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Everything posted by mayleeman

  1. Telemarketing to the rooms is already used exclusively by X. We always had a msg inviting us to the art auction or something.
  2. Best thing about playing with potato chips is you can break them for change.
  3. Very weird yours is so delayed. We cancelled a cruise last October, and it took almost 5 months for FCC and over 6 for refund. We found out it was due to X recording our cancellation a day late. But on July 21 (Thurs) we just cancelled another cruise. Received the refund on Mon the 25, and the FCCs 4 days later. Check to make sure X recorded your cancellation properly. They didn't check directly with the accounting dept for our first couple inquiries on the delayed one--and they apparently never would have informed us they were treating our money as forfeited.
  4. Considering the hare-brained ideas we have seen, I am surprised that in the past year no one has suggested using wslkie talkies to have radio get togethers without undue exposure.
  5. The OP's explanation would, of course, allow his friend, if caught, to say he "heard that someone had said it was ok". Foiled, though, by the fact that no one said it would be ok, so the would-be solicitor will now have to just ask strangers on the street.
  6. So perhaps this site should be named "Cruise Critics"?
  7. I remember in spring of my senior year of college a friend who graduated in December came back to town and said he would like to take me to dinner because he had heard my dad died 2 weeks before at the age of 53. The dinner consisted of him trying to push me to buy life insurance now that I knew how suddenly death could arrive. Asking your fellow cruisers to put up with solicitations on board is not quite that tacky...but is definitely stretching out to that end of the scale. View people you meet on a cruise as potential friends, not as captives for your sales presentation.
  8. On the comments, I put that they should keep transportation uncrowded.
  9. 40% off every passenger's 150% fare increase.
  10. The main Find a Cruise page has a big countdown banner saying the 30% off both pax plus extra OBS sale ends at midnight EDT. Anyone know what the next fake bargains will be?
  11. Depending on what Celebrity's response is to the CDC cutting out its cruise Covid program, we may decide to cancel. If we do cancel, we will likely not be cruising again for several years due to other expenses, and therefore will want our money back rather than getting FCC. I remember reading on a post here that you can turn down FCC and then seek to collect on travel insurance (we have CFAR) upon providing proof that Celebrity refused to refund your money. I asked Steve on the Travel Insurance board what proof we needed from Celebrity. He responded that we should ask Celebrity what they provide. I didn't want to ask Celebrity because of the lengthy delays, and since it was still a hypothetical question I was leery that an X rep might mistake our inquiry for an actual cancellation (I have read of this happening!). Has anyone cancelled on Celebrity, refused FCC's and asking for a refund instead, and then used Celebrity's documented refusal to collect on a CFAR policy? What documentation does Celebrity provide? Moderators: Please don't move this to the Insurance forum. I am asking about how Celebrity handles this, which is what Steve said to do. Thanks to anyone who can actually answer this. Speculation won't, I am afraid, help much (that has been what I have been doing all along).
  12. Anyone starting a back-and-forth about non-cruise Covid policies and vax choices, especially with comments about whether someone's choice is not smart or necessary, threatens to get a thread blocked. Keeping it about actual information and personal experiences with X seems to be safe. Sometimes a thread gets real contentious and, despite getting blocked, is left up because the other posts may be helpful (and really bad ones may be deleted by the time you see it).
  13. Yep, at least in my experience. But that was using my phone. Maybe you can do a quantity choice on the Cruise Planner using a computer.
  14. I am still thinking of my tux for the Eq in October. I bought it in 2019 and the 4 cruises we had planned to wear it on all got cancelled. As I get older, I just don't want the only time my tux gets used is if it is just for a viewing...
  15. I do have a sleeping problem. Any noise in the silent night wakes me up, and I cannot get back to sleep unless I can block out further isolated noises. Living in high rises for 9 years exposed me to noise above, below, and on both sides. A noise machine evens it out, so any noises you may hear are not isolated sounds and are only a few decibels higher than background. Think of a graph with shorter peaks compared to high peaks.
  16. Just get a white noise machine, or a phone app that doesn’t require streaming (we use White Noise Lite for Android; it's free). Start using it a couple weeks before you go to get used to it. Eliminates hearing creaking, door slamming, pax talking in the hall, etc. And you may be able to enjoy that suite.
  17. Thanks! We are on the Oct 6th ABC. We will keep alert for changes. Any suggestion in the notice of why?
  18. Not into puns, eh? Some say they are the lowest form of humor. Others say puns are the only jokes that have no butt of the joke. Still others just don't get it because they don't notice them (Celebrity...celebrities).
  19. Almost everything I have stressed the most about turned out okay. But...the things I did preparing for the worst case scenarios had a lot to do with why they turned out ok. Congrats on getting through what we hope will be your biggest stress, and have fun with all the good stuff coming your way!
  20. @stevetod I see you are on the Equinox on October 6. Join us on the Roll Call (and look for the link to sign up for the Cruise Critic get-together). https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2810382-october-6-2022-equinox-abc-cruise/ Hope you got the insurance sorted out!
  21. Great reference! But the URL has the hyphen in the wrong place. Should be: www.onpoint-testing.com
  22. As the judge told me in my first court hearing, you need to realize when you have won and stop talking!
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