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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. Yep soon as you turn 80 things become very frustrating especially when you are still very fit and think you are still 40. Funny how every one around you age except yourself 😂
  2. That is the way to go. Something we intended to do and the Covid got in the way and the start of 2022 the wife was unfortunate enough to get breast cancer and in the mean time when we were not looking we were in our 80s. Not complaining though, most important is I still have my wife who responded well to the treatment and thanks to the wonderfull staff at the Hospital.😊 As they say do what you can while you can.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I have used insurance and Go before but I was under 80 yrs then. They would not give me a quote online this time and I tried to phone, after 35 min I gave up.Will try again another day. Do not intend to cancel but things do happen having said that may have to leave out cover for cruise cancel to cut cost and take a chance. There is also the flight to Hawaii that I really should get cover for. Cost since the start of Covid sure has sky rocketed plus extra cost for turning 80 yrs. May have to stick to domestic cruising after this one.
  4. Insurance and Go would not give me a quote on line and wanted me to phone them, gave up after 35min. I will have a look at Cota. Thanks.
  5. AS Cbtours said 1 cover will not cover international once you reach that magic age of 80🙁
  6. Thanks guys I will research that.🙂
  7. Thanks I will try again, maybe they did not like my age for international travel😟 I will let you know.👍
  8. Edit. Just tried Australia Post full comp insurance, looking better $ 1.628. $2389 if I add cancelation cover for $5000. Still have to read the PDS I will do it later when my head stops spinning after spending all afternoon looking. Thank you for your suggestions.🙂
  9. Yes age related, tried Covermore $3994 1 Cover not covering International at this stage
  10. Sorry I know insurance has been done to the death but after being quoted a substantial amount ( nearly $4000 ) for a Transpacific cruise from Hawaii /Australia and high cost for airfares I have got to come up with answers if my cruise is to happen. By having medical only cruise insurance from Medibank there is a big saving to be had. Obviously not covered for flights, cruise cancelation, luggage, cabin isolation etc ( still have to look at pds ) just wondering if any one has considered this or is it a big no no.
  11. Thank you, she has recovered very well just need the immune system to recover as best as it can for an over 80yr old hence our reason for booking the Transpacific for next year. I think we will still be taking a chance though. Hopefully medical science may progress by then to make covid not quite so deadly for the aged. Thanks for the heads up on the smoking I don't use the casino and can avoid any smoking areas🙂👍
  12. Thanks guys, all very interesting. My wife and I have a balcony cabin & Daughter has studio balcony booked for Oct 2023 17 nights on the Quantum Hawaii / Australia. @timtam2 as I am a non smoker I am interested in how the smoking policy differs from Hawaii rather than from Australia ? I reckon the wife & daughter will like the idea of not worrying about more weight in the suitcase on our return seeing we have no flights once embarking at Brisbane. We are so looking forward to the cruise with many sea days. Hoping all the covid restrictions will settle down for all that are on the transpacific cruises this October. Would liked to have done the same cruise this year but needed the time for my Wife to get over the Chemo she had this year. We will still be taking a gamble with covid ( looks like it is here to stay ) because of our age but cant spend the rest of our lives sitting around. Hopefully on a big ship with 17 nights they will be able to cope covid wise if the worst was to happen. Once again thank you all for you replies. 🙂
  13. Depends what way you go, south is positive and North is negative 😄
  14. Curious to know if on a transpacific cruise you favour Australia to Hawaii or the opposite direction and why ? Would you book your own Air flight or through the cruise company ?
  15. Thank you, nice to read that Cota took good care of you, that is the sort of information that is so important when looking at insurance.I have yet to read the PDS. I have noticed that they do not cover domestic and will not cover single trip international if you are over 70 years old. The exception is they will cover over 70s if you take out multi trip annual and as I usually only book 1 cruise a year that has unfortunately ruled me out. I appreciate your post. Once you reach 80 yrs old insurance is not so easy.
  16. You are correct my cruise is a long way off so obviously I have not been concerned, just curious. Hopefully the Luminosa being the sister ship to the Spirit, might have the same cabin layout and I will get the same deck and cabin. Has not been the big announcement I was expecting , maybe they are waiting until all the refurbishments have been completed later on, hopefully by the time of my cruise.🤞
  17. This may also be of interest. Carnival Luminosa’s crew is eager to welcome you on board and we know you will enjoy the warm and friendly service from our crew, and the variety of entertainment and activities we have planned for you. She is sister to our other popular Spirit-class ships so you will feel right at home. Carnival Luminosa offers spacious and comfortable staterooms along with many fan-favorite onboard features like the flavors of Alchemy Bar®, Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse™ and RedFrog® Rum Bar, the entertainment of Playlist Productions™, Piano Bar 88 and The Punchliner™ Comedy Club, plus the relaxation of Cloud 9 Spa™ and Serenity™.
  18. Still showing The Spirit on my cruise planner !!! I would have thought that people that have already booked might have received some info on cabin replacements before now seeing they have now released cruise booking dates . I received the following email in march Edit !! Carnival must of been keeping watch on me. After posting the above I received and email. The following is a part of it. is ( Our team will be working on moving all the reservations until 2 September 2022, so there is no need to call us. We appreciate your understanding as reservations cannot be accessed by anyone outside our technical team during this period. )
  19. Has anybody used Cota travel insurance and if so were they any good. The wife said there has been adverts on the tv, unfortunately I have not seen them. After spending many hours looking for insurance cover I have not come across this one. I thought I would ask you guys before delving into it any further at this stage. Cheers John.
  20. Thanks for that. Around Australia cruise sounds great and not long for embarkation, how exciting. Regarding the insurance we should be fine with that as we have not got Acne 😂
  21. Thats great, I did wonder if a lot of seniors were hanging back and keeping their eye on the situation before committing . In the end of course it is personal choice but I do have concerns for my wife as they say once you have chemo the immunity system will never be same as before that is apart from age lowering it anyway.
  22. Yep been following you guys, you are inspirational and I really enjoyed your reports, they have been a great help as was your insurance information. My wife and I have until the end of Nov before one of our cruise payments are due and we have to decide to risk it or not. As mentioned before the wife will have been one year since Chemo. At this stage we are keen to go as the cruise is only in Australia. By the way that is a great photo.
  23. Bit cheeky but I would like to know if there has been many older people on recent cruises. As a couple of don't feel it 80 year olds that have managed to dodge Covid, it would be interesting to know as there is no info on the ages of people presently booking. Are the older generation avoiding booking cruises until assessing the situation or are they just going for it. Difficult question but maybe our members that have completed or are on a cruise have noticed, or maybe not if they have been having a good time.😄
  24. I did find it but the booking in part was blanked out, I will have another look, the wife keeps telling me I have male blindness. Edit. Looked again and the booking part showed up this time !!!! Thanks Geoff 👍
  25. Not sure what the go is with Quantum. Can't find any bookings on Royal Caribbean for my booked cruise. Brisbane /Sydney/Eden/Hobart on the 30th Jan -- 7th Feb 2023. Not been notified as of yet.
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