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Everything posted by Nickelpenny

  1. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three good days to celebrate and a very thought provoking quote. I have done broccoli and cauliflower roasted - sometimes together - I think I would like this as a side dish. The Gibson sounds good, the wine is too expensive for my taste and I have never been to Ushuaia. Interesting history day. Yesterday it rained almost all day, sometimes heavy. We do have a slight break in the rain and it is expected to return this afternoon. But this keeps the temps moderate; presently it is 49F heading up to ~60F. Did go out yesterday to pick up some needed stuff but never made it to the grocery store. So had pizza for dinner. Ordered an electric lap blanket from Amazon that was delivered yesterday. Poor Amazon driver. It was rainy and dark by time he came to deliver the package. My apartment is hard to find and I occasionally get my packages delivered to other doors. So I waited and watched the tracking app until he arrived. Of course, he couldn't find me so I walked out and knocked on his driver's door. He was very appreciative. Nothing planned for today except PT. Maybe the grocery store. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  2. Good morning from a dark and dreary Tucson. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. I love sweat pants and wear them a lot. I have one pair of cheesy socks - knee highs that are a "giraffe". Got them when I was on the teacher/staff dance team Ruckus and our theme for the dance was the 80's. I don't think I will celebrate Playdate day, though. Sad, but true quote. Oh, the meal!! Yum as I do love broccoli rabe. May need to try that tonight as I have nothing planned. Drink - maybe, no to the wine and I wish I had gotten the job in Singapore but I was too old for the business visa. 😪 I slept in today until 0645. Woke up and it was so dark I thought my clock was wrong. It is sprinkling but this will keep the temps in the mid 50s today so a very nice day. I have to run out and get some groceries as I didn't yesterday and maybe do some cooking. Martina has been sticking to me like glue. Not really sure why. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  3. I just looked at the status of my Brazilian visa - that I don't need anymore!!! 🥴 - and it states "Approved"!!! I not sure exactly what that means and I haven't received an email with the actual visa yet but.........
  4. Well, good morning to all!! Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. I truly believe everyone should be accepted by all no matter what. Cheese - oh, cheese! LOVE it - by itself, with crackers, on food, anytime. But pass on the butternut crunch (yuck). Interesting quote, meal sounds good, no to the drink and wine (way too sweet), and never been to Bari. 2 good days in history; I love Hong Kong and Turkey! We will have a warm day today (projected up to high 70s) but a storm is on its way bringing cold temps and rain for tomorrow. May need to go out and get more fireplace logs. Had a good day yesterday with some of the kids remembering me and asked me how I liked my cruise to Hawaii. Received a confirmation call for a study I will be in for next Wed. I don't remember what this one is about but it is from the Psychology Department at the UofA (Memory Clinic). Off to the gym and then maybe to Lowe's. Should get some groceries but we will see. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  5. I had that same question so I searched and figured out how (and I see Jacqui has explained it). I have always wondered about this when I see people reference their signatures!
  6. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Had popcorn last night so may need to have some tonight, and I forget how to make the potions to make some people disappear! 🤭 Like the quote and the meal sounds delicious but not the drink and I can't afford the "wine"!! Never been to the port. 3 interesting history days. I am glad it is Friday because the weekend is just around the corner! It is a nice start to the day with the temps at 45F and we will get up to mid 70s with mostly cloudy skies. We are expecting rain on Sunday but we will see. Off to sub today for the Jr High Technology class. Should be fun. Thoughts for those on the care list. @seagarsmoker I am keeping my 🤞that you get good news today. Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  7. Happy Thursday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. I love doing maintenance myself so will celebrate the day. When I worked fast food I was not a fan of customers and their ridiculous wants. As the Burger King slogan sort of goes "No, you CAN'T have it your way!" LOL!! As a nurse, when we started looking at patients as customers - let's just say, I was not amused. I refuse to buy gourmet coffee - coffee is coffee!! Though I may add a little cinnamon and chocolate with the coffee grounds in the coffee maker. Totally agree with the quote!! Yum on the potatoes, the drink sounds like the "Mariner's Cocktail" I get with my little coupon on embarkation, the wine sounds good, and I have been to Newport RI but not on a BHB. Interesting day in Australian history! @seagarsmoker Lots of good thoughts going your way for your interview later today! 🤞 It has already been a busy morning - up at 0400, gym at 0530 and then a first visit for a study I am enrolled. PT later today and hopefully I can change it from 1600 to something earlier. We did a weigh-in and measurements at the gym. We hadn't done it for a long, long time. Cruising has had an impact on my progress!!🤭 I am up 10# from my lowest weight 15 months ago but down almost 30# since I started working out 5.5 years ago. So not bad I think. I looked into the Alexa Emergency Response and I think I will do it. Ordered the newest Alexa for my bedroom as I already have a Dot in my living room. If you have Amazon Prime, it is $59/year or $5.99/month and is only available to US residents. Granted, you have to be able to shout out to Alexa, but I figured if I couldn't, it wouldn't matter anyway. We will see how it works. I had heard of services that does a check-in daily but that just wouldn't fit into my way of life. (but thanks for that suggestion). Thoughts for all of those on the care list and those who have lost people in their lives recently. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  8. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a fan of Betty White and Franklin and love cable cars so I will celebrate those days. Katharine Hepburn was one of my favorite actresses and the quote is true albeit dark. Meal sounds interesting but I don't like stout but...... No on the drink, yes to the wine and never been to the port. Cool world expedition days in history!! Thanks for all the suggestions/comments on the Apple watch and texting. I just saw today that Alexa can also do emergency stuff but I need to research it more. I think the last time I looked you needed a home phone line. But it was only $59/year. Busy day today - off to get a CT of the chest (follow up) and then mani/pedi. My PT yesterday scolded me for doing so much as I went in really hurting. Oops!! 🤭 My Brazilian visa is now being checked so we will see. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  9. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I love dragons and books so I will celebrate those. But most of all, I love spicy/hot food!! I have to tone down most of my culinary creations if I want other people to eat them. Still pondering the quote and I would like the Swiss Chard as a side dish. The drink sounds very interesting - I had to go look up what Raki was. I do like Pinot Noir and never been to the port. Interesting days in history. I woke up late today and missed the gym. I turned off the 0400 alarm and then closed my eyes. Opened them again and it was 0545! The other ladies I work out with had texted me asking if I was ok. And this brings to the forefront something that I have been struggling with for a while now. When I was working, I always told my colleagues that if I didn't show up 5-10 minutes before the start of work or let them know I was going to be late, someone needed to check on me because something was probably wrong. Since retiring, I really am never expected anywhere (except the gym 3x/week) and even if I didn't show up for a sub gig, they wouldn't worry. I have thought about getting something like a Life Alert but deep down inside it just makes me depressed - I am now "old" because those are for "old" people. I had looked into the new Apple watch because it has a fall alert on it but I am not sure if it was one of the ones that could no longer be sold in the States. I am such a homebody and really don't like socializing; asking anyone to check on me occasionally would just eat me alive. Decisions, decisions. Speaking of spicy food - I made a delicious spicy salsa yesterday. And made some corn muffins. Today will be some chicken with sautéed mushrooms and steamed broccoli. Ok, I am hungry already. Thoughts for those on the care list. I shiver every time I read the temps in Canada. I guess I can't complain about my low of 39F. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  10. Good morning on MLK day, a day of service! Sorry but will pass celebrating a sorority and blue Monday but will raise a glass on brew Monday! I like the quote; my motto is "I don't want to be sitting in my rocking chair at 95 and say - I wish I would have done that. Instead, I want to remember the great time I had." Oh, chili - looks so good but I made some recently so I will just have to pass. I like chocolate but just No, no! Yes to the wine and never been to Albany, WA, Australia. I am a King Henry the VIII fan. I like to read/watch documentaries on him. Not so cold this morning (35F) and it will get to around the high 60s with sun. So it will be a nice day. Only partially finished what I wanted to accomplish yesterday so will finish those little tasks today. Had menudo for dinner and it wasn't too bad, even though I cooked the tripe in my instant pot. I missed eating it on New Year's Day so I am just a tad late. I did make the red version - more like what you find in CA - instead of the white version you find here in AZ. I have been eating menudo since I was a child; I thought the tripe was the outside of a sheep as it always looked furry to me. Once I found out what tripe was, it was too late - I loved menudo! Decided to cancel my subbing gig for tomorrow (1/2 day at the school I went to on Friday). Just didn't enjoy it as much as others and it is a 30 minute drive to get out there. So not really worth it to go. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating! Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. C-sections are a blessing for many, I would love to fly a kite and I think dressing up a pet is just not something anyone should do!! Good quote!! The meal sounds absolutely intriguing and I saved the recipes. Yum, yum, yum on the drink and wine, and never been to the port. That the Spanish King abdicated on this date in history is such a coincidence as Queen Margrethe handed over the crown today to her son. I loved the Today Show and once went to stand out in the audience on the plaza. Had about 5 seconds on tv!! While our temps are nowhere near as frigid as some of you, we have a cold desert morning with it being about 37F right now. We will head up to mid 60s with sun so ultimately a pleasant day. After the gym yesterday, not much was accomplished though I did finish my menudo. I don't think I like cooking it in the instant pot but it was ok. That will be dinner for tonight. Today is cleaning and laundry and chilling. I have to admit I had to go look up what a toque was. I have never heard that term before. @rafinmd sorry you had a nose bleed. I used to hate when patients would come into the ER with them and we couldn't stop it. Many times we would insert a nasal tampon like they did with you or we would cauterize the offending vessel. I hope all is well today for you. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  12. I disembarked Jan 3rd and noticed my account was updated yesterday (it could have been earlier but I don't check every day).
  13. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. I will celebrate 2 of the days but not peach melba (I do not like peaches unless they come from a can!). True quote, the meal sounds delicious as well as the drink and wine. Never been to the port and what a day for Microsoft. I would read the National Geographic magazine and dream of far away places for most of my life. My first sojourn from Riyadh was to Paris. As I was standing on top of the Eiffel Tower I said to myself "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to be here. I have only seen these things in the National Geographic". 16 years later I have been very lucky in my career and life to see much, much more. I rarely can't sleep but last night it alluded me. My mind was racing and I couldn't turn it off. Consequently, I "slept in" until 0630 and the temp was ~33F. Coffee made and then off to the gym. I do my PT exercises there. I was super sore before working out but I think the cold has something to do with it. I was told by the therapist to dial down on the weights and try to isolate certain muscle groups. I find myself not wanting to move but know I have to keep doing so. Maybe that was why I was/am in a funk. Oh well. Yesterday was interesting as I really had to implement "manage and engage instead of control" for one of the classes I was subbing for. I only had 2 classes and one only had 2 students (Career Exploration). We did a SWOT analysis and thank goodness I am VERY familiar with those!! LOL!! Not sure if I would go back to the school though I am scheduled back there in the coming week. My lease renewal just came in. Not too much of an increase thank goodness. In 7 1/2 years it has only gone up $300 so I think that is pretty good. I like it here. For those of you in the frigid weather, stay warm and safe. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  14. When I lived in South Dakota, the temp on my back steps was -24F. I flew to Barrow, AK the next day and arrived to a temp of -6F. This was in ~2002! 😬
  15. Happy Friday and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Curried chicken sounds good, no ginger around to kiss, and I occasionally drink hot tea. Fantastic quote. I laughed when I saw another butternut squash meal; there must have been a bumper crop!! Yes on the drink (had one on my Hawaiian cruise and it was delicious), no on the wine, and I have been to Sitka twice in 2022. Great day for Sweden and a sobering thought about Gandhi. It is 29F on the way up to mid 50s. We got some rain and hail yesterday but by the time I left the school, it had stopped with partly sunny skies. The hard freeze warning expires at 1000 and it should be a nice day. When I got to the school yesterday, they asked if I would sub for Spanish instead of Science. No problem. Kids were squirrelly but what was funny - many of the 6th graders came from the elementary school I had last year as their school nurse. So I recognized a lot of the names and they recognized me! Today, I sub only 1/2 a day but I noticed last night they want me to stay all day. I can't. So I have to call them and/or let them know I can't - I have PT right after. @seagarsmoker Good luck on the second interview! 🤞 Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Stay warm and have a great day everyone!
  16. @Cruzin Terri I thought about you all day. I am so sorry your fears were realized but based on things you had said, I also feared the worst. I know I am relatively new here but you are in my thoughts. 💝
  17. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. We all should know the hazard of smoking 🤫, I have no boy to hug and I remember having a "hot toddy" as a youngster when we were sick (blackberry brandy, honey and lemon). Funny quote, pass on the drink, meal and libation sounds wonderful and never been to Nha Trang. My last husband was a ham radio operator (did it in the Navy) and I remember when he would do the dots and dashes instead of CQ, CQ!! Insulin - what can I say - it is a life saver for many. Well, it is not as cold here as many of you - presently 42F climbing to ~50F this afternoon. But we are under a wind advisory from 1100-1900 today with a hard freeze tonight. We are under clear skies but a storm is heading our way from the NE. Yesterday was productive with getting my eye exam - no change - and ordering my sunglasses. Made the minestrone, stopped the yogurt draining and putting it into individual servings with fruit puree and cooking the tripe in anticipation for making menudo today or tomorrow. Roasted some Spanish peanuts and then chilled. Subbing today for a 6th grade science teacher. Should be fun. Did work out this morning and did my PT exercises as a warm up. We are going to weigh in next week and I think I am up 10# from my lowest weight. Dang those cruises! LOL!! I got the official notice from HAL that we no longer need the Brazilian visa but mine is still in the process. We will see. @Cruzin Terri thinking of you today as you and your DH go to the doc; hopefully there is a plan going forward. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  18. Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I do like bittersweet chocolate as I use it alot when making desserts (which I am not real good at). I kill houseplants so I appreciate the one I have kept alive for almost 6 years (it was a gift for achieving School Nurse National Certification). I will gladly celebrate cut your energy day!! As I hate forced air - both heating and AC, I keep the temp very low in the winter (60F) and very high in the summer (~90F) in the house. I would rather put on clothes, fire in the fireplace or lap blankets in the winter and ceiling/standing fans in the summer. 🙃 The meal sounds tempting, pass on the wine and drink, and never been to Sasebo. No on the quote and interesting history days. It is another cold start to the day here in the desert. Presently 30F under clear skies with a prediction to make it to 60F. We have a wind advisory for tomorrow during the day with winds up to 55mph. We will see. I am glad to read everyone is warm and safe after the storms went through your areas!! What wild weather!! PT yesterday, coupled with the gym in the AM, made for a very yucky day. All over soreness was on tap and it seemed that it coupled into leg cramps. I don't drink enough water during the day (I know!!) so I have to do better. I did go out and buy some of the ingredients I didn't have for minestrone but was a slug last evening and had popcorn!! So today, I will make that plus some menudo. I love to cook as I find it relaxing; most things are from scratch. I rarely have things in the cupboard. I will be going to get an eye exam and new sunglasses to replace the ones I lost in the ocean at Bimini!! 🤭 @kazu Jacqui, I am glad you didn't break any bones in your arm!! I hate black ice!! Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  19. I was upgraded once from an inside to an OV. I didn't know until embarkation and noticed the cabin number was different when checking in with the facial recognition thingy! Pleasantly surprised! (this was last October).
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