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Everything posted by cruisebeachgirl703

  1. Thanks for the review. We cancelled 2 NCL 2024 Haven and Suite and booked YC on the Meraviglia. Better service and champagne available.
  2. Glad you made it. The fun begins! On an aside, would you recommend the hotel due to location?
  3. Jamie looking forward to your review. Was on Meraviglia in July. Tried Holas because of you . We totally enjoyed it, and did a la carte. Wanted to go back a 2nd time but didn't have time. ENJOY the cuirse. So jealous.
  4. Unfortunately Veuve is gone. Sailed July Haven Joy, very disappointed. Cancelled 2 upcoming; waiting for them to figure out a non rose champagne.
  5. Jim, Loving the pics as usual. Enjoying following along. Don't blame you and Iain for venturing from Celebrity.
  6. Sailed Edge 3 times Celebrity Suite, Celebrity Suite then Sky Suite 2021, Equinox Sky Suite 2022 and Summit Sky Suite 2022. Best Butler ever on the Edge. Equinox was o.k. Summit just outright bad. Only ever got 1 bottle of champagne delivered to the room on the Edge. Equinox had to almost beg for 2 glasses of the Louis Jadot non oak Chardonnay delivered to the room. After 1st time told it was no longer available. Summit asked for 2 glasses of Cattier champagne for sail away. He said they didn't have it. I walked down to the bar right outside Luminae and ordered 2 glasses and walked back to cabin for sailaway. Water was delivered to the room, which was appreciated. Haven't been back on board since 2022 due to what felt like "lessened service" for what we had enjoyed so much on the Edge.
  7. I am responding to the title only, didn't have time to read through. We are Elite with Celebrity and Amethyst with the Casino. We are Sapphire with NCL and Pearl with the Casino. We are Diamond with MSC. Our most recent Celebrity cruise on Summit in Retreat was subpar from what we have experienced with them. Our most recent on NCL Haven Joy was subpar from what we have experienced with them. Our most recent on MSC YC was amazing. MSC is planning on winning. Will sail Celebrity and NCL again, but will take casino offer and not pay $ to upgrade until things turn around. If they turn around.
  8. Is this news about Celebrity butler on their website? or a cruise critic board. interested in more info. thanks.
  9. On the Joy Haven 7/1 with P+. Got off at Port Canaveral, went to Walmart, bought 4 bottles of Veuve Clicquot. Used to be on by the glass P+, now only in Le Bistro. Delivered to our cabin that night at 9:30 p.m. Major inconvenience but able to drink what we like. (Waste of money for P+ on an aside.)
  10. Joy 7/1 We were told at Haven bar with P+ no Veuve or Moet by the glass. Spoke with the beverage manager about a non rose champagne on board available by the glass. Said he would look into it. At dinner at Haven restaurant first night asked the Maitre d' the same. The beverage manager showed up and said nothing was available. The next day went to Cellars Bar and "tasted" Pommery and Le Kool Rose. Not good at all to us. Couldn't get past just a sip. NCL is lowering guest experience, guest amenities while increasing Haven prices and P+ prices. Will sail again but not in Haven and not with P+. No longer a value/enjoyment for us.
  11. Wow. That is just awful. So they went from a name brand rose, which from what I have read, guests have not liked to a "no name" brand rose. Sounds like they don't mind being left behind. Rose champagne is not main stream. Yuck!
  12. We walked by Ocean Blue on our way somewhere, asked the hostess what was available for Champagne by the Glass, she replied Pommery. We said "Veuve?". She said Pommery.
  13. Was on Joy Haven March 2023. P+. Veuve by the glass. On Joy Haven July 2023. P+. No Veuve by the glass. Available in Le Bistro only. Got off the ship in Port Canaveral. Took a $60 round trip taxi to Walmart. Purchased 4 bottles of Veuve to bring on board. Delivered to our room that night around 9:30 p.m. The 8 day cruise had a P+ supposed value of $2,668. We did not drink that $ amount in starbucks and water. NCL made money on us. $139 a day plus gratuity. Rose by the glass available. Undrinkable for us. So if you want to eat at Le Bistro 7 nights you are o.k. If you want to bring your own on board, you are o.k. If you want to dish out more of your money and take a taxi, buy your own and lug back on board, you are o.k.
  14. Sailed the Joy Haven 3 times in a row. July 2022 March 2023 and July 2023. With the decline of the P+ beverage package, 1st sailing butler MIA, unappealing dress code in Haven restaurant at dinner allowed, Haven prices "very high", and the feeling of just cutting back to please shareholders we cancelled 2 upcoming NCL cruises. Booked MSC YC next April. We went from loving the Haven and P+ to feeling ripped off. Glad you had a positive experience.
  15. Thanks for the replies. It was a "what if" inquiry. Thought it would be helpful if ever needed to have other tell their experiences. what i have gathered. go to guest services. don't ghost.
  16. Forgot to mention bereavement in reason to leave early.
  17. Has anyone had to disembark the ship early, while in a port? Whether it be medical, family, work, finances? Easy or not?
  18. Amy, we are just off Merivaglia YC following a week on NCL Joy Haven. I believe you will be impressed. For us, Win MSC. Butlers, Concierge, Food, Champagne, Private Island, Check-in, Service.
  19. Typo sorry. How did the Seascape compare to the Divina for you?
  20. Charla, Once again enjoyed following along you and mini-me! Great pics. How did the Meraviglia compare to the Divina for you?
  21. Precovid, our butler and room steward had decorated our room for my birthday, upon return from an excursion. During dinner a cake was delivered. Went back to the room and they had redecorated and added a bottle of champagne! That is great!
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