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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. You’ll be paying yourself, as it should be.
  2. Once we and our $$$ are off the ship, if you really believe they give a rats a** about you, your next stop should be to buy some ocean front property in Arizona. It’s a game of smoke and mirrors folk$.
  3. Poor higher up management for sure. Even though the captains priority is running the ship, IMO she/he is where the buck should stop, posing for photo ops is all well and good but I’d much rather they sort their priorities and put the focus where it should be. Dani’s situation was a dismal failure!! All you folks who spend your time posting and contemplating who the captain, CD, chief engineer and the list goes on and on…clearly it has zero bearing on the day to day situations such as what happened here. Glad I’ve canceled my upcoming cruises for this year.
  4. Hi all, primarily a Celebrity cruiser here, but their itineraries are getting boring. I do love their suites that have butler service. That said Holland America Pinnacle suites are looking very appealing to me right now. I’m looking at a fantastic itinerary for 14 days from Rome to Ft Lauderdale in a Pinnacle suite. I know no butler but anyone have experience to compare/share. Especially if you have done both. TIA!
  5. Doing a PC/S. Caribbean cruise in Nov 2022, first time. They have an excursion in the planner, Wonders of Engineering: PC Locks & Culebra Cut Cruise, which is 8 hours long. Wondering if anyone has done this tour or something similar, if so what were your impressions/thoughts, did you feel it worth it for the 8 hours? One of the notes in the description said be prepared for an extended wait for the PC ferry pilot to arrive and we apologize in advance for any extended wait time, hmmm. Part of me thinks well I just spent a day going thru the Canal so there is that, other part wonders if this type of tour/cruise is more up close and personal. TIA
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