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Everything posted by icft

  1. So, there is lots of bashing on the internet and Carnival gets more than most? The poll results don't look good...🤣
  2. Thanks. Had a great time following but it was over way too fast. Please do it again (but I guess you've heard that one before). Uh! That didn't come out quite right...
  3. Well, it is only humane to protect the sex workers from those young British men.
  4. Kind of reeks of inferiority complex... The confident it doesn't bother, they banter in kind. Those who fear inferiority are sensitive to criticism (mom, the guys on the other team are calling us names. Make them stop.).
  5. You wouldn't have to explain that to Celebrity cruisers... 😇
  6. I'm just amused at how the word "elitism" has become one of the most misused words. Not liking something or preferring one thing over another is not elitism.
  7. You did 15 drinks yesterday and a bunch today in Key West. Even without extreme heat and humidity and walking today that calls for lots of rehydration. With the extreme heat and humidity it calls for an I.V. or lots of water and rest. You don't have a bag of saline, tubing and needle so rest up!
  8. The seagoing version of the classic canoe on a lake style.
  9. I'm thrilled to see it for two reasons. Carnival does a pretty good job with chicken noodle soup and after a night of heavy drinking nothing sits on my stomach better than soup. Glad to see the "Fun Ships" breaking out of nursing home hours. Now if they can just stop with the "reveille" speaker announcements at 9am....
  10. We really like the Dream class but one thing we don't care for on them is the high glass at the railing. We go on deck to be outside. On these decks it is like looking through a window except it is hot and you get wet when it rains.
  11. If someone thinks that then only someone with no sense of humor will set them straight...
  12. Seeing this thread made my day. Thanks for taking us along once again.
  13. Well, to each his own. We've been on well over 40 cruises with never an issue but my therapist gave me a much simpler solution.
  14. But I would note that when booking through the Carnival site there would be no need for anyone to physically put changes into the system as the customer puts the change in. I expect all cruise lines do this as a carry over from the days before computers when people had to manually make changes on paper. It's free money for the cruise lines. Just another reason I rank the ethics of cruise lines a bit below used car dealers. You have to know what kind of people you are dealing with. Knowing that you can still do business with them with proper precautions. In this situation you know to not name guests until check-in.
  15. I question most companies I do business with for many reasons. One is to get a feel for a companies level of ethics. If something doesn't make sense I think most people would ask questions. That is how you learn. In this case naming a travel companion then changing that travel companion before check-in incurring a $200 charge when just waiting until check-in to name a travel companion incurs no charge doesn't make sense to me. So I asked
  16. Judging from the responses I guess they do it just because they can. That is perfectly legal and they don't hide it. But I do feel differently about companies that set easily avoidable traps for the unwary just because they can than I do about companies that don't set traps. TBA till on-line check-in should be a CC sticky post as a community service.
  17. I understand those are their terms and I have no problem with it because they state those terms. I'm just trying to find out if there is any reason, besides "because we can" for the charge. What costs do they incur if the name is changed prior to on-line check in? It just seems like a trap for those who don't know to leave the other names TBA until check-in.
  18. They can set any terms and conditions they want but I am curious if anyone knows why they charge for changing the name of non-booking guest. I can see if the person under whose VIFP number the cabin was booked changed - essentially that is a cancellation - but others? Is it "just because we can?"
  19. Carnival, intentionally or by happenstance, has traditionally attempted to be the sea going equivalent of the post WWII British "holiday camps." The holiday camps started before the war (when the first were actual camps with tents) but their heyday was after the war. They were land based lodging with organized activities for the guests to keep them onsite. While it really doesn't capture the feel, this link has some information. Note all the entertainment options: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiday_camp The true essence of the holiday camps, in my opinion, was they pulled the guests into activities. They didn't just have things available they pushed you into engaging. Many a family laughed for years over what dad ended up finding himself doing. The extent to which Carnival still has that approach or is effective in that approach is questionable these days but that is what the "Fun Ship" is all about.
  20. While I can't speak to snorkeling from Mahogany Bay beach I can say it is a nice beach day experience. I would urge caution when looking at West Bay beach resort day passes. Take a look at the place on Google Maps at the least. We once went on one of those through Carnival excursions and only by dumb luck was it enjoyable. Many of these "resorts" are hotels or motels with maybe a couple of hundred feet of beach front all squeezed together sitting right up against beach. The real killer though is up to high tide point is public property and swarmed with folks selling things quite loudly and obnoxiously. As a beach this place, and the dozen or so neighboring it, was the pits. What saved us was we ran across a small group of folks from Dallas who were a riot. We spent the day sitting at a nice table under a palm tree drinking and laughing. One alternative that is good for the beach and snorkeling experience is Maya Key. Being an island there are no merchants hawking their goods and it has a nice beach and a pier for snorkeling. But if you would not be interested in the included food (good) and wildlife sanctuary (including wild parrots around the place) and if the snorkeling at the port is good then the port may be the better choice.
  21. Actually I think all those dishes look much better than Carnival dishes. But I have never let looks influence me when it comes to food. In this case the multiple live reviews for Virgin from folks who have sailed both Carnival and Virgin all say Virgin blows Carnival out of the water when it comes to included food. Since the question is who has the best food, price and class envy really have no bearing.
  22. Agree. I can't say we have ever had a problem getting enough. When they bring the butter we always ask for more and it quickly arrives.
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