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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. While clearly you are not a fan of Royal (and that's perfectly fine) , your post is filled with inaccuracies . You do NOT have to Dress up for Dinner! ... You do NOT have to have set dining times!... You do NOT need to eat with strangers! ... And most importantly There is NOT a limit on their drink package ! Oh, and ....You should NOT be spreading such bad information Cheers though
  2. I know you know this, and not being snarky or anything but charging for a second or third entrée is way different than simply saying some cruise lines are charging to eat in the main dining room .....If this is the criteria to say cruiselines are charging to eat in the main dining room then Royal charges to eat in the main dining room also . Cheers
  3. I like this plan ... Get outta dodge and hope your house is standing when you get back!
  4. I understand being concerned , but funny to me that you seem so convinced 9 days out that your cruise plans will have to change .... Cheers.... and relax , worry when you need to
  5. If you think these thoughts are only about pizza .... Haul your head out of the sand !! Cheers
  6. Not true - if you ask them to bring it all - they will do! Oh great ... here he goes again
  7. That is a big question I guess. Are you only worried that they will accidentally slip Dad some booze , or are you also worried that Dad will TRY to get some booze ?
  8. Sailing full in the near - mid term does NOT make you a successful company long term ! The motivation comes if you have brains enough at the top to recognize IF the 'loyals ' are being pushed to far. I don't know IF they have been yet and I don't know IF the brains will know IF that happens . Cheers
  9. Now there 's a winning idea . A small lazy river where you hand off your card and the time you complete the loop a few minutes later , your drink is ready . And so on .... And so on ... And so on ! Cheers ! ... And Cheers again
  10. Nooooooooo ... Don't go into it with that attitude . Ur doomed
  11. I guess if ur counting crew , they both come close ... But I don't think that was the implication of the OP ...?
  12. Icon is actually not much more in capacity than O class ... 7600 Max as opposed to 7000 Cheers
  13. I REALLY didn't want to respond to this thread but this was Tooo funny We came in to find the "psycho"monkey hanging on his hanger and also noticed our attendant was right across the hall . I proceeded to put DW's skimpiest on the monkey and we called attendant over to have a look . I never would have dreamed a man with such dark skin could turn so red ...It was priceless Cheers
  14. Ever watch any hidden camera documentary type shows where they run real experiments with strangers interacting with kids while parents watch . Many times parents ( Like many on this board ) who thought their kids were so responsible and "savvy" are shocked to see just how easy it was to lure these kids with things like "Can you help me find my cute little lost puppy ?" >>>But that could never be the case for anyone's kids here ... Right ?
  15. Agree with Ocean Boy completely ! Anyone who believes the higher tiers aren't important because Royal is going in a different direction is far too shortsighted IMO . Even the clowns at the top that are currently pushing our buttons know who cruises once , maybe twice a year on family vacations and who the driving factor is on keeping their company profitable. Take a look at some of the profiles on here and pay attention to the stories of the many who take 5 , 10 , even 20 or more cruises a year... Often also in the most expensive room categories . If Royal thought they could afford to lose them , It would be a short lived experiment ! Cheers
  16. Hey that aint bad ... still under $1000 an hour :}
  17. Hasn't been the case on my O class sailings... Not as many chairs as the main pool deck area , so stays very crowded
  18. 'Not only is it possible , unless you have the money to burn , you need to spend $0 and you will have an awesome time ! And for what its worth if you do have said money to burn , $200 wouldn't scratch the surface , You could spend $1000's
  19. Each new "slice" to the standard we have come to expect , cuts a little deeper for sure ! I am not at the point to say anything is stopping me yet , as there is an addiction at play here ,but I am a rational person so things will still have to make sense in the end game
  20. No ... they would not . You seem to think everyone eating it now will continue to do so . I believe the good majority will just keep on walkin by ,and those that will pay for it will definitely frequent the establishment a lot less ! JMHO Cheers
  21. Perfect ! And Yeah thx , I had heard that along the way somewhere . Also wrote a note somewhere (probably lost it by now ) that there was kind of a backdoor on the app to avoid something that doesn't always work properly. I'll have to look again later
  22. Thx, I had forgotten that part ! Harmony also arrives 2 hrs after Freedom ... Dang it It will still be much enjoyed regardless
  23. Food on a cruise shiopthere are always options that I have already paid for ( so far ). If Sorrento's goes the way of the CFO then more of these options will be searched out . Thx Ironically , I have only eaten 1 specialty , chops , ( because it was comped ). My wifes meal was fantastic , But my striploin was horrible . Sent back , then horrible again . The head waiter was in shock . As I am generally not that fussy , I just ate it the 2nd time , even though she was begging me to let her get a 3rd
  24. So I have my checkin dates for my 2 upcoming cruises . Does RCI adhere to a specific time for check in to begin . As in will it open at exactly or close to midnight ( or some other scheduled time ) , on the day or is it just random and I'll have to continually check . I wouldn't know the answer as with all my past cruises I have missed my checkin date , and end up checking in days/weeks later and shafting myself out of the earlier timeslots . And I do like to get onboard as early as possible Thx
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