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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. There are countless tipping threads on CC, for every line out there. They often go down a very "spirited" road of disagreement, cultural norms, bribes etc. IMO, tipping is a totally personal decision as far as the $$ amount to give him/her. Do what makes you comfortable, seems fair and shows thanks for a job well done.
  2. I’m on EDGE TA in October and the only availability they are showing is for two classes of Sky Suites, nothing above or below. Inquiring mind wants to know…
  3. I've never been a buffet person, not a COVID thing, just a me thing. My husband on the other hand loves them, and he is a "semi" germaphobe, (can you say hand sanitizer to go) go figure. However, when we do go to a buffet, yes I go, happy husband = happier husband, does not matter if it is self serve or not, it's pretty much all the same to me, as my options are very limited, I just won't do the full meal there, coffee a plate of fruit, cup of yogurt and I am good. He on the other hand is one that can really eat, taking of course normal amounts on each of his trips, trust me, with him nothing goes to waste. I do have to add, while definitely NOT a majority, but from my own viewing experience, there are quite a bit more of the stereotypical buffet folks we hear commented on here, again not a majority but not a minimal amount either. Enjoy your buffet self serve or not, and stop and say hello to the guy with his fruit mixed with his yogurt and coffee and just sitting back enjoying the "show". Happy cruising.
  4. Just curious, what does one "approach" the cruise director about?
  5. Good customer service is a victim of the pandemic and rising labor costs. Come on, people have been talking/complaining about customer service (or the perceived lack of) for years and years, well before the pandemic. How many times have we all heard the "I called CSR and they were in X country and I could barely understand them" yada yada, this is absolutely NOT new or pandemic specific. It is a low paying and thankless job much of the time, these folks, no matter where they are in any country, just want to do their job, have a happy customer when possible (many customers make it almost not possible) especially if they can't resolve the reason for calling to the utmost perfection. Sometimes folks equate "bad" service as they could not get what they wanted so it is someone else fault. Yes, today especially service is slower but it is not because people don't want to do their jobs, the volume of calls from we sitting in our homes calling for often times frivolous stuff, the list goes on and on. My personal experience has almost always been positive, I think we all just need to be a bit more patient and understanding, our first world problems will be and mostly are addressed.
  6. Do you "need" one, ahhh no, but if you want one, by all means run out and do a Target run or just use a pocket
  7. There will be taxis and just do a Google search for Port of Bermuda Taxi Service, there’s a plethora of information with estimated rates included
  8. I would not even try it with my premium drink package
  9. OP simply asked a question about ability for XBox connection, not others opinions on how this family should or should not spend their vacation time.
  10. you have 5.8k posts here, me thinks you know what's going on...Brought to you by the letter G
  11. Do people pay these prices? No
  12. As a slo traveler I got a pretty good deal in a suite with this promo
  13. While I am very happy with Celebrity, esp the E-class ships, love them! Just to mix it up, we thought we might try Azamara but when we looked into their few ships, they all seem very tired and a bit outdated. I guess I am not exactly the supposed target demographic (I'm 60+) Celebrity markets to, but they did hit the target with me and the E-class design.
  14. I have to say, I just got off the phone with reservations. It started with a chat on the booking site where I was doing a mock booking. About 10 minutes in, the chat window popped up with a message asking if they can help with making a reservation. I said sure, gave him the ship/date I was interested in. He offered to call me and he did 5 minutes later, did what I needed him to do making the reservation and we were done in 15 minutes. While I was on the phone with him, he sent me the confirmation email, I reviewed it with him still on the phone and everything was perfect. I wish I could give "hims" name because he was super helpful with me, but I know even giving a reps first name here is a big NO NO. I also engaged him a bit of conversation re their life with customers these days, he said for the most part people have been nice but when they are impatient or frustrated they can and do take it out on the customer service reps. He also said they are very short staffed and really do their best to get to callers as quick as possible and a lot of their calls are spent dealing with stuff that can be addressed w/o a call and taken care of once on board but no matter, they still do their best to take care of whatever the caller is trying to do. Just my two cents and I say big kudos to my rep and Celebrity, it all went very smooth, efficient and quickly.
  15. I still don't understand why you refuse to make life on-board easier for you and Mrs. Pinboy, just lug a few cases of diet coke on-board with you, problem solved.
  16. Perhaps the smaller ships may be best for you. Oceania is able to dock at many of their ports due to the size of their ships.
  17. Yes and it’s so nice when we can all be in agreement on such an important issue
  18. Much of what you say is very true, but if no one cared how others dress, we would not be on this thread.
  19. You are relating the state penal code to a cruise line dress code interpretation?!? Me thinks you , oh never mind,…it’s very hot here today I need to find my shorts and t-shirt.
  20. Good to hear, that has almost always been my experience also, or at least 20 minutes max. Though I never call to request anything that I can do on board.
  21. Right now, with what is going on with air/airports, I would definitely be booking direct flights whenever possible and obviously it's your dime and your cruise, but flying the day of, even just 3 hours, no way I would take that chance. That's just me and others do travel same day, but whatever you decide, good luck!
  22. Does it really matter, no need to venture to guess, it happened, good job Celebrity WHOEVER it was and perhaps that "corporate" culture trickles down just a wee bit.
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