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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. I was on the Ovation when we left Wellington and stopped in the shipping channel'. Good job the weather was calm, that is a lot of ship to get blown around. This was a following report. On November 18, 2019, at ~7:30 pm, upon leaving Port Wellington NZ (near Steeple Rock), the cruise liner suffered an engine issue resulting in temporary loss of power (and propulsion) and drifting. Luckily, the weather was favourable and two tugboats were quickly dispatched to assist the ship. After ~30 min, the mechanical fault was fixed and the liner was able to continue the voyage as planned.
  2. Great, I well and truly qualify then. Hope you keep posting, I have appreciated all your comments and honest opinions and you posted lovely photos of fish & chips I am thinking of putting the one of the English breakfast up on my wall. 😂
  3. Does turning 80 yrs old last May allow me to get cranky with no penalty.😁
  4. That was great.If and when we get back to cruising I will have to keep a look out for any bargains on full suites.👍
  5. Thank you, we are so pleased you are enjoying your cruises and thank you for all your reports, they did generate more excitement about our hopes of cruising. I love your outlook, that was how we were until the big C hit my wife. We are desperately hoping the Covid situation will calm down allowing us to go on our booked cruise in early 2023. Love to go in a full suite with all the trimmings but our budget only allows for balcony and sometimes a Junior suite that does not include much apart from a bit extra room. 🙂
  6. I understand what you are saying about the fear factor but unfortunately there are some of us who would desperately love to go cruising but are in a position where it is essential that we know what the situation is regarding Covid on cruises. My wife is recovering from cancer treatment and although we are fully vaccinated and had our boosters, as much as we would like to just say let's go cruising we have to weigh up the odds. If Covid turns out to be only a very few infected maybe it would be worth taking a chance. For this to happen we really need reports of the Covid situation on board ships. Hopefully our friends on CC who have been on a cruise ( as difficult as it is ) can bypass media hype and give us a feeling of the Covid situation on board. We realise Covid looks like it is here to stay until they find some way to stop it. Other than that it could be the end of our cruising. Watching with keen interest and hoping everyone stays well or at least if unfortunate to get Covid it is only milld. Only my opinion for our situation. Cheers John.
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