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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. Not the case if you do it the last night, but you're doing it to thank them, not to be thanked for tipping them...Thank you for this. I am not looking to be thanked for tipping them, I do it because I want to recognize great service, but I wanted to be sure they would be made aware, otherwise I would let them know that I did this, would not say the amount but I would want them to be aware it has been done on their behalf. I tip generously throughout my cruise, to all that I mentioned, these folks work incredibly hard and I am glad to know that with extra OBC, that I know I will have leftover, I can put it to good use.
  2. I always bring plenty of cash, usually more than I know I will need, but better to be prepared further if needed. Also, I have seen quite a few here suggest that OBC can be assigned to the cabin attendant and/or butler, which I really think is a great thing. Do you know for sure though that it does go directly to him or her? Do you mention to them that you did this so they are aware that it will be in an upcoming paycheck (where I assume it will be reflected) or is a copy provided from GS that you can hand to him/her?
  3. We just got off the Summit. A diff subject, I know, but how did you like the Summit overall?
  4. One can not make an economic argument when one looks at the world through one homogeneous lens. I do agree with what you say here. However, that said, I do not tip anyone, anywhere, based on where they live or how much they earn. I tip based on the level of service that I receive and with what I am comfortable with. On land, I generally tip 25% in a restaurant. On the ship, I do not look at the amount of the daily included gratuities of $14/15/16 or whatever dollar amount it is as determined by the stateroom one stay in as being equivalent. To me, that $ is split among a lot of people beyond only the staff that I come in direct contact with, as a result, the servers, room stewards, butlers etc. are not IMO, receiving an equivalent tip amount as what I would do on land. Thus, I tip the same way when I cruise as when I am at home. I do the almost the same on a land vacation in Europe. I know it's not expected but perhaps from force of habit or whatever, I really don't spend a lot of time over thinking it, I just do as I am comfortable. Folks should really just do the same, there is no one size fits all, I just personally think a little something extra, in most instances is very warranted.
  5. Yes no yes Maybe ye$ if available ju$t be nice and they will do their best
  6. You’re on a foreign flagged ship, data protection acts don’t apply and crew do know who has removed tips/gratuities
  7. You don’t have to remove the auto grats, nor should you either! And what stopping you from still enjoying that last night ritual as well.
  8. That is hysterical but what is even funnier is that the happy Carnival cruiser giving the tour truly believes he is in an interior room, even as he goes into detail about the ocean view and the waves splashing against the window. Thanks for posting this!!
  9. What you tip, if you do, is your business, for the sake of argument, I’ll go out on a limb and assume you do, why are you continuing to belabor this topic on and on
  10. Ahh Carnival, now it makes sense
  11. Seems you may benefit from a professional dietitian, they get paid to listen to fiber optics and dispense and can assist with your needed referrals
  12. What?!?! Is every OP supposed to respond to every post instantly, 4 hours not enough? More to life that instant responses on a fantasy land chat room
  13. If ones agent does not know about it, time to find a new one
  14. Is it refundable OBC from Celebrity or from your TA? Generally Celebrity is not refundable, it’s usually use it or lose it. What is the price difference now? If minimal may not be worth the risk possible loosing the excursion. If a good deal of $$ perhaps give it a try, it goes back to your available OBC pretty quickly so stay logged in and give it a try for the reduced price.
  15. Social graces! Jeez we’re not going to the White House or Buckingham Palace for a state dinner, we’re floating across the ocean enjoying a leisurely vacation, casual it is for many of us.
  16. Most sources put the salary range for the captain of large cruise lines , of which Celebrity is of course one, in excess of $150,000/year. If one thinks a server, who as you aptly state, the one who busts their butt for us, even more so for the clowns who seem to think it almost a game with the requests/expectations of I paid dearly I’m getting my $$ worth, and then stiff them…well the vast majority of these folks are paid well below minimum wage. Just pony up the $$ already and stop the phony indignant tipping nonsense.
  17. If your time on the phone is worth $45 bucks go for it but be willing to be flexible with your times. For me a no way no brainer.
  18. It is such a joke and a game of smoke and mirrors that they continue the totally false sense of “security “ in moving people from their cabin down to the bowels of the ship. Like you we’ve canceled our two upcoming 2022 cruises as from what I’ve read the policy is so willy nilly and who the hell knows what they will do from cruise to cruise. I hope that you and your husband stay well and glad you are not giving them any of your $$$ right now!
  19. Just an opinion/observation obviously not scientific but in the UK as a whole, they have a 90%+ rate of vaccinations and in the US we still hover at just over 67%! Much greater chance of vaccines expiring here.
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