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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. Hey, that only happens in Boston
  2. All I can say is that I know I am in the minority when it comes to using (I don’t) social media
  3. Why should private shorex discussion not happen at a M&G?
  4. On the 2 or 3 nights I hit the casino I’m back in my room by midnight, otherwise I’m in the room by 10:30 and zzzzzz by 11 at the latest.
  5. As much as I like my device I also try to disconnect as much as possible and I’m generally quite successful though not 100%. I have always been able to figure out what’s going on with few issues and when it comes to the restaurants I can wait until I get seated to look at the menu and easily figure out what I want to eat. I’m a good planner but also a go with the flow person and frankly it’s easier and much more relaxing for me.
  6. I’m on the roll call for a Celebrity TA in October and it is super active. It’s at 62 pages of comments and 50+ cruisers. Few tours already filled and a few others close to it. I just took the last spot for a slot pull and quite a few signed up for at least one of the meet and greets. Cabin crawl thing looks active as well. Though neither of those interest me, just not my thing, not a small talk guy, to each his own I suppose
  7. I’ve done both but I prefer the freedom of being able to go where I want when I want, though my hubby is usually the opposite
  8. Me too but it could be because I remove my Cochlear device when I’m in loud spaces 🦻🏻
  9. Can’t confirm it from anything I’ve been able to find directly on celebrity but have seen it referenced on several other cruise lines information links. Good luck!!
  10. Dressed in the appropriate clothing of course.
  11. This actually happened this weekend in Plymouth, MA on Cape Cod.
  12. Yea, the folks staying in ICONIC, tend to keep a very low profile.
  13. For me, I really enjoyed, made the dinner kind of entertaining and as they sat me with folks I did not know, didn't have to make a lot of small talk and look at/hear all about the grands. Though it's a one and done for just me, that said, I'm glad I did it, would not do again if sailing alone but if I was with someone that has not done it, I'd happily go with them.
  14. I love gray, esp my dark gray sofa and dove gray accent walls, and my gray Accord, that said loving or hating a color, def would not be the determining factor in booking a cruise, my car maybe...
  15. I also believe as the cruising demographics are starting to trend younger (FYI I am 62 and still like the roll calls) FB et al, are their go to media choices. Just a tad more freedom there...
  16. Only sailed on EDGE once, but like you I was blown away . A once/year cruiser here and have done a few NCL, Carnival (one and done) Princess and Summit (pre-refurb) and EDGE was by far and away the best I’ve experienced so far.
  17. Independent of COVID I’ve always brought my own Advil, Pepto and a couple of other OTC meds, besides they are uber $$ on board.
  18. So in addition to the advance tip, does your letter to the butler specifically say there is/could be more forthcoming?
  19. Agree communicating is key for both
  20. It's her birthday, just wondering why he has to feel excluded if the focus is on her, I'm sure he gets something focused solely on him on his special day.
  21. On your roll call, ask around with them, perhaps if enough interest, you can plan one on your own
  22. well they have done 47 cruises, thus far, and never had a problem, so something seems to be working for them.
  23. Talk about being between the proverbial rock and a hard place! This is why, when I make my booking, I always call initially once I have the mock booking made, review on the phone with the CSR and have them send me the email confirmation while still live with him/her, never had a problem doing it this way. I then (now) transfer the booking to a TA who would handle anything odd like this for me. Clearly your mom can't do that now, but I'd still try to go up the ladder here, especially since they have the dates she called. Just because she has it in her notes (I do the same thing whenever I would call) this does not mean it is confirmed with Celebrity. I would still try to move this up, perhaps you could send an email and/or call for her, having all the details in front of you. Short of them still doing nothing, there is an email address for Lisa Lutoff Perlo, the CEO and several others here in this link. Good luck I hope this all gets resolved satisfactorily! https://www.elliott.org/company-contacts/celebrity-cruises/
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