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Posts posted by JAM37

  1. Good morning. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I have a black teddy bear sitting on one of our living room chairs. I bought it at Kohl's when I bought our grandson one along with a matching book. He is very appropriate for living in the mountains of North Georgia.


    I enjoy most word and number puzzles including sudoku.


    The meal looks good as well as comforting.


    DH said last night that he does not feel as winded when walking from one room to another. I was ecstatic to hear that.


    As the day past the pain in my back lessened. It helped me forget about it for a while when we booked a short cruise for February. 🎉 Not on a BHB, so I'm not sure it's okay to mention other lines here. (I will be on the NA in December.)


    Wishing you all a terrific day.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.



    • Like 24
  2. Good morning. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    Literacy is so important, I agree it should be every day. Love date nut bread, honestly I love most bread. The ampersand is a great symbol...as a pianist it looks similar to the treble clef.


    The quote is great advice.


    Looking forward to the schnitzel recipe as well as more pictures of the port.


    DH continues to improve, his voice is even getting back to normal.


    I've been getting quite a bit of housework done the last couple of days, but think today will be a rest day as I woke up with back pains.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.


    Hoping everyone has a great day.

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  3. Good morning. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes. A salute to Grandma Moses. No rain here, but definitely looks like we'll get some before today is over.


    The meal looks and sounds good to me.


    Love the quote.


    DH says he feels like he is heading towards the end of this ordeal. We have some important calls to make which he feels like he is strong enough to handle today so we'll see how many get taken care of and how he feels afterwards.


    @kazu sorry to hear about your dahlias.


    @cat shepard happy you got some of your gardening taken care of and that it sounds like you are being cautious.


    I look forward to hearing from our friends on the Nieuw Amsterdam today. 


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.

    • Like 27
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  4. 1 hour ago, kazu said:


    Yes, for a cruise.  I have 2 on the go.  They are both in my signature actually so my roll call can access them easily.  No big secret at all 😉 


    Both cruises are a bit away so they are at their infancy stage.


    If you expand my signature, I still have the PDF there for roll call members when our ship and embarkation was changed at their request.  That one is more complete.

    Thank you. I will look at it tomorrow on my laptop as I can't see signatures on my phone. 😕

    • Like 3
  5. 9 hours ago, kazu said:

    Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Monday smile 🙂 


    Good combination of days.  I started the morning off early fighting procrastination when I added a tour to my spread sheet from a post later last night. I celebrate read a book every day 😉 


    Happy Labour Day everyone!




    It’s also New Year’s for our Jewish CC friends - Rosh Hashanah - so for them:




    oh that quote is so true, sadly.  The meal sounds really interesting and a Sauvignon Blanc from Down Under sounds great!


    Civitavecchia is just just a stop for a lot of people as they head to Rome.  If you have been or don’t want the drive, Civi offers a lot to see.  It has it’s own ruins, charm and some nice sites and restaurants and cafes.


    We’re always talking about wines, drinks & drinking and when I saw this one, I just had to share:




    Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


    Have a great Labour Day everyone!!!!!!




    Stay safe and please don’t forget your 😷 

    Is the spreadsheet for a cruise? If so, would you be willing to share it with me via email or here?


    Thanks for the laughs, the memes you post are great. 😁

    • Like 5
  6. 16 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


    Thanks, Julia!  I hope they don't find anything too concerning, but it would be nice to know why this cough continues on and on.


    I hope also that your DH is feeling better day by day.  In my neighbor Brenda's case, it happened suddenly that she perked up and felt normal again.  Took her a month.  How long has it been for your DH?

    Today is day 27.

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  7. 1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Wow, sorry to take up so much space here but wanted to respond to everyone for their many wishes for us today.  Thank you so much my friends!  


    A great group of days today.  I think sometimes I do procrastinate when it's something I really don't want to do.  Of course today is Labor Day and like I said, it's great you all get a holiday to celebrate my anniversary!  LOL!  As for Read a Book Day, I'm currently reading a book called "Maiden Voyages: Magnificent Ocean Liners and the Women Who Traveled and Worked Aboard Them" by Sian Evans.  It's on my Kindle.  The author goes into great detail about some of their lives so sometimes it feels like a gossip mag.  😄


    Civitavecchia is a great little port and the gateway to Rome.  We've been there so many times I had to check my "chart".  Nine time!  Quite a few times we've spent time roaming around town instead of heading into Rome.  Perhaps I'll find a few photos to share of Civi instead of Rome.


    But first a photo of DH and me cutting the cake at our reception.  I was 19, working at the time, and paid for the entire wedding myself.  We had 275 friends and family members there, but remember things were a lot cheaper in 1969!  My handsome DH was 21 and an engineering student at the time.  I continued working and helped put him through college.  Our daughter didn't arrive until 3 years later after he graduated.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIlcZk5WIPvuJMvxDBNQAUdV7ntXQOewWgszVPDOQPWWw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1630791029

    Beautiful picture!


    Please let me know how your appointment goes on Friday.

    • Like 5
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  8. Happy Labor Day. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes to come.


    Reading is one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately I do procrastinate at times.


    I agree with what Roy said about the quote.


    The meal definitely sounds interesting.


    The port is another one on my bucket list.


    It 64 degrees and raining this early morning in North Georgia.


    DH had another good night's sleep, so hopefully he will report that he feels like he is improving. Not sure how to help him with the breathing...he gets completely winded just walking to the bathroom.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.

    • Like 24
  9. 1 hour ago, dfish said:

    I have a favor to ask.   Would anyone be willing to post the recipe links while I am gone?   It would be from Friday, September 10th through Monday September 20th.   Let me know if you would.  You can reach me at chebble1 at yahoo dot com.


    Unfortunately, Donna has had to cancel.   She had new back x-rays taken and the orthopedic surgeon called her in and wants to do her hip replacement this week.  He said her hip is very unstable and she would probably suffer a break and fall in the very near future.  We don't want that to happen on the cruise!   Also, she occasionally uses a portable oxygen concentrator, but only for flying.   She wouldn't need it on the ship, but if she brings it, they would not let her board.   So, she will be staying home to get a new hip.  

    Sorry Donna will miss the cruise. I'll be praying that her surgery goes well and that she has a complete and quick recovery. 

    • Like 5
  10. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes that I know will follow.


    Charity is needed in all forms around the world 🌍. Thin crust cheese pizza is like a savory pastry. The girls next door occasionally show us their painted pet rocks. If I am not at least 10 minutes early, I am late.


    Love the quote...it is good advice.


    Looking forward to the meal recipe. 


    DH is still sleeping which is a good thing.


    I look forward to pictures and hearing how everyone is doing today.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.



    • Like 27
  11. 3 minutes ago, kazu said:

    Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Saturday smile 🙂 


    Good collection of days although I think manners should be brought to work and everywhere are every day.  I’m glad I looked up National Tailgating day as I thought it was referring to the bad drivers too.  I guess I led a sheltered life as I’ve never been to a tailgating party.




    I like the Bach quote and the meal suggestion.  


    Looks like it’s going to be a cool and rainy labour day weekend here.  Too bad for those with plans  and travelling this weekend.  Just as long as no one stops to ask me for directions they’ll be safe.  I tend to reverse things 😉 




    @cat shepardBe careful in the garden, please.  I know you’re excited to not use the crutch but it’s a good idea to have it with you.  You don’t want to risk a fall right now. 😳 


    @LAFFNVEGAS @dobiemom@travelingbums @atexsix Bon Voyage!!  Enjoy stepping back on board your BHB.


    Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


    Have a great Saturday everyone !!!!!!




    Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

    @kazu lol I am terrible with directions. 

    • Like 9
  12. Happy Saturday. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists.


    Unfortunately manners seem to be a thing of the past. I love bacon. Tailgating...another appropriate day considering the start of football season.


    Love the quote.


    I enjoy wings, but not buffalo sauce.


    Never been to Australia, look forward to any pictures.


    DH is still feeling better. I'm going to try to get him to take a short walk each day so he will hopefully start gaining strength back in his lungs and legs.


    Bon Voyage to those cruising soon. I'd love to see pictures and hear about your trips.


    I hope that waiting for test results have good news today.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.


    Have a great day.


    • Like 22
  13. 58 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, all, an interesting day and weekend coming up.  DD who lives with us has not been feeling well, and the doctor decreed she go and get tested, so she has an appointment for 4 this afternoon.  Results should be back in 24 hours, but I'm not sure if that will mean Saturday, or perhaps Tuesday!  One test we are hoping she fails....  She can't think of anywhere she might have picked up a bug as she is religious about wearing a mask, but did have to take it off at the periodontist last week.  


    Anyway, we have cancelled all our activities for a few days, too, until we know what is going on with her.   I had planned to do some grocery shopping, but will try to put it off.  The only thing I am really low on is milk, I may have to ask a neighbour to pick some up for us, if they are going out.   Or I may just have to go without.  Or make up a list and get things delivered.  That might be better, I think I will stay very quiet about this until we know what it is.


    @kazu and @richwmn, our Eurodam itinerary has evidently been changed for the October 18 cruise, too.  I just can't access it on my computer.  

    I too hope she fails this test. I pray the results are negative and that you find out tomorrow so you don't have to wonder all the long weekend.

    • Like 9
  14. Good morning. Thank you for the Daily and lists. Thanks also to those who will provide the recipes. 


    It is a cool and breezy 60 degrees here in the north Georgia mountains this morning. Quite refreshing.


    I like to look at skyscrapers as we drive through different cities. Special love to the food banks, the people who run them and their volunteers. Lazy Mom Day...🤔 Don't think I had one of those until my children were at least teens. College colors day is appropriate with college football starting this week.


    I am interested in the recipe for today as I do love fish.


    Never been to the port.


    It looks like our celebration list is longer than our cares list which is nice to see.


    DH took a sleep aid, slept well and is feeling better this morning. No headache, no body aches, just the cough.


    For those of you traveling this long weekend stay safe and enjoy.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.




    • Like 24
  15. Good afternoon. The internet was slow this morning, so I did my shopping and chores first.


    Thank you for the Daily, Lists and Recipes. VJ Day is a good day to celebrate. I love coconut, but not as much as DH. I make him a coconut cream pie for his birthday and Christmas. I had never heard of Calendar Adjustment Day. @grapau27 thank you for the explanation.


    I love cauliflower, but this could not be THE meal for us since DH eats very few vegetables and cauliflower is not one of them.


    The quote is certainly an interesting one.


    Greece has been on my list since I was quite young. Would love to do a cruise and also spend time on the ground there.


    DH is not feeling well at all today. I know he doesn't want to get "hooked" on anything, but he took a PM medication three nights in a row, slept well and the days following were when he started feeling better. Now he has not taken the sleep aids for two nights, did not sleep well and had regressed. We will see what tomorrow brings. Thank you for your continued prayers.


    @VictOriann I agree with you regarding the note taking. As I read today I was trying to keep track of everyone... impossible without notes.


    @mamaofami please take care of yourself and reach out for help. 


    Thankful we did not have damage from Ida and prayers for all who have and those still in her path.


    Prayers and praises for those on our lists.



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