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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. No no overnight. Planning on 2 days in Honolulu before the cruise. As you say to much of a chance arriving same day ( not my style ) 😊 There are only certain days in the week that there are flights to Honolulu.
  2. 14.35 Gold coast / Sydney 17.05 Sydney 21.10 / 09.55 Honolulu. total duration 15h20m
  3. Thanks for you reply. The minus 20 hrs time difference if I chose to leave Australia in the evening on the day of the cruise would have me into Honolulu at approx 9.30 am ( same day )
  4. Thanks, they are my initial thoughts. I am always strict about being early to catch flights and as you say I will have to go to the International terminal. I have two choices Air N/Z to Auckland with a longer flight from the Gold coast or Quantus via Sydney that woks out 2 hrs shorter in the long run.
  5. Flying interstate to Sydney with a 4hr 30 min wait until the next flight to Honolulu for transpacific cruise return to Aus. To anyone that has had the same situation did you leave the airport and catch the train into Circular quay for a wander or hang around the airport ? Seeing it is an International connecting flight I wondered if you still had to check in early even though your flight was booked as one journey from interstate. The flight to Honolulu was not available on the day before the cruise, I did plan to go 2 days before but that means if any flights are cancelled that day there would be no flights the following day leaving only the day of the cruise. Even though you arrive minus 20hrs from Aus I feel it is still not allowing for any problems.Got to research cost of hotels or apartments that are a reasonable cost but if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.Flight cost has blown a hole in my budget but still keen to go so trying to keep cost down on accomodation. Would have preferred going a week earlier to enjoy Honolulu but it is what it is. Hope this all makes sense. 😊
  6. To my fish and chip mate Uncle Les. Fight it out mate and I wish you well. You have lots of friends on here concerned about you. Hope you are feeling better soon. You deserve this post dedicated to you, thank you to MMDown Under. All the best John.
  7. Sounds great. Ovation is a lovely ship and how exciting having a month to explore Aus. Enjoy the rest of your cruise. Hope you don't mind me asking if there has been any mention of covid onboard.
  8. Thats great, thats what I have been hoping for. Now let's hope all other cruises arriving soon from USA to Australia will be the same. 🙂
  9. I found this on the net and very useful for picking a balcony. Hopefully it might help others. www.cruisedeckplans.com/Princess/odell/res76zxu/princessbalconies/index.html
  10. On the subject of the Opal card, I have had mine for a few years and it has not expired and I am in Queensland.
  11. My wife reckons she married a riff raff so she is permanently with them.😂
  12. Normally cruise with RCI. The Luminosa will be my first cruise with Carnival. I do like a good laugh and love seeing people enjoying themselves even if I cant join in, so I am keen to find out if the fun ship reputation is true. Saw one youtube review with passengers doing the conga around the deck having a great time and I thought that would make a change from towel rolling and acupuncture. 😁 I still have cruises booked with RCI so have not abandoned them.
  13. Thank you for that. I did see we might need to wear dark glasses when inside. In fact in the same review the guy said if you ever hurt yourself and needed stitches you would get 1 red,1 yellow 1 blue etc in keeping with the decor.😂
  14. Does look smart. It will be interesting to see what else was done.
  15. Same here, family of five. We were lucky with great weather and a great time.
  16. We used this company when we did the Hobbiton tour. They pick up from the cruise terminal and guarantee to return to the ship in plenty of time. This was before covid so not sure if anything has changed. www.zealandiertours.com/cruiseship-tours/hobbiton-movie-set-only/
  17. Works out a fair bit more for a Sky couch for thee adults. I could get just one for me but they don't like punch ups on a plane.😂
  18. Well worth looking at. Have not got Oct 2023 showing yet so I priced up September 2023. Only thing is I could not see any Sunday or Monday flights. Monday flight would have suited us just for an o/night in Honolulu. We will have to go on a Sat and spend three days in Honolulu but that could change when the flights come up for October 2023.
  19. Thank you, Can't afford business class but had a look at the economy cost, the one with the works for $60 extra. I reckon that is the way we will be going. There is a stop in Auckland for about 5 hrs but I am sure we can find someway to amuse ourselves. The planes look like they may have a bit more leg room than the Jetstar. 😊👍
  20. Thanks for that. Same as you, we got the cruise on the Quantum for a great price and even managed to book a solo balcony cabin for my adult daughter with our cabin only one cabin between us. was so exited and then I saw the flight cost. Funnily enough after my first post I went onto Quantus and did a false booking for Sept 2023, ( October prices not available yet ) and found flights for just over $900 so it looks a bit more promising. Same as you will be booking flights as soon as available for that price. Be nice to get that sorted and then I will tackle the being 80 yrs old insurance saga.
  21. Yes, not looking forward to the long flight and we will have no choice but to travel economy. If we do make it I would be taking advantage of the many sea days to recover 😄
  22. Yes I did read that. Apparently it was not profitable for them operating out of Brisbane.
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