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Kay S

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Everything posted by Kay S

  1. Or you can send DH down to the IC for you.
  2. Do they still do the Wake Show? Sometimes that was a source for additional information about ports, etc.
  3. I'm having a little trouble believing this DinoRamaExtravaganza is just a free perk for the big spenders--no strings attached. Call me a cynic, but I'm waiting for the hoopla and the celebrity name dropping to die down so that rumored $150 pp can be officially announced. I believe our CC friend from Arizona who was told this is a revenue-generating activity and not just a marketing gimmick designed to lure suite guests (who may or may not be invited to the party--it's a gamble.) But those of you who want to roll the dice, go for it.
  4. Just my opinion, but the gimmicks on new Princess are getting out of control.
  5. I know it will surprise you, wowzz, but people often have different customs in different countries. 🙂 However, even in neighboring Leicestershire, there is a man who does hot coffee with his chips. He is my cousin. 🙂
  6. I wasn't sure, but did they say it is now open to paying customers and not just invited guests?
  7. Ate there once because it was comped. I though the food was, well, weird. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to seafood, but nothing there was just straightforward seafood. Cutesy, gimmicky, and the lady at the next table made it clear she wasn't happy. Crown Grill is the only speciality worth it, IMO.
  8. Gone. Now you get to use your phone to schedule your dinner and your new friends. I still say food in general is better on Carnival.
  9. Yes. This is also our situation. The goodwill credits must be used by 12/22. We had an a TA (with several port calls) booked in 2020, and we got lots of FCC, both kinds. We used some of it right after the reopening. Next week, we use up the rest. The refund portion will be used in June since it had a different expiration date. I keep waiting for Princess to thank me in person for letting them use my money during the pause.🙃 I know, don't hold your breath, etc.
  10. Oh dear. When cruise lines start trying to control obesity, we're all in trouble. 🙂
  11. The grill version on the deck will not have the pricey burger.
  12. Just one of their Elite perk scale backs. There will be more, you can be sure.
  13. As they say, hold on to your wallet.
  14. Welcome to Cruise Critic. 🙂
  15. "We need to improve our loyalty programs." Good for them. They seem to recognize that former (read: older) customers are worth something.
  16. I think this has been true long before "these days."
  17. The nicest Loo Lady I ever met was in St Petersburg. She didn't speak English and I didn't speak Russian, but she took a couple of Euros instead of the local currency, and she walked with me to the available loo. (It was a weird maze with lots of unhelpful signs in Russian.) I guess it's not a tip in that circumstance. It's a fee. Russia had some of the cleanest washrooms I've ever seen.
  18. I'm sorry your daughter's feelings were hurt. However, this is standard operating procedure for servers and children. I have taken lots of cruises with kids in tow, and the servers ALWAYS make a giant fuss over them and call them pet names. On one cruise my granddaughter was "Fruit Salad" because that's all she ate. On another cruise, she was "LIttle Darling" and the waiter carried her all over the dining room. (She was a toddler, and I don't know that practice would fly today.) Don't go to any Disney venue because it's Princess this and Princess that to every little girl everywhere. I guess I don't see how that waiter was a disgrace since he was doing what he always does with every child. (BTW, this never has anything to do with tipping.) Edited to add: I guess it's possible you thought your daughter was the only child the waiter was "treating like royalty," but that seems an unlikely level of naivety for a seasoned adult cruiser.
  19. I remember him.. It was the Ruby, 2008, I think. Great pianist.
  20. Most Princess passengers are polite and friendly. It's only on these boards that the ugly comes out. I guess I'll never figure out why some people think YouTube is real life. Or why it's helpful to insult whole groups of people based on that. Especially people who admit they have never set foot on a Carnival ship. It's some psychological or self esteem thing, I suppose.
  21. Yep. My argument is about tipping in America. Restaurant workers in America are not paid a living wage (in most cases). They rely on tips to live. That is the culture. Cruise ships are a little different in that they are not always floating idle in American waters. However, when a ship leaves from an American port, filled with lots of Americans, the tipping culture is likely to be American. You will also see that elsewhere in this thread I have encouraged the "When in Rome" approach. When in Sydney, do not tip the waiters. Or in Tokyo or even Lincolnshire.
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