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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Meh….loyal royals cannot help themselves, they are lemmings. Went to a comedy (overstated) show on Oasis and his entire rant was on CCL.
  2. I am confused…..did you like the entertainment?😎
  3. Guess if you sail for those perks, your decision is made. To think that any program revamp will get you 500 of free booze is just silly. Guess it is how you look at….
  4. Four is what I remember but it has been a while
  5. In this case, variety is the spice of life....go for it.
  6. Could be me, but I do not remember 6 in the bucket.....but that memory is after the bucket......
  7. Gotta love CC, now we have burger experts that know more than the experts..... Guys are simply the best free burger at sea. regardless of how some think they are cooked. Home run for Carnival's interaction with Guy Fieri. Quality guy got to meet him on the Dream naming ceremony.
  8. I would be surprised at the CC having a play, but that is just me. Way to many options without adding another.
  9. nice bucket list trip, one of my fav areas, and I travel a pretty good amount.
  10. The interaction (the way it used to be) was the best part of the experience.
  11. I would counter the quality comes with the quanity.
  12. Fine to say, and I do not disagree on the approach to the issue (and it is an issue). That said, what everyone does has ramifications. All over the place, from guest services to potential large changes the cruise line or industry must do because of what people do. Rules and policies are put in place to keep the baseline standard operating smoothly, when these are abused, things degade and it becomes exponential. Just remember you said you do not care.
  13. I cannot dispute what you say. It again shows another example of what happens when way too many people qualify. Our first Diamond event was 4 people and we had tremendous interaction with all senior staff. Similar but larger numbers as they grew in size. At some point, that is not feasible, hence the luncheons, now they have multiple of those. The Diamond lnuch is excellent, but pales in comparison to past events. Just MHO.
  14. I think your assessment is spot on. The burgers in windjammer are the worst I ever had had on the seas. Most was just meh…
  15. They are tips, always have been tips, always will be tips. Been discussed tons of time, regardless of what some want to call it. Th ere is no reason for anything to change, Those who remove tips will do it regardless of the name. There have been literally hundreds of threads (might be an understated guesstimate on the amount).
  16. Cannot comment, she was the first of the Costa makeovers….
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