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Everything posted by millybess

  1. It says it's by the Princess Wharf. I haven't done the research yet.
  2. We are also going to NZ in 2025 and although we aren’t doing the pre extension, we are going to use the same hotel that Viking uses: M Social Auckland
  3. @Vineyard View We will be in Koper in May with Viking and we have booked this excursion with GetYourGuide From Koper: Piran and Panoramic Slovenian Coast Tour
  4. We recently stayed at El Colonial and we liked it, as long as you don't mind that there is no elevator.
  5. You can ask for assistance from the administrators here: help@cruisecritic.com
  6. NP. I guess I misunderstood your previous posts regarding your phone calls to Viking to suggest the PSs be reduced to 1 dining reservation. I thought you made the calls because you liked to book ahead.
  7. I’m curious as to whether you were able to book dining reservations as if it were 3 separate cruises; i.e., your allotted dining on 1 cruise X 3?
  8. That’s much more difficult to prove than a disabled person who needs a guide dog. To me it’s similar to “emotional support”.
  9. Our experience is that you can get it anywhere on the ship if you ask for it specifically.
  10. We asked for cold wash, hang to dry and our laundry would be returned the next day in the afternoon There wasn't any difference between special instructions and normal laundry in our experience.
  11. When we were recently on the Sea, the food was very good to excellent except for one room service order. Steak was very good in World Cafe, Manfredi’s, and the restaurant. Chef’s Table was good every time we ate there and in the past, we have often canceled Chef's Table. Seafood night in the WC was beyond our expectations -- much better that previous cruises: lobster tail, chateaubriand, escargot, shrimp. Overall, we were surprised by the consistency of very good food on Sea.
  12. Yes, the prices I posted above are USD.
  13. We booked Mediterranean Odyssey during Covid under the RFG. A couple of months later, still under the RFG, we booked Empires of the Mediterranean -- a b2b cruise. There were 2 booking numbers. A couple of months after that, Viking combined the bookings under 1 booking number. We didn't really want that to happen because if we wanted to cancel one, we would have to cancel both. In the end, we were able to book both dining and excursions for the whole voyage on the same day that these opened for the first cruise.
  14. So sorry to read this D. I hope you and Linda can book it again in the near future and I hope everything else is going well.
  15. And she’s allowed up on the furniture, so she’s a fit for Viking 😂. (Just kidding Viking!)
  16. Our dogs have much in common. We rescued her from a shelter exactly 2 years ago. She’s half lab and half Doberman and smarter than us.
  17. Same here. Loves people. Hates other dogs. We pay big bucks. Tired and grumpy. 👍
  18. Actually I think that this issue is mostly unfair to the staff. Imagine being a cabin steward and not knowing if the dog is unattended in the cabin when you enter. Or if you’re a waiter and the dog is (or isn’t) under the table. I love dogs and I’ve always had a dog since I can remember. But dogs aren’t for everyone and shouldn’t be forced on anyone.
  19. We booked this excursion for our trip in May. We are also interested in hearing from anyone who has been on this excursion.
  20. We flew home from London a couple of days ago with AT and it was very nice! We are flying with them again in May and in June and hope it will be just as enjoyable. The food was very good and the flight attendants were excellent. They said that this year has been one of their best for bookings. Hopefully this is a good sign for their future. It’s irritating when they cancel flights and in the recent past we’ve had to scramble on short notice to make other arrangements. But it seems that is happening throughout the industry.
  21. Yes, you fill out the form and you can just leave it on your bed if you like. Here are the fees:
  22. So having said this the other day, today I had a sweater come back from the laundry that had definitely been in the dryer. Yes, we’ve been here for 12 days now and I’ve grown, but not quite that much ☺️ Other than that, everything has been near perfect on this cruise. 👌
  23. Good to hear from you! If you take lots of those rectangular cakes, you can make a big square dessert! Make sure you try the Lava Cake in the restaurant. All the chocolate icing, which would normally be on top of the cake, flows like lava out of the middle once you stick your fork in it. Heavenly. Enjoy your trip. 😊
  24. millybess


    And Clay is late again with the popcorn. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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