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Everything posted by Sea42

  1. That is a good way to handle those type of situations. People who just want to complain are very tiring. Best to avoid them when you can! I hope you find comfort in the good memories.
  2. Can you tell me if NY Deli was open on Embarkation day? Thanks!
  3. The weather certainly made for some beautiful photos!
  4. Is there a menu that's provided for the hors d'oeuvres? Do you order them thru the regular room service phone number? Thanks!
  5. My TA forwarded the upsell email to me and I made the call.
  6. Because then maybe you could try a decent beer?😁
  7. I like the chairs facing the window in the library! An ottoman would make it perfect😉
  8. You can check how busy the airport is scheduled to be here: https://www.schiphol.nl/en/my-travel-day/today Right now it is showing dates up to May17th
  9. If I am remembering correctly the price is a little bit higher in Europe. It used to be $7 per day for US sailings and $9 for Europe.
  10. Why were you tested if you have no symptoms? Is there a large outbreak on the ship where everyone was tested?
  11. Thanks so much! Vesterasfjellet looks like one where my husband could join me. The views look wonderful.
  12. I loved that you stopped in to visit a library! How neat that they had a weaving demonstration.
  13. I'm glad you are continuing to recover. And thank you for your blogs! I've followed them for years now and look forward to each new entry. Safe travels!
  14. Thanks for the information! I was concerned about walking along the road as google has it routed along 63, which looked like a busier road. It's nice to know that there is another option! Was there signage for the trail after the church? I will have my boots and walking poles with me. Agreed about going on ship excursion, not my idea of fun.
  15. Unfortunately, the e-bike rental is sold out on our date but thank you for the link!
  16. Thanks, Jacqui, I know I can count on you to give me the correct information.
  17. OK, I'm confused. I thought that the CO priority boarding meant that when we show up at our assigned time we use the priority line. I did not think it meant that we show up whenever we want. Can someone clarify this for me? Thanks!
  18. I agree! The testing costs alone are thousands of dollars, add to that the actual care and treatment, $50,000 won't last 2 days in our hospitals.
  19. There is a ship excursion to Storseter Falls on our upcoming cruise on HAL. Partial description: Your destination is the trailhead at Hole, where your hike begins. Follow your guide along an improved path through a beautiful natural environment to Storseter Falls. Walk behind the waterfall for a breathtaking view of the water hurtling down the mountain. I'd like to do this independently but it appears that bus 211 has a very limited schedule. Going there does not seem to be an issue but google maps does not list a return option except walking back. Can anyone offer an alternative for a Thursday in May? Thanks!
  20. We're leaving on the Nieuw Statendam (Holland America) from Amsterdam on May 14th. We were originally scheduled to depart from Ijmuiden but that was changed several months ago.
  21. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. We board in a little over 3 weeks and it will be our first time on a Pinnacle class ship so I enjoyed getting a preview.
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