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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Or the high speed ferry from Naples or Ft Myers. But the drive is something people should experience.
  2. We went there on the Horizon in Feb. First time. Loved it
  3. We had the aft wrap and someone on our party had the one you were in. Combined it was huge.
  4. The good news portion of that is the leak was not in your room. What chatter is there at 2am????
  5. If you ever get the chance grab an aft wrap, my fav room on Vista class ships, and the 6th floor is the best.
  6. That is a fairly creative way at looking at it.
  7. We do not get cheers, it simply does not work for us. That said, we cruise with fairly large groups that almost exclusively use cheers. Our experience is they almost ALWAYS tip exptra and these people mostly fit in the age groups you describe.
  8. Just another attempt to bash at every single opportunity.
  9. I have seen the screen when they do the card. It clearly says cheers
  10. Maybe they just see the truth thru all the bashing from the few here.
  11. Always thought it was more for the guests than processing on the card.
  12. Thanks for the quick review. Hope the travel worked out. We love the MG and Excel class.
  13. We did the Panorama a year ago, but do not remember any bottlenecks in debarking, we are Diamond but met others who were not and def off by 9. Nice review.
  14. Ok, I will bite, what bias would that be?
  15. I will reply and move on. I said if they meant no, then it means no. 1. I could care less what they meant when they said no. Things change all the time. No’s can become yes as I pointed out. Studies can and are manipulated all the time. It is what the companies that do the studies get paid to do. Make the study look like what the people who pay you to do the study want it to look like. Reality 2. Key West voting on it turns out mean diddly. They were overridden. They said no and lost. Cruising wins. The State rules in all of these issues, not a little island town. As it should be. 3. According to Cruise Mapper, if you call it a win in Bar harbor, seems like a paper tiger win to me. https://www.cruisemapper.com/ports/bar-harbor-port-543 And that is just May. 4. Push back on Alaskan ports from cities has been going on (and admittedly the state as well) goes back and forth like a ping pong ball. Just like Norway, they can do what they want. They do that at their own peril. You dismiss it, but it is real. I get your point. That said, cruising is not the evil axis, they had made errors (not even close to other industries, when it comes to ecology. If Norway, Bar Harbor and Alaska want to drastically limit cruising and label it green, as I said before, that is their decision. Those towns and cities will suffer and suffer big. Telling the cruise industry they “have to change” and not even tell them what they need to change or whether it is realistic is nothing more than a red herring. I know it and you know it. I will restate my original post, and I mean it. That is a shame. We, the cruising community are worse off from their decisions.
  16. No is a no. If they do not want cruise ships, then it is what it is. They will sail to all the surrounding countries. From my view, it will change nothing and they lose. Maybe Tesla is building an e-boat, that seems to be going well…. Key West….hmmmm. Here is the link for their cruise ship schedule, looks pretty full to me. Call the King of Norway, sign up for this and I will be happy. https://www.cruisemapper.com/ports/key-west-port-121 Must have missed Bar harbor on the top ten list of cruise. When did Alaska kill cruising? Look s pretty full to me (quick google of the ones CC shows. https://www.cruisecritic.com/smart-deals/destination-115/?suppressTabs=1&source=132660&taparam=ECCGoogleUS_Kkwd-79646473913309:loc-190_A1274334647860365&supai=&supsn=s&supmbl=&suppos=&supap1=347000205&supap2=1274334647860365&supdev=c&suprnd=&supmob=kwd-79646473913309:loc-190&suplp=&msclkid=4f2e4fbf6aef1265c70a2991b5892e79&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=132660_CC_Bing_US_Desktop_Destinations_Exact_132660&utm_term=alaska cruises for 2024&utm_content=Alaska They talk the talk but give in, in the end. Dead Presidents rule. That is the biggest picture.
  17. There are a host of different possible reasons. Their website has always been a little flukey, this is a trial and they are seeing demand, the number they are willing to support may be full, and on and on. I would continue to monitor and see if it pops up again.
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