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Winifred 22

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Everything posted by Winifred 22

  1. I think you would need to clam on travel insurance.
  2. I thought that when I read the post. There is no way as a solo in her 60’s would have I got off and tried to sort it for myself. On a recent TA to New York on QM2 I just went on the Cunard excursion. Free time at the 9 /11 Memorial with the coach in sight was adventure enough for me. Even then a French couple probably a bit older asked me if they could walk around with me as they were uncomfortable venturing around on their own.
  3. I would have thought the way the meals are prepared en masse it would be quite difficult not to cross contaminate across several portions/ servings if there were any issues. Let’s hope the OP poster recovers soon from whatever it was. . My only problem with the food on Britannia in May was there was too much choice. I enjoyed all of the dinners and lunches. I had to be careful in the end or I could have had a cooked breakfast a two course lunch then a 3 course dinner plus afternoon tea from the buffet. A 5 oz steak was enough for me with everything else.
  4. On a recent Cunard cruise some days there were 4 Insight speakers not including the Art talks which I also enjoy.
  5. There are regularly trains from Southampton to Salisbury- strike dependant.( 30 mins ) It’s about a 20 walk from the station avoiding the town centre. Plenty of places to eat including Cathedral nearby. An easily doable excursion for the day.
  6. This what travel insurance is for. Your expenses would be reclaimed from your policy.
  7. Me too I take a cabin size suitcase just for shoes, toiletries, chargers and other non clothing stuff. Luckily I drive to port and never fly!!
  8. Had a lot of work done on it in the late 80’s early 90’s scaffolding round it for years. I still wonder at it it as I approach Salisbury from A338 at least once a week after all these years.
  9. Yes they did. Their chocolate cake slices were amazing. At one time they had 3 branches in Salisbury. When they started they were just cake and chocolate shops. The tea rooms were much later. It’s a French restaurant now. Does a very acceptable steak hache and frites.
  10. I remember those coach day trips. Straight to the supermarket for beer and wine. !! I think I used to pay about £10 including coach fare which was about 4 hours to Dover each way.
  11. Doesn’t seem to have and I do I follow them. As others have previously posted and debated current prices are very keen relatively speaking compared to a few years ago. I for one am enjoying the benefits of lower prices and discounted sailings and am am happy to accept the cut backs as a result. Everything costs more these days so either the offerings have to be reduced or the prices increased.
  12. You are correct. The cruise companies neither here in U K or USA for that matter received any form of state funding during the pause in operations hence the huge debts that all cruise lines now carry and are in the process of reducing.
  13. The cruise industry did not receive any subsidies. No Carnival shareholder dividends were paid or are yet to be in the foreseeable future until the debts have reduced. As a shareholder I speak from a point of knowledge.
  14. So how else are they going to pay off the huge debts incurred during the pause in operations that allowed them to stay in business. I don’t think people would be very happy either with vastly inflated prices. They need to cut costs across all brands.
  15. I don’t think so as you would be given a different World Club number I think but others may be able to correct me on this.
  16. Yes they do get entertainment budgets/ allowances in some departments so that was handy you could benefit.
  17. Oh I can see that could be interesting but since the restart I have never seen any officers dining in the Britannia restaurant on any length of cruise. Family travel has only recently been allowed again so perhaps that is why. As a solo I wouldn’t probably want to join in with a pre-established crowd but glad you have benefitted from the opportunity.
  18. I can never understand why people want to interact with the officers. It doesn’t bother me if I do or don’t see them around or not and certainly am not bothered to dine with them. As long as they are doing their job and keeping us all safe that’s good enough for me. I do like the Captain’ announcements though.
  19. I agree for tourists and occasional visitors Salisbury is not to be missed but as a local after 60 plus years I have seen a lot of change and do enjoy venturing further afield . Pre Pandemic Castlepoint was my Saturday go to but have never really got back into it. My favourite at John Lewis is the lemon meringue pie slice and sitting in a window seat watching whoever is on port.
  20. Thank you for taking the time for your review. It’s just shows how different everybody’s perceptions and expectations are. I recently did a 14 day T A on QM2 and my experiences don’t at all resonate with how you perceived yours. As a regular Cunard traveller I hope you do give them another try. I have never since the pause filled out a review but I should have to say they would be 5 star. I am sorry too you didn’t like Southampton. I work there one day a week my daughter has her boat in one of the marinas there. I think it has a lot to offer much more than my other nearest town Salisbury.
  21. Glad you managed to get something from your TA by way of compensation. Enjoy your cruise
  22. Is there anyway you Could you not share your contact person’s details with this poor poster ?
  23. This may sound silly but why don’t you go and get your luggage yourself now you know it’s been found ? If I had lost precious items I think I would want to take over myself and not risk they could be mislaid again.
  24. Have a check you are allowed to book if you are not staying on board usually the tours are for guests who are just there for the day. When I did it in the summer the 4 hour round New York was for round trip voyages only . We had our tour then everybody back onboard. Perhaps some airport transfers include a tour?
  25. The tick box would have applied to the potential free upgrades in the past. The bidding system is completely different as it comes with the additional cost of whatever may be accepted as your bid if you are lucky.
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