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Everything posted by kwokpot

  1. The only way they can control overcrowding is when they runout of Thermal Suite card keys. Having said that I was a a B2B during this past Easter Week and the following week the ship was pretty much sailing at capacity and I didn't think the Thermal Suite was packed to the gills. Were there times that all the heated loungers were taken? Yes, but come back a few hours later and I was able to enjoy the lounger. The steam and sauna rooms are large enough that they're never overfull.
  2. My go-to beef cut is usually Rib-eye which I like because the extra fat makes the steak extra tender, so I was a bit concerned the NY sirloin would be more dense and chewy. My concerns were unwarranted and the steak was amazingly tender and a breeze to cut, almost like a Filet Mignon!
  3. If there was an official change it would be communicated on their website.
  4. FYI the new increased prices are indeed in effect now.
  5. Are you implying that if you show a TA is offering a certain amount of OBC for a particular Celebrity sailing Celebrity's booking Dept will match it?
  6. Found you a deal.About $200 Hyatt Place Miami West Coral. Book via Trivago https://express.trivago.com/3216/en_US/hotel/show?h[hotelId]=893875&h[roomOccupancies][0][numberOfAdults]=2&h[roomOccupancies][0][numberOfChildren]=0&h[timeRange][start]=25.02.2023&h[timeRange][end]=26.02.2023&subpartnerId=726&supplierHotelId=302191&i2pid=623977450&parentPartnerId=3216&tebT=48166a&trv_reference=530a7e52-05f6-3f7e-a3af-4c7a0043c2a9&cid=530a7e52-05f6-3f7e-a3af-4c7a0043c2a9&currency=USD&pos=1&priceMax=326.00&price=176.00&tid=c5877cb93b55b51f31d569c060&los=1&ttt=144&losb=1&tttb=91&pg=0&cpaid=1&sd=0&sl=0&gs=2&wl=0&visitId=07a496bd-1235-49f8-ba73-f6bee0ba3bc4&agent-id=0
  7. These tournaments are specific to those sailing on a casino offer, which is different from the regular slot tournament for all cruisers that used to be on every cruise. Those are the ones that haven't been restarted and people are being given $25 compensation.
  8. For the Op's date, Intercontinential is $441 and Hampton is $508
  9. Radisson Red Miami Airport is $258/nt for the OP's date, $291 all in with taxes. That's crazy.
  10. Oooh, I see your dilemma. Unfortunately your date is outrageously expensive. I'll see what makes sense.
  11. Dates? Regarding port transfers, you're better off just taking a taxi or Uber/Lyft. No waiting around for a shuttle schedule and it's your own private ride. Just did a Lyft from downtown Miami to cruiseport and it was $12 before tips a week ago.
  12. You'll have a great time. You're not in an inside cabin. It's a beautiful, spacious cabin with a great panoramic window. Stop overthinking it and mentally punishing yourself.
  13. Not really, there's the 3rd party cruise casino hosting company URCOMPED. COM
  14. You have been a member of CC since 2016 with over 7,000 posts and you're asking how much OBC is normal on a Celebrity cruise? Of course you know the answer, which is ZERO.
  15. Sea Terrace XL and no bands were mailed, they were received at check-in.
  16. I just disembarked the Seashore who's itinerary was completely changed due to the hurricane. Anyway we dined at in the Aurea experience anytime dining room, Manhattan. Every night my estimate was 30-40% of the men were wearing shorts. There were a few wearing flip flops into the ding room. On Gala night there were still men in shorts but only a few. On White night many men and women wore white shorts and white T-shirts. At Butcher's Cut there were the same % of men wearing shorts.
  17. On the Seashore from Florida tap water was available at no fee in Butcher's Cut and all MDRs.
  18. I understand what the offer is, just trying to clarify since there have been some posts implying there's no restrictions. The truth is more nuanced which is important since changes to the dining experience menu costs extra so it's no longer a fully complementary meal. Here's a photo of our entrees that were included in the package; a NY sirloin and double cut lamp chops. Both were excellent.
  19. Today's email from Celebrity states we still need to test for the Beyond's 10/26 sailing.
  20. Your recollection is somewhat correct. What the dining experience menu says is you can replace a dish on the dining experience menu from the ala carte menu for 50%off. Any additional dishes is full price.
  21. That was not offered as an option by the restaurant host when booking the restaurant nor by the server when we sat down for our dinner. Both staff members specifically said our dinners were to be ordered from the dining experiencees menu.
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