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Everything posted by mayleeman

  1. I have waited in many lines for dirty tables to be cleaned or entire eating areas to be opened up because of insufficient staff. Pool chairs can also be cleared when abandoned if there are crew available to do it (or be requested to). Pools and hot tub maintenance also has to be done regularly, so staffing affects that, too.
  2. The OP's complaint about crowding has to be read in context of understaffing. An adequately staffed crowded ship doesn't result in as much time waiting for cleaning, food, drinks, etc.
  3. It looks like the modification is for the leg TO San Francisco, not to the end.
  4. Mariners have been aware of migrating whales for centuries and have used that knowledge to come close to wiping them out. Now they are using that knowledge to protect them. You can read about the efforts affecting the gray whale in the eastern north Pacific here: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/west-coast/science-data/gray-whales-eastern-north-pacific Among other things, there has been an unusual mortality event affecting gray whales in their breeding areas off the northern Pacific coast since 2019. I suspect the early departure is due to taking a longer route to avoid the whales in their spring breeding season, much as ships are being diverted from certain parts of the humpback breeding areas off Hawaii. Just speculating, of course. But it must be more fun to accuse X of a nefarious reason instead.
  5. I thought you meant you were drinking in preparation for posting. And I wouldn't blame anyone who did!
  6. Our half-anniversary is Valentine's Day, so remembering our actual anniversary is very easy! More on topic, how many people just run the webinar while they do something else?
  7. You hsve extolled the staff's attentiveness several times. I think this is pretty true even with the cuts/charges in lower tiers. At least I haven't read many comments suggesting the staff's work has gone downhill as has food quality in MDR and OVC. There have been comments that staffing may have cut and some staff seem to be overworked. If that continues, it may bode ill for performance.
  8. Get severely dehydrated. You can get IVs at Medical.
  9. I think it is fair to spend how you want, but it does come across as haughty to deride cruisers who actually experience cuts in the lower tier categories when they complain about them.
  10. If you eat the equipment, you get charged $9.95 delivery fee. Plus grats.
  11. Years in the DC area and in SC have brought me into contact with many ex-NYers. I assure you if you don't complain about bagels you are almost unique.
  12. I don't think it is caused by lowering the dress standards, but failing to enforce their rules about dress, or the pool, does lower their perceived power or authority to enforce others.
  13. I tried to check the menu for our cruise next year on the app. Same thing, just the kids menu--plus desserts. Had been normal.
  14. I don't get people who avoid buffets, or get highly offended, because other people handling implements haven't washed their hands. Grab a napkin.
  15. $20.04 rounded down to $20? So they aren't scrounging for every penny as some have claimed!
  16. @LGW59 This forum can always find more to say!
  17. We run into that attitude in the golf course in our golf community. People who ignore all efforts to get them to go faster--from the marshalls, other groups, even their playing partners. "I paid as much as those other people, I can take as much time as I want." 5 practice swings, rangefinders for 26 handicappers, walk around the putt for a 7.... Entitlement underlies many problems all over. On the course you can walk away because using a club would be a felony. On a cruise....hmmmmmm....
  18. My HS English teacher used to bellow "MOO!" whenever any student used the phrase "a lot" in a sentence. She began the year by warning us she would do this because, as she put it, "a lot is for cows, MOO'". Sure are a lot of cow comments around here!
  19. We are disappointed, too. We will bring a couple packs of soda, and also use our insulated water bottles. We can just fill those up instead of buying water at that rate.
  20. It was very respectful. Before creating a new topic, it really helps to see if something is there already. Otherwise you are asking people to rewrite explanations--in this case, literally hundreds of posts have talked about the charges.
  21. Trying to decide what to do with the OV based on attendance after making it a shadow of what it was is like the television networks moving shows into horrible slots week after week and then cancelling them for poor ratings.
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