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Everything posted by goldfish65

  1. Just thinking, how many complaints there would likely be, people complaining it wasn't "authentic," complaining about the cost for what used to be "free," that that food upset their stomachs, that it made the hallways smell....it would open up a whole can of worms and headaches for Royal.
  2. +1 the smell. Now that the MDR has an Indian entree every night, that's already pushing it.
  3. I've tipped in Europe and in Central America, no one seemed offended or insulted. You'd have to convince me that they object to the extra income. Japan is as very different culture, and it is an insult to tip.
  4. One thing good to note, if they notice someone bringing in more than one bottle, they do return it at the end of the cruise.
  5. Not at all. On one of the recent tipping threads, people were speculating about the percentage, so I thought an informal yes or no poll would give a general idea. I hoped by suggesting "let's not comment" that people would simply vote and move on.
  6. Definitely agree with you! What the cruise ship waiters go through, all the extra challenges they have, is humbling for me to witness.
  7. Thanks for the comments defending "waiting tables" as being a professional job. Maybe a good number of those working that job themselves, don't consider it a professional job, and are just in it for the income as they work towards something else. I'm 63 and have made a career out of being a restaurant server. Why I didn't pursue something with more prestige and more earning power, is because of unusual and personal circumstances. Everyone is entitled to think what they want about it. For anyone who is interested, in my case, I've spent countless hours in education and training. In wine alone, weekly classes learning about all the grape varietals, the farming methods and the winemaking methods. The history. The regions. Well, you get the picture. I had the privilege of being sponsored on two visits to the California wine country because I sold the most wine. We take elaborate steps for people who have allergies. Filling out a form, talking to the chef, and flagging each item in the computer. Nice when they tell you later, it's wasn't really an allergy, they just don't like onions, haha! Undercover inspectors come regularly, let's say a waiter has an off day and things don't go 100% well, or even things happen that are not entirely in his control, when that report comes in, all the top management knows what you did wrong, and you are called to the office to rehash it all. We are tested weekly, on menu, wine, and standards. We have regular mandatory classes on food safety, liability, not over-serving alcohol, and whatever else, which is often a waste of time. We do get paid our regular wage, $4.25/hr. It's not very easy or pleasant when you have to cut someone off because they are intoxicated. ;' This is already a long read. There is a lot more to the job, that takes both physical and interpersonal skills. On a final note, it is also very rewarding, the times when you know you've given people a special experience, such as an extended family having a rare time together, or couples on their honeymoon or celebrating a milestone anniversary.
  8. I replied to a Eleventybangbang who asked for clarification. I don’t really care if anyone replies, I was attempting to make it a straightforward poll without getting into the usual bickering.
  9. If you remove them more often than not, or intend to remove them going forward.
  10. I started a poll thread. So people can vote without being called out.
  11. It would be convenient, but with the habits of the general public, I think it would be messy and I would question how sanitary it would be.
  12. IMO, this is why you are finding fewer and fewer professional waiters in the restaurant industry.
  13. Wondering if what we are seeing, with all the mega-ships, is that Jewel and others are becoming more of a "boutique" commodity? For me, Radiance Class provides exactly what I want. Specifically, fewer kids, fewer people, easy to get around, abundant views outward, and a lower-deck promenade.
  14. I understand how people have this sentiment, but it strikes a nerve with me. Taking it upon ourselves to judge for someone's circumstances that "they make enough" to justify withholding income from them. How would we like it, if someone decided that we make more than the average income which people in our locality are used to, so now we are going to pay you less?
  15. Wondering if having the UDP gives you any priority for getting reservations, or will you find that venues are sold-out regardless.
  16. You are correct in a way....it was instilled in me by my parents, to never be stingy towards others, and this went for those in tipped positions who provide a service. I empathize with them for their hard work and want them to know that they are appreciated. It's not a large sum of money, $20 in today's world doesn't amount to much. Hardly a "bribe" in my opinion. People who do otherwise, are perfectly entitled, it's none of my business.
  17. Page 10 so it's a free-for-all now haha Option 1) Be outraged all the time about cutbacks Option 2) Make the best of the experience Option 3) Don't cruise
  18. Yes, in January, the steward informed me there would be once a day service, and would I prefer morning or evening. I handed him $50, (that's how I roll, haha) asked about ice and towels and also asked if he would windex the mirror and the TV because they were dirty. He handled it all and turned down my bed each night also. Like you say, let's see what happens, maybe I just was lucky this one time. I traveled solo too, and felt a little bad that the steward was not getting as much gratuity as he did from other cabins. I'm neat as well.
  19. $20 the first day would do the trick. Not every day. Though I do like to give more during the cruise, if they do give me that little bit of extra service. When I make the request, if they don't have the time, they can tell me, and I'll make do. But I think they'll find time.
  20. I wish more people would have the mindset when on vacation "if you want to play, you gotta pay." As little as a crisp $20 on the first day, with a polite, concise request i.e. "We'd like morning service, but while we are at dinner, you'll be able to refill our ice bucket and see if we need clean towels, won't you? We never remove the daily gratuities, by the way." and you'll be set. I strongly suspect the changes are not just about cost-cutting, but also they can't find people who want the cabin steward jobs.
  21. Amazon Prime. 100 ml bottle lasts a long time.
  22. Iberogast. It's an herbal tincture you put 20 drops in a glass of water, 3x/day. My sister was extremely bloated and and uncomfortable in Spain, I went to a pharmacy for something like Pepto-Bismol, which they didn't have, but the pharmacist sold me Iberogast. It worked. After we got on the ship, I started drinking it every day, to ward off heartburn etc., and even now at home if my stomach feels off.
  23. Agree about being spoiled, if I am solo I'll do an inside. Ocean View or Balcony when traveling with someone will feel like settling, after a suite.
  24. No idea if this covers me or not, but I take a photo of my prescription bottles, in case they'd ever question an old man about the pills in his pill organizer.
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