

    My husband just told me he actually preferred the Lawn Grill over Murano. 🙂

    I agree with your husband.  We have been to LCG 4 or 5 times and every time it has been wonderful.  Love the tip about dining there when in port.  It was so cold on our last time, they offered us a return another night for free. 

    To answer the OP's question, I would prefer Tuscan for the first night and I would try to get a table at the window to enjoy the wake.

    As for Murano, we have been 3 times on three different ships and every time came away unimpressed and we're foodies.

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    • Thanks 1
  3. We live near the US border.  Before the dreaded COVID we used to go to the US weekly or every ten days to shop and buy gas.  We always returned the same day and have brought goods worth up to $200.  No problem.  No duty.  All they seem to be concerned about is cigarettes and liquor.

    OP, I would shop in Detroit as long as it is not a lot.  i don't think you will have a problem.

  4. So glad that you have booked a cruise.  I wish you had booked it out of Vancouver (not biased, of course) as the inside passage between the mainland and Vancouver Island is spectacular scenery and smooth seas.  When you sail from Seattle you sail west of Vancouver Island in the open sea and I hope it is not rough for you as that might turn your wife off cruising.  We want her to LOVE this cruise and maybe even want you to book another while on board!

    I was also going to suggest a river cruise.  We did Budapest to Amsterdam on AMA and it was wonderful.  Sail at night and wake up in another lovely European city.

    I hope you both enjoy your first cruise together.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Cruisingrampy said:

    I was thinking if i did do that one i would take a few days definately. Basically my biggest concern is the covid requirements and testing and everything more chances of catching it with the 2 or 3 flights where as the hawaii one i can drive to the port in vamcouver

    Would love to chat with you.  We have cruised to and from Hawaii several times and have also cruised the Greek Islands.  We have also stayed in both places for a week or more.  We are back on your Apr 23 cruise from Vancouver.  Long story.  I cancelled about 10 days ago because they would not extend the FP date.  (Worried about Omicron and want to see where it goes).  Two days later, they did extend the date.  I was miffed and then some!!  I wrote a letter to them and believe it or not, they phoned but I missed the call.  I have spent countless hours on the phone since trying to get this reinstated.  It is partly done but I lost my nice cabin and now have to wait for a guarantee to be assigned.  The ship is more than half empty and I wonder if it will sail at all.  If you have time I would advise you to spend some time in Hawaii after disembarking.  We always go to Kauai.  It would be great to meet if you stay with the Vancouver itinerary.

  6. I have used a lanyard I won at Trivia for years and I love it.  it has a clear plastic front and a little pocket on the back with a zip.  You only have to lose your seapass card once and you love the solution of a lanyard. 

    • Like 2
  7. 15 hours ago, gracebest said:

    I’m booked on the same cruise you cancelled. I contacted my TA to express my frustration about the change to 60 days right after our final payment date.  She told me we could still cancel before Feb. 23 and get a refund for all but our $900 non refundable deposit. The NR deposit would be given as FCC.  So, it buys us a bit more time, but I’m not sure this cruise will actually sail anyway.

    For your sake, Grace, I hope it does sail.  I'm still upset as we had this cruise tied in with time at our timeshare in Kauai.  BTW, we booked directly with Celebrity.

  8. Thank you, thank you edrussel for your report and no apologies needed for the detail.  It was fantastic.  This is the first post I have read since last Sat when I cancelled our April cruise that has made me happy we did.

    I'm glad you have found the world of cruising and enjoyed your first cruise so much as to book a second one.  It's a wonderful way to travel and I miss it so much.  Hoping we will not have to cancel our July plans.

    • Like 1
  9. I was hoping to get the 90 day FP date reduced to 60.  I phoned them on Jan 17 asking for this.  I got the run around and finally was told, after about an hour on the phone, to call back on Jan 22 or 23.  Jan 23 was FP date.  So I called again on Jan 22 and the rep had to call this one and that one while I held on again.  Finally got some generous soul who gave me 7 days!  What good is that?  I cancelled only to find out 2 days later that they were giving the 60 days to people booked with May FP dates.  Then I checked the roll call for our cruise and they were all being offered the 60 days out cancellation after the final payment date.  Many were upset as they had already paid in full.  And they have the audacity to thank you for your loyalty (28 years of it) on the phone.

    I have written to air my frustration with them but I doubt I'll hear back.

    • Thanks 1

    4 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

    Norway all the way up and down the coast.   Also, Alaska all the way up and down the coast.


    Still want to get to New Zealand if they EVER open up.  Still hoping to get to Iceland next  year as well as Greece.



    Glad to hear you say that, Oceansaway, as we are booked for Norway in July.  I hope it sails.  One of our best cruises still is Honolulu to Auckland to Sydney.  Iceland was cancelled on us last year but we still hope to get there some day.

    Enjoy whatever you choose.

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  11. I am in the camp where 7 days is way too short.  You will be surprised by how fast the cruise will be over.  I would go with the 11 days.  Canada/New England is a wonderful itinerary. Do join the roll call for your cruise when you select it.  Often there are people organizing private excursions and those are much cheaper than the ship sponsored ones.

    I predict you will love cruising and hopefully this will be the first of many.

    Our first was a 14 day London (Southampton) to Athens and we have never looked back.

    Please let us know what you decide.

    • Like 2
  12. We do self disembarkation all the time.  I don't think you can do this and stay on the ship till 9:30.  As I recall, breakfast starts at 6:00 or 6:30.  We leave our suitcases in our cabin, go to the early breakfast, then retrieve them and line up with the others who are doing the same.  We've never found it to be a problem.

    If you really want to stay till 9:30, then I think others have given good advice to put your suitcases out the night before.

    Enjoy the Silhouette, it's a lovely ship.

  13. I'm not 100% sure for cruises booked in the UK, but here, if we booked through a TA, we have to ask them to reprice.  hope you get this.  I checked my cruise and AQ class is sold out so I'm afraid I'm out of luck.  You should make sure these new lower prices are not Simply Sail.

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